Abyss Knight

Chapter 685

Demons screamed and the abyss breathed into the sky. More and more demons gathered here and began their carnival.

"It\'s crazy." kukas took a deep breath and looked at the crazy demons below. He didn\'t know what to say for a moment. He did not know how important the devil\'s lair was to the demons, so he could not understand the mentality of these demons.

"Where did you get the materials for building this devil\'s nest?" just as kukas watched the demons Carnival below, the projection of the first authority crossed the space crack and appeared here with a serious face.

"What\'s up?"

"The materials for building the devil\'s nest are very precious, even in our ice and snow city. If you can still find those materials, I can pay you a lot of benefits." the first person in power actually understood the role of the devil\'s nest, so he immediately moved some thoughts when he saw that kukas could provide the materials for building the devil\'s nest.

"I saved it myself before." kukas smiled in a low voice. "I\'m afraid I can\'t do it now."

"Maybe we can build a magic plant plantation. With this thing, we can cultivate some magic materials by ourselves. In this way, we can not only greatly increase our combat effectiveness, but also alleviate the pressure of the alliance."

"Magic plantation? Is that thing OK?" the first person in power was stunned. She didn\'t know that thing. In the ice city, all supplies are provided to them by the alliance and those empires. But they only manage the battle, regardless of how the materials are obtained.

"Maybe, maybe not. How can you know if you don\'t try?"

"There\'s no need to try. I\'ll leave this place in 30 years. Some things still give people a headache later!" the projection of the first authority smiled softly: "there is this devil\'s nest here, and I\'ll send 100000 demons to stay here. Well, they are powerful demons. They will help you sit in the three empires."

"Maybe not so many demons." kukas flicked his fingers, and the metal gloves clanked, which sounded like the roar of war drums.

"Whether you need it or not, there must be enough demons stationed here. The devil\'s nest in the ice and snow city can\'t meet the needs of those demons at all. Now you have another devil\'s nest here, so you can\'t leave it idle at all. Moreover, the people at the gate of heaven will find a way to destroy the devil\'s nest. If the guard force is too weak Weak words can easily lead to some bad things. "

"All right! Do what you want! I\'m just sitting on the three empires. The guard of the devil\'s nest is left to those demons." kukas took a deep breath and focused on the devil\'s nest below.

The devil\'s lair was constantly changing in the cheers of tens of thousands of demons. Some meat membranes began to spread to the sky. They continued to spread to the sky based on the top of some buildings, and finally shrouded the sky of the whole devil\'s lair. From the outside, we can no longer see the strange buildings made by the demons. We can only see a layer of slowly creeping flesh film.

"It takes three days for the dead devil to revive with the help of the power of the devil\'s nest, so there are so many demons here to protect it." when the first person in power turned and left, he subconsciously explained the reason why he sent so many demons here.

"It\'s no use telling me this. I\'m just sitting here in charge of the Three Kingdoms according to the results of everyone\'s discussion." kukas laughed strangely and didn\'t care what information was hidden behind the words of the first power holder.

What he wants is different from the first person in power and even most professionals here, so he doesn\'t pay attention to some things at all.

"Roar!" a strange cry sounded in the closed devil\'s nest. With the strange sound in the nest, tens of thousands of demons around shouted, but they poured into the devil\'s nest.

The flesh membrane wriggled and let tens of thousands of demons pass through. Kukas wanted to enter it and carefully check the changes after the formation of the devil\'s nest, but when he was three or five miles away from the meat membrane, he felt the strong smell of danger emanating from it. He hesitated a little and then put out the idea of entering the devil\'s nest.

Tens of thousands of demons only took a few breaths to drill into the nest, while kukas frowned slightly, took out a burning black flag with his backhand and shook it.

The black flag shook, and white lights emerged from the air. The white light hit the earth and burst instantly. Hundreds of green people who reached the peak of the seventh order came out of each white light.

Of course, these green skins were not randomly summoned by him, but obtained from the ice and snow city. In the ice and snow city, they are all under kukas, so calling them will not cause any unrest.

More than three thousand seven steps peak green skin appeared around, and kukas commanded them to start building houses.

It is said to build a residence. In fact, it is just digging a large amount of soil and gravel beside the devil\'s nest, and then piling up several humble houses.

The green people\'s craft is very poor, and the houses built are just barely sheltering from the wind and snow. But that\'s enough for kukas. After all, he didn\'t come here to enjoy it.

The roof and surrounding of the house are covered with thick ice, and a small window is left on the wall.

After some magic branches are lit, they are burned in the simple fireplace. Each of these magic branches can burn for more than ten days and nights. In these more than ten days and nights, they will not only emit a lot of heat, but also emit strange fragrance.

These scents can relieve the mental fatigue of professionals. Although the effect is extremely weak, it is good for ordinary professionals. For ordinary people, the fragrance produced by the burning of magic branches can slowly change their physique, so that they can become professionals.

These magic branches are very common to kukas, but for ordinary small families and professionals, burning this magic branch is an extremely expensive thing. When they burn, they can light one at most. They will never burn this kind of thing as ordinary firewood to keep warm.

In the humble house, only kukas sat quietly inside. Lying on the hard slate bed, after reading books for a while, he felt a trace of loneliness.

"Maybe someone should act as a pillow for me, then bring me a cup of wine, and then help me deal with all kinds of trivial things that may appear in the future." after staying in this humble house for three or five days, kukas finally thought of this problem.

Of course, this problem is not so important to him now. What he has to do now is to cruise the three empires and clean up the possible hidden dangers in these empires.

So after the demons in the devil\'s lair recovered, he decided not to stay here, but led dozens of the toughest green skins to wander around the imperial capitals of the three empires in turn, so that some dignitaries there could know his arrival.

Dozens of green skins were tied to the black dragon with chains, and then they tied the chains to themselves, so that the black dragon could carry them with its master.

When the black dragon saw dozens of green skins tied up with itself in chains, the black dragon made bursts of painful strange cries: "great master, can\'t you let these dirty green reptiles leave me? Their appearance will make your most humble servant crazy."

The black dragon pretended to be pitiful and begged loudly to kukas.

"My most humble servant will be crazy, but you won\'t be crazy. Of course, if you must think you are my most humble servant, you won\'t refuse and question the master\'s orders." looking at the affectation of the black dragon, kukas just sneered and ignored it.

"No, these green skins are more terrible than those abyss demons. They shouldn\'t live in this world at all. Great master, let them disappear from this world!" roared the black dragon, still hoping to win kukas\'s sympathy with their poor appearance. However, he forgot that the man who forcibly took him as a mount in front of him was not a weak hearted professional, but a ruthless thug and an evil man without any compassion.

"They are my best men, so I must provide them with enough food. And you are their best food." kukas stamped his foot gently and motioned the black dragon to be honest.

"I\'m a great and noble black dragon. It\'s not easy for me to serve as your mount. Now I have to continue to serve as the food for these green creatures, which is the biggest humiliation to our dragon family." the black dragon saw that kukas still refused his request. He couldn\'t adapt for a moment, so he blushed and roared loudly, Began to scold kukas.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Kukas\'s big feet trampled on the black dragon\'s head one after another. When he went down, the Black Dragon flew with blood and flesh. The skull cracks on his head appeared, and even some brains burst out.

"Noble? Great? Humiliating?"

With each step, kukas would roar: "in my eyes, you dragon people are born to ride. What\'s the use of telling me about these bullshit nobility and greatness?"

"In my eyes, you dragons are a group of reptiles. If you dragons are extremely powerful, why don\'t you come here and ask me for trouble to save you? Damn garbage, don\'t chirp here, or you won\'t be qualified to be a mount. I\'ll turn you into a meat dragon."

In the roar of kukas, the black dragon wailed in pain. He rolled wildly on the ground, avoiding not only the pain of his head, but also the tearing pain in the depths of his soul.

Thousands of chains stirred in his soul, and the pain was hundreds of times greater than the pain of kukas stepping on his head.

If he didn\'t have eight levels of power, and his mental power was strong enough, the pain in the soul alone could make him completely crazy, and even lead to the collapse of his soul and disappear in the world directly because of the pain.

The black dragon rolled on the ground and wailed for less than half a magic time before kukas stopped his punishment.

Under kukas\'s command, dozens of green skins took a battle axe made of plane treasures as materials and cut it hard on the black dragon. Then they dug up large pieces of blood and meat and stuffed them into their mouths.

Watching his own flesh and blood being eaten by dirty and foolish green skins, the black dragon neighed with grief and anger, stood upside down with dragon scales on his body, and the violent breath was released.


Kukas\'s big foot trampled on the black dragon\'s head again. With this foot, he used his skillful strength to force the black dragon\'s head into the soil.

"Kukas, you either kill me or seal me forever. Don\'t humiliate me like this."

The black dragon pulled his head out of the earth. He was completely crazy under a series of blows from kukas. A transparent flame came out of his eyes. The flame spread all over his head in an instant. If kukas didn\'t notice the bad and dodge aside, he would be burned by the transparent flame.

A green skin searching for the brains of the black dragon stood around the transparent flame, but in an instant, the green skin didn\'t even scream. It was like noodles without bones. It was paralyzed and lost its life on the ground.

"Soul flame, it seems that you are really crazy!" looking at the transparent flame burning on the black dragon\'s head and the green skin of instant death, kukas narrowed his eyes and giggled: "want to die? You don\'t even have the right to die without my permission."

While talking, the mind turned, the chain hidden in the black dragon\'s soul wriggled, and countless prohibitions were produced in an instant, which firmly imprisoned the black dragon\'s soul.

Without the support of the soul itself, the soul flame that can burn the lives of all living creatures will be extinguished in an instant. The black dragon is also extremely depressed because it burns its soul and emits flame.

The huge body lay on the ground and twitched powerlessly. Even the recovery speed of the wound on the body slowed down dozens of times.

"Kill me or suppress me forever. You don\'t have to humiliate me like this. You will only attract greater hatred from the dragon family." the black dragon glanced at kukas hard, opened his mouth and roared: "there is no hatred between us. On the contrary, I have helped you."

"Yes, there may be no hatred between us, and as you said, you have helped me. But what I want to tell you is that your help to me is not as important as your killing to me." kukas suspended in mid air, looked down at the black dragon and said in a deep voice: "I don\'t know why you have such a strong intention to kill me. Do you dragons also want to get the control of the green skin?"

"I have no enemies with you, but you want to kill me. How do you think I should deal with you?" said kukas with a strange smile: "I want to tell some people through you that anyone who plans to cheat on me will come to no good end."

"Don\'t worry, I will abide by my promise: let you leave your descendants, and then enslave your descendants forever, and let your descendants and the descendants of your ancestors wage war, never-ending war."

"Because your mistakes of the dragon family or the black dragon family continue in this infinite void and will never be resolved."

"You are a madman, a madman more cruel than the abyss devil. Kukas, one day, you will regret your humiliation to me." the black dragon smiled sadly, then closed his eyes on the ground, gasped heavily, and forcibly endured the aftereffects of soul burning.

"In fact, I don\'t want to regard you as a mount all the time. I thought those people who plotted against my green skin would do it here, but until now, no one has done it to me. So I can\'t find a replacement mount."

"If you want to resent others, you have to resent others! If they come, you will be free. Then I will change your position, let you become a meat dragon, and cultivate your offspring and my green people." kukas looked at the black dragon with extreme indifference and muttered.

"It\'s not my cruel means that you resent when you fall into such a field today. Resent the people who instigated you! If they didn\'t instigate you, you wouldn\'t expose your intention to kill me, and you wouldn\'t end up like this today."

"You are a madman." the black dragon red eyes, staring at kukas with hatred, roared.

"No, I\'m not crazy. I\'m the greatest knight. I\'m your master and the master of your descendants. In the future, I want to be the Supreme Being and the master of this endless void. It\'s your luck to surrender to me now. Don\'t you understand?" kukas smiled nervously.

His mood became worse because of some words of the black dragon. A bad mood often made him say crazy words and do crazy things.

"Oh! I\'ll punish you. Punishing you will stir up the relationship between me and the demons of the abyss." said here, the evil man smiled grimly, stretched out his hand and grabbed the lower body of the black dragon, and then pulled it hard, but he tore off the dragon and root of the black dragon.

"Roar!" the black dragon roared wildly. The fracture of the dragon and root made him subconsciously frightened. The huge mouth opened and turned over to bite kukas, but he slapped him on the head and pumped the tap into the soil again.

A little bit of fighting spirit flew out of kukas\'s fingertips. These fighting spirit began to sew quickly in the lower and body of the black dragon like silk thread. However, during breathing, the broken lower and body of the black dragon were sewed, completely cutting off the possibility of his recovery of the dragon and root.