Abyss Knight

Chapter 428

The gem was broken, and a large number of gem powders flew in the air. With the spell of the caster, these gem powders generated a burning glass flame and floated out in the distance.

"Eh! Instead of going back to Imperial College, he went elsewhere. Send a signal to the family and intercept along the way." the caster shouted to the other professionals.

Some of them quickly took out the magic props: the magic props were octagonal seven story pagoda, with glittering gemstones on the spire, and small bells of various colors hung on the corner of the tower. With his intention to imprint information on the pagoda, those bells rang. Twisted patterns emerge on the smooth tower. After he branded the information, the pagoda spun rapidly in the air, then flew into the air and divided into seven pagoda virtual shadows, and then broke through the air in the direction of the flame floating.

Not to say whether these people would intercept halfway, but just to say that kukas did not dare to stop for a moment and rushed frantically after urging the ghost to cry. The chain wound the woman\'s coke like body and rubbed and collided on the ground. After a while, the body was completely rubbed into countless pieces.

Feeling the light of the chain, kukas knew that the woman\'s body had completely disappeared. "Hey, hey! I want to see how you can revive him. HMM! Damn violet family, why are there so many seven rank guards around this chick? Anyway, I can\'t kill those guards unless they are alone. Now I\'m going to return to the imperial capital quickly, and then go to other planes to find a way to recover quickly after finishing the last secret cultivation Restore vitality. Cultivate some big hands at that time, so you don\'t have to grind haw and fight carefully with them. "

After making a quick plan, he identified the direction, selected the nearest city and hurried on. However, after he was on his way for a little while, he suddenly felt a powerful breath full of dignity breaking through the air, which directly shrouded over his head and detected him.

The strong breath was not half hidden, but looked at him naked. Such a feeling made him almost think that all his secrets were detected by the strong breath.

"Boy, you have a seed. You dare to kill the direct blood of our violet family." the strong breath pressed down fiercely. The breath was invisible, but the fierce pressure still caused some visions. The space around him was distorted, and kukas only felt endless pressure coming towards him from all directions. Under this huge pressure, the ghost cried and the war horse neighed, but it was broken. It didn\'t even resist a breathing time.

The mount was broken, but kukas stood firmly on the earth. He straightened up and used his fighting spirit to resist the strong pressure, giggling: "Kill the lineage of your violet family? I\'ve played hard with her for a few days? Hey hey! Your violet family women are like dogs. They pout their hips and let me do it. It\'s much better than prostitutes. It\'s a pity that you\'re late, otherwise I\'ll let you play and enjoy it." Feeling the increasing pressure, kukas still refused to bow his head. Some dirty words came out of his mouth, which only stimulated the strong and violent atmosphere.

"Good! Good! Good! Boy, you have seed. I\'ll see how long you can be rampant." the violent breath became violent. A dark cloud appeared in the sky out of thin air. The dark cloud rolled, the strong wind rose, and lightning flashed in the clouds, as if it would be chopped down at any time.

"He can at least be rampant to the eighth level. Get the garbage of the violet family back to me." While kukas was struggling to resist the endless pressure, dozens of powerful breath came out from the Imperial College. The breath was so violent that it stirred subtle space cracks. Dozens of breath hit the dark cloud, but forcibly tore the breath controlling the dark cloud.

"Let\'s go!" a space crack suddenly appeared in front of kukas. A small white hand came out of the crack to hold kukas and drilled into the crack.

Kukas only felt a flower in front of him. When he saw the surrounding situation clearly, he found himself in front of a portal. Beside the portal, a blonde general in military uniform was suspended. She was the same as before, but her expression looked softer than before.

"General!" kukas quickly saluted, but thanked each other for their help.

"It\'s a headache. I don\'t object if you want to provoke the violet family, but you should at least become the seventh peak. Now, if you kill any woman, not only the violet family will not let you go, but also the hands of glory and at least ten temples will not let you go." the blonde general fell from the air, reached out and flicked Cass\'s head, laughing: "It\'s quite good. It\'s caused by the melody of fate?"

"Yes!" feeling the flick of women\'s fingers, kukas had a fierce desire in his heart. Fortunately, he knew that the blonde general was extremely powerful, at least a professional above level 8, so he forcibly suppressed his desire. But even so, his blood was rolling, and his lower body was raised and stood up.

"Ha ha! You\'ve been crazy for a few days." the blonde general glanced at kukas\'s lower body and suddenly said seriously: "that woman\'s physique is very special. At first we didn\'t know, but we didn\'t find out which woman is not simple until you killed her."

"Some temple people have done wonderful experiments on this woman and bred them some treasures with the help of this woman\'s special physique and blood. I didn\'t expect to be killed by you now. Those temples will definitely hate you." the slender fingers of the blonde general ran along the scar on kukas\'s chest, and the movement was full of attractive breath, But the expression is serious and serious.

She frowned and said in a deep voice, "now you leave this world immediately and go to the battlefield! Although their power is also very strong, it is hundreds of times more difficult to find you than in this world."

"Face the battlefield? Well, I went back, but not now. I can\'t go until I practice some secrets." kukas took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed his desire. He didn\'t know whether it was his own reason or the blonde general in front of him. But he knew that the woman in front of him was definitely not what he could provoke now.

"How long does it take to practice the secret method?" the blonde general said with a slightly softer expression: "This is the underground base under your castle. Although it is very secret, the guard force here is not strong. I\'m afraid some people will trouble you regardless of the moon lake of the agreement. If they find out at that time, they can\'t resist it with the defense force here. Of course, we don\'t need to resist too strong enemies for you."

"Are the treasures being bred worth their madness?" Kukas couldn\'t help but pull the corners of his mouth and smile bitterly. Now he found how much trouble he had caused by killing the woman. Of course, even if he knew, he would not hesitate to kill the woman, because he wanted the violet family to suffer and all those who had provoked him to suffer.

"Maybe! They want to open a black prison by hiding treasures through secret methods and release countless tyrannical legends and gods imprisoned in it. Do you think those treasures are worth their madness? Ha ha!" the blonde female general closed her fingers and smiled in a low voice. After she closed her fingers, kukas also found that her uncontrollable desire disappeared at once.

"It only takes two days, but I hope the general can provide me with a drop of the blood of the legendary dragon." kukas clenched his teeth and said in a deep voice, "I can help you do something."

"Don\'t you have a lot of legendary dragon blood?"

"It\'s all used." Kukas couldn\'t help laughing bitterly. In fact, he still had three or five drops of legendary dragon blood on his body, but he didn\'t want to use it and wanted to keep it to protect his life. While other legendary dragon blood was consumed a little for cultivation in the years when the emperor was immersed in the capital. Now he feels that he was a little stupid to consume a lot of dragon blood in order to improve his strength. On the contrary, if he hadn\'t consumed a lot of dragon blood in those years, he might not have the strength he has now, let alone leave calmly under the protection of a large number of level 7 professionals. Of course, taking a lot of legendary dragon blood didn\'t make him feel the knowledge and other benefits of dragon, which made him depressed when he thought of it.

"Maybe only by eating a legendary dragon can we get some inheritance of the dragon family." kukas thought about this more than once. However, if you want to eat a legendary dragon, not only the current him, but also those legendary professionals and gods can\'t do it. After all, the strength of the giant dragon is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

"Well, I still have some blood here, and the price you have to pay is to help me explore a plane." With a wave of her little hand, a crystal box appeared out of thin air from her palm. The crystal box was crystal clear, and there was a fist sized heart beating slowly in the box. Every time the heart beat, countless colored glass patterns appeared in the box to bind the heart.

Kukas\'s heart also beats with the heart in the crystal box. If the heart beats faster, his heart beats faster and slower, his heart will slow down.