Abyss Knight

Chapter 545

These mentally stimulated giants began to subconsciously resist their master\'s control and walk around unconsciously. Although their masters still use secret methods to restrain them, the effect is getting weaker and weaker.

With a giant injured or even fell down, the dry old mage sitting in the palace on the head of a giant couldn\'t help worrying.

He felt very regretful now. He regretted that he should not rush to chase and kill. Even if he chased and killed, he should not be so entrusted. Had he known this situation, he would have preferred to delay a little and then summon millions or even tens of millions of giants to fight with him. Unfortunately, time can\'t go back. His wishful thinking has now brought him a strong sense of crisis.

In the palace, we busily made scrolls one by one. On the precious scrolls, we wrote and portrayed one text and Dharma array after another, but in the end, either the scrolls broke themselves or urged the scrolls without any effect.

"Damn it." for more than 20 years, he has been trying to understand the rule flaw of the plane with the help of the palace above the giant, so as to find a way to make the plane transmission scroll. But he didn\'t expect that more than 20 years later, let alone find the flaws in the rules, he would not even see the traces of those rules.

All kinds of instruments placed in the palace were purchased by him from some powerful level alliances. These instruments can not be used for killing, but can help the holder quickly analyze the flaws of various rules in the low-level level level. However, now these machines have lost their power, and the magic crystal stone used as energy stays there quietly like a useless stone in their bodies.

"Zero order plane, damn it, why is it zero order plane? What kind of fool built a secret base in the zero order plane? Damn it, what\'s good here?" hearing a loud noise outside, the dry old mage knew that it was another giant.

When these giants came to the earth, none of them could stand up. Their bodies will be eaten by the overwhelming green skins in just a few magic hours, and even their bones will be ground and eaten by the green skins stimulated by some killing. The poor heads of those green people told them that if they ate everything of these powerful people, they would become so powerful.

Regret, in this zero order plane, all the magic machines that needed the power of magic crystal stopped working, and some even collapsed and completely damaged with the passage of time.

"If I had spent a little time observing this plane carefully, I might not have ended up like this." after a scroll failed again, the dry old mage habitually muttered this sentence, which had been repeated many times. Yes, if he had spent three or five days observing when entering the plane crack, he would find that the plane he wants to enter is a zero order plane. At that time, he will be more fully prepared. At least various instruments will be specially customized and replaced. Although it will take decades, it will be much safer. Of course, that\'s just if. Now that he has entered the zero order plane, it\'s no use if.

The dry old mage in chagrin should not have been so turbulent, but in this burning plane, because kukas controls the plane source, the plane source has a natural strong sense of rejection against him. This sense of exclusion can\'t erase him in terms of rules, but it slowly affects his mood because of the change of original power.

There were hundreds of millions of native creatures in this face, but because of kukas, hundreds of millions of creatures died, and countless blood penetrated into the depths of the earth. And after the green skins were stationed here, millions of green skins died every day because of killing. The breath and blood of killing are absorbed by the source of the plane, which has fundamentally changed the power of the source.

For these changes, kukas didn\'t know. Although the dry old mage noticed something, he couldn\'t help losing control. The sealed power could not be mobilized, even if he wanted to resist.

Watching the procession of invaders approaching death, kukas suddenly became interested in the giants. Interested, he immediately issued a new order. At his command, the green skins stopped swallowing the fallen giants and died. They kept them in captivity to maintain the basic vitality of these giants. Then use their flesh and blood to change these thousands of feet tall giants little by little, so as to serve their own masters. As for their own life and death, there is no green skin in mind. In their poor brains, killing and obeying orders are all they have.

After dealing with the things in the burning plane, kukas did not delay the world and returned directly to the main plane world.

"Speed up and finish the work one day earlier, and I\'ll give you ten more days." the experience of female doctors and a series of developments have made kukas extremely eager to improve his strength. He waved his arm and shouted out his new decision in each Alchemist\'s ear. Such a new decision made the alchemists even more crazy.

"For kolmaze metal, for soul crystal, for wiping Lome\'s tears." a group of alchemists shouted the names of various rare magic materials, increasing their speed again and again. Of course, when the speed is up, the quality can not be reduced, otherwise they will not get any reward for their endless work, and they will pay kukas huge compensation according to the provisions of the agreement.

No one dares to violate the provisions of the agreement, because the agreement is just and fair, and is recognized by everyone and agreed by all controllers and legends of the whole battlefield center. Those who violate the agreement will be killed by all the legends in the center of the battlefield.

The sudden acceleration of the construction process made kukas excited. Every day, after communicating with siren banshees to improve morale and carry out necessary cultivation, he will check his gradually completed building again and again, and imagine what benefits he will get after the completion of the building again and again.

Each magic pool was built by alchemists. Alone, the magic pools that supply the whole building, these alchemists built thousands of them.