Abyss Knight

Chapter 417

Kukas was very excited by the little girl\'s answer, which made him more determined. He took the little Lori and walked. In his opinion, although he can\'t get the incomplete slate, he can get all kinds of knowledge and information contained in the slate through the little girl. Of course, the premise is that the little girl will not deliberately modify and hide that knowledge.

On the day of the banquet, the little Lori returned to her room to rest after answering some questions from kukas, while kukas sat in her room and silently planned for herself for some time in the future. Of course, this kind of planning actually has a vague answer for a long time, and now he just plans in more detail.

Late at night, the lively party ended. Little Lori\'s father, the middle-aged knight, came to kukas\'s room with the smell of wine. Here he said a lot of words to kukas, and all these words were remembered by kukas one by one.

"I\'m just such a daughter. I don\'t hope she will become a dazzling professional in the future, but I just hope she can be safe all her life." the middle-aged Knight said this when it was about dawn.

"Don\'t worry, I won\'t let her be in any danger." kukas answered the middle-aged Knight\'s advice seriously.

At the end of breakfast in the morning, the middle-aged Knight did not personally escort kukas and them, but let kukas and little Lori leave the manor that once carried the dreams of dozens of knights and embark on an unknown road.

"Will you miss your father?" kukas sat on the horse and whispered to little lorian Weier who sat on his arrow.

"Yes, but I know I can be stronger if I follow you." little Laurie murmured in a low voice. She held kukas\'s bald head and looked at the surrounding environment curiously. She had never stood so high to look at the surrounding scene, which made her feel very curious and excited. As for the incomplete slate, it was put in the magic ring given to her by kukas.

"Ha ha! You little girl, even if you don\'t have me, you will be strong in the future. Well, maybe it\'s a mistake or right for me to bring you out. But anyway, if you have that slate, you will be very strong in the future and not an ordinary professional." kukas Gaga smiled strangely. He urged the crotch wildebeest to speed up and run towards the imperial capital of Latour. The wildebeest was given to him by a middle-aged knight, and kukas didn\'t want to appear too different from other knights, so he accepted such a mount. Of course, he is not in the mood to contact the wildebeest through secret methods.

"But with you, I may be stronger and faster. By the way, what is this slate?" little Laurie tilted her head and looked curiously at kukas\'s bald head. She stretched out her small hand to curiously explore the scar on her head, and then frowned to think about what kind of weapon can leave a mark on her big head.

"I don\'t know. I just feel a strong will entrenched in it, but I think it doesn\'t mean any harm to you. Maybe it\'s an ancient inheritance prop or something else, but it\'s good for you anyway." kukas laughed strangely, while little Laurie shrugged her shoulders, Still holding the bald head beside me, I looked around a lot.

Time flies. Time is very precious to ordinary people, but for people like kukas, the eight or nine years just made him master some battle secrets of the ghost crying knight and made his fighting spirit more pure.

Latour imperial capital is the largest city in the whole Latour empire. It has not declined due to the relocation of Imperial College and library. On the contrary, the growing strength of the Latour Empire makes this imperial capital more dynamic and prosperous.

On a street not far from the old imperial library, kukas and the little Lori bought a house here as their residence, and across from their house is a small tavern. Although the tavern is small, there are many people in and out of it every day, and most of them are professionals. There are seven level casters in the higher level, and the lower level is just a new professional.

Kukas sat in a remote corner of the tavern, drinking expensive drinks silently, while a young maid sat on his lap. The maid\'s clothes were leaking, twisted her soft waist, rubbed him constantly, and squeezed him hard with her plump chest from time to time. The thick palm swam on her, and the rough skin rubbed in the delicate private place, which made her have a little pleasure. The low moaning and panting made some professionals giggle around.

After eight or nine years in the imperial capital, kukas\'s powerful breath from time to time disappeared. Like a honest barbarian, he sat on a special chair and shouted carelessly with the professionals around him. Occasionally, he tried to buckle the maid in his arms, listening to her moan and making a strange cry.

A three meter long gun and axe was placed where he was most comfortable. The gun and axe were simple and ordinary, but after eight or nine years of fighting and polishing, the power of the gun and axe was no less than those magic weapons made by special techniques, and even exceeded those magic weapons to some extent. Of course, few professionals pay attention to his gun and axe, because the appearance of the gun and axe looks too ordinary.

"There\'s a new mission." the professional who has been paying attention to the magic crystal on the wall suddenly shouted: "it\'s to hunt a viscount. Damn, 30000 gold coins, unlimited number, what\'s the damn mission?"

"If you deliver the task with your head alone, you can get 30000 gold coins. If you deliver the task with ten people, ten people will share 30000 gold coins." the owner of the tavern, wiping the expensive glass wine glass, turned his eyes and explained uninteresting: "Hey! No wonder my tavern hasn\'t developed. The people who come here are either thugs or stiff brains. Don\'t you have a long memory? It\'s strange that the frequency of such tasks is getting higher and higher these days?"

"Just have money. Do you work together?" Near the door, a mercenary suddenly shouted. This mercenary is a seventh order caster. Normally, a caster is elegant and mysterious, but here, any caster is rude and full of vicious language. Of course, as a seventh order caster, he doesn\'t think he can solve that problem alone Baron. After all, this is the imperial capital. The Viscount who can hang around here does not have some powerful guards around. It is impossible to live until someone pays to kill him. Of course, the purpose of recruiting teammates is to prevent others from eating black.

"Kukas, come with us! It\'s said that you haven\'t taken the task for a long time." the seventh order caster loudly greeted kukas, who was drinking and having fun, across several tables, hoping that the other party could form a team with him and share the reward equally.

"No, I\'m going to the library." kukas rubbed the towering chest of the maid in his arms, then after drinking the last glass of wine, he stood up and walked outside the tavern. Of course, he would pay enough money to the maid and the tavern before leaving.

"Go to see your daughter?" someone said kindly.

"No, there are several beautiful female mages waiting for my favor!" kukas giggled. He took his gun and axe and left the tavern without delay. He didn\'t care about the next jealousy and envy of the professionals in the tavern.

Yes, kukas spent eight or nine years in the imperial capital. He not only practiced some special secrets belonging to the ghost crying knight, but also became popular in the library left over from the imperial capital. Where he hooked up with at least thirty or fifty beautiful female spell casters. His achievements were also envied and envied by the professionals here.

You should know that although the library of the imperial capital has been moved to the elraze wasteland, the library here has not been abandoned. Instead, it is the same as before. The only change is that it is no longer the largest library of the Latour Empire, but the second largest library. If the library on the elraze wasteland is the largest library, it has been gathered for a large number of years For the light first-class or second-class professionals, the current library of the imperial capital is the second largest library, and most of them are professionals above the third-class.

Being able to hook up some noble female mages in such a library is extremely jealous of the professionals who usually hang around in the tavern and rely on various tasks to make a living.

After leaving the tavern, kukas did not go directly to the library, but returned to his residence. After sorting out some necessary things, he got up and went to the library.

The imperial library is located in the central area of the imperial capital. A stone pagoda, covering an area of more than 300 mu and almost 1000 meters high, is the largest library in the imperial capital. The huge library has 13 roads and is in the shape of a 13 awn star. There are not seven or eight thousand but five or six thousand professionals entering and leaving here every day. If you can see a fifth level professional in an ordinary small city Even if you are lucky, the fifth level professionals here are just looking at the door. Standing under the library, any person you meet may be a seventh level professional. Of course, the traces of the eighth level professionals have not been seen.

Five or six years ago, even if the imperial library was prosperous, there were not so many professionals coming in and out of here. But five or six years ago, after a news came out, it became prosperous. It can be said that almost all the professionals above the third level all over the country flocked to the library. They poured into the library frantically, some came out alive, but more But even so, every year, a large number of young professionals come here with dreams and hopes, and then enter it, or get endless honor and strength, or die completely. Of course, some professionals have suffered a blow in it, and they don\'t have the courage to enter it again, so they can only wander in the imperial capital, or pick it up Some ordinary tasks to live on, or leave here to return to their hometown.

There are thirteen gates in the library, and each gate is located at the top of the thirteen awn star. Standing under the huge stone tower more than a thousand meters high, even kukas, who has an extremely hard mind, will feel an inexplicable pressure released from the stone tower and bless himself. Under this pressure, the professionals gathered here will not be able to survive as long as they do not become the eighth order A man who dares to make trouble here is nothing more than a quarrel. If he is not convinced, he will leave the library and kill outside other imperial capitals or other places. The winner will come back and the loser will disappear completely.

In and out of here are not only professionals, but also some noble members. They are not here to learn any knowledge, but to enjoy some * * * * * here, or to recruit some people to fill the strength of their family, or to do other things. But these have nothing to do with kukas. He came here just to enjoy his life.

The library originally had hundreds of floors, but five or six years ago, after the reconstruction of a large group of engineers and spell casters, the library with hundreds of floors was suddenly reduced to 100 floors. Most people can only go to the 50th floor, but the upper 50th floor is not open to the outside world.

The 30th to 50th floors of the library are full of books, and the 20th to 30th floors are some luxurious rest places and luxury sales areas. Below the 30th floor is the ordinary area, where everything is in a mess, including merchant shops, slave farms and various enjoyment areas.

Kukas\'s goal is the 29th floor, which is a huge bathing place. Some powerful people and professionals will rest or enjoy it when they are free. Of course, there is also a single bath here, but the price is not acceptable to ordinary people.

Kukas, who is more than three meters high and looks like a barbarian, will not attract anyone\'s attention, because there are not only rare barbarians, but also giants and powerful abyss demons seven or eight meters high. Of course, no one here dares to hurt people, even if he is the most violent abyss devil, even if he is the most powerful Frost Giant.

After taking the magic platform for only more than ten breaths, kukas reached the 29th floor, jumped off the magic platform of seven or eight feet, and he directly came to the huge bathing place.

In the center of this floor is a bathing pool covering an area of more than 200 mu. In the bathing pool, there are more than Zhang platforms of different sizes and scattered heights. After soaking in the special potion, some men and women will climb onto the platform and ask the maid or attendant to massage them, so as to enjoy the enjoyment brought by their own strength or money.

Surrounded by pools of different sizes, the water inside is also a potion specially configured by alchemists. Soaking in it can not only quickly eliminate fatigue and remove their own hidden injuries, but also slowly improve their physique.

After more than 10000 coins were paid, kukas casually found a small bath and took off his clothes and jumped inside. The water in these pools changes very quickly. Whenever someone leaves, they disappear by themselves, and then refill through special pipes. So he doesn\'t worry about the unclean water in it at all. Of course, even worrying is useless unless he doesn\'t intend to enjoy it here.

When he jumped into the pool, kukas immediately felt the abundant drug power and drilled into his body along his pores. These little drug powers repaired the hidden wounds in his body, which made him comfortable for a time. He narrowed his eyes and lay down on the slope to rest.

A young maid jumped into the pool and guarded him. When he called, the maid would provide him with any service.

"Hey, tough man, I knew you would come here again." just after kukas had just rested for a short time and felt that the secret wound in his body was being cured by the medicine in the pool, a charming woman jumped into his pool. The woman was only wearing a thin white silk. After jumping into the water, she seemed to be wearing nothing.

"Ha ha! Little bitch, did you squeeze your husband out? I thought he wouldn\'t let you out." kukas giggled when he saw the woman in front of him. This woman is very charming, with a bee waist and hips, and a plump chest. Ordinary people can\'t grasp it tightly. The last time he came here, he fell in love with this woman. As a result, he happened to be seen by her husband. After some noise, the woman\'s husband didn\'t want to play here and forcibly took the woman away. Now that the woman appeared here, he couldn\'t help feeling curious.

"Hehe! How could it be? That old man is not a good bird. If he comes here to mess around, I won\'t be allowed to mess around here? If he makes a woman, the old woman will make ten men." the charming woman is like a water snake wrapped around kukas. Her white and tender hands fumbled on him and soon aroused kukas\'s desire.

A comfortable groan rang from the mouth of the charming woman, and the maid on one side blushed and went behind the charming woman to help her move back and forth to pursue physical happiness. Kukas lay there enjoying himself with a strange smile.

After some tossing, when the charming woman didn\'t have the strength, the bald evil man turned to the guest, pressed each other on the maid, squeezed the two women face to face, and then began to get in and out quickly. The tide came and went, some people paid attention to it and others disdained it, but all this did not disturb kukas\'s movement.

After the madness, the two women curled up in kukas\'s arms, saying sweet and tempting words and aftertaste the joy just now. After this vent, kukas\'s depressed mood caused by more than ten days of practice was vented all at once.