Abyss Knight

Chapter 415

He galloped his horse and walked day and night all the way. Kukas began to cultivate the power of ghost crying Knights while driving. The fighting spirit cultivation of the ghost crying knight is similar to the cultivation method of evil fighting spirit. Professionals have no way to take the initiative to cultivate. If they want to increase the fighting spirit strength, they can only silently wait for the fighting spirit generated by the rotation of the Dharma array. Of course, because kukas\'s physical strength is too strong, his fighting spirit increases faster than ordinary ghost crying knights in theory.

In addition to fighting spirit, kukas had time to check all kinds of methods and secrets he got about the ghost crying knight. There are many attack methods in the method, but most of the attack methods kukas doesn\'t pay attention to, because he thinks those attack methods are too weak. What he is pursuing now is the powerful means of killing with one blow, not the means of killing in ordinary struggle.

Due to too much information, he hasn\'t found a suitable killing method for himself for a while, but he doesn\'t worry, because he knows that he has plenty of time, at least in the future. He has enough time to choose a powerful method for himself. Of course, if he hadn\'t lost his bronze mask, he would have practiced a secret method now.

The design on the box was put together quickly. After seven or eight days on his way, the golden box obtained from the blonde general opened. Inside the box, there is a chain with the thickness of the baby\'s arm. A section of the chain links a yoke. The whole chain and yoke are painted black. When he instilled fighting spirit into the chain and yoke, it has been mastered by him.

A little bit of fighting spirit was instilled into the chain. The chain, which was only three cubits long, quickly extended like an inflatable balloon, and finally formed a three foot long chain around him. As for the yoke, it was directly branded on his chest with the control of his heart.

The ancient magic props showed their due power, and a large amount of information was instilled into kukas\'s mind. Through these information knowledge, kukas also knew the use and origin of the chain, but did not know its name. No name doesn\'t matter. What\'s important is that kukas is extremely excited about the power and origin of the chain.

Through that information, kukas learned that the chain and the shackles linked to the chain were actually formed in the extremely ancient war era. In those wars, some gods and legends fought each other. The place where they fell was full of endless resentment and reluctance. Driven by these smells, the bones of these powerful beings fused with each other, Then generated this magic prop. Of course, it can also be said to be a treasure. After all, magic props are refined by people, and treasures are condensed by the world itself.

"Sigh of falling!" this is the name kukas gave to the yoke. Of course, kukas can\'t understand whether its former owner called it that way.

After controlling the yoke, kukas\'s calm mind began to riot. After trying the power of the yoke, he thought of hunting members of the violet family. Of course, although it is far from the imperial capital of Latour, he can still see some industries of the violet family in some large cities.

It was night that kukas put away his ghost crying war horse and entered a prosperous city, where he soon found the violet family\'s industry here. After carefully observing the situation here, he began his own killing until late at night. Of course, in doing so, he is actually trying to see how powerful the treasure he got is.

Carola grain shop covers an area of five or six acres in the bustling streets of the city. Such a huge area is all because the owner behind it is the violet family. With the support of the family, the business of Carola grain shop is very prosperous. Countless grains are transported here every day, and then transferred to other grain merchants for wholesale. Even this food shop supplies one-third of the needs of the city guard.

The one who controls the corolla food shop is a collateral member of the violet family. He has controlled the food shop for more than 30 years. With the support of the family, he has obtained a lot of money for the family through this food shop in just over 30 years.

This evening, the owner of the grain shop, as in the past, after carefully counting all the accounts, he returned to his room. A few women have just been sent here by some poor people. The poor people didn\'t have enough money to get food, so they sent their wives or daughters here for him to enjoy. Although those women look thin because of malnutrition, the owner of the grain shop doesn\'t dislike it at all. Because he had enough of the women in the fireworks land, he gradually put his sexual interest on the good family women. Looking at those women lying in his bed for a little food, panting and groaning, and finally reaching the climax of his body uncontrollably, he felt a great pleasure in his heart. Especially when he sees some women wriggling their thin bodies while shouting her husband\'s name, his inner excitement will be stronger.

Three or five skinny women who had just taken a bath curled up on his big bed. Most of these women looked ordinary and even looked ugly because of their age, but the owner of the shop was still interested because he felt that he was severely humiliating those humble poor people. Of course, after these women were played with by him for a few days, when new women came, they would be driven away. As for where they would finally arrive, that was not what he cared about.

There are mother and daughter flowers among the women tonight. The thought of mother and daughter flowers on his bed makes the owner of the grain shop tremble with excitement, and the fat on his body beats involuntarily.

Back in his room, the owner of the food shop humiliated the women according to his habit, and then casually pushed them to a place where he started a crazy stir. With the maintenance of drugs and some rough fighting support, he was still in his 60s.

Just as he enjoyed the mother and daughter flowers crying and groaning under his crotch, he heard the door pushed open, and then a thick smell of blood poured in from the outside.

"Damn it." the smell of blood woke him up from his madness. Although he hadn\'t asked about the smell of blood for a long time, he still didn\'t forget his layout. Push away the twisting woman, and then pull a mechanism at the head of the bed. He arranged the mechanism many years ago. As long as he pulled the mechanism, the bell would ring in the whole grain shop, and some guards and guys would rush to protect him.

Seeing that the mechanism was about to be pulled, a baby\'s arm thick chain was wrapped around his chest. The chain was tight and pulled him from the bed to the ground. The fat body fell on the floor with a dull sound, and then in a sad cry, he was quickly dragged to the door.

"I\'m sorry to disturb you, but I didn\'t mean to disturb you, because there are some things I need to discuss with you." a thick foot stepped on his chest. When the foot went down, I only heard the sound of sternum fracture, and the fat owner couldn\'t help spitting out blood. "I didn\'t expect your taste to be so special. Well, it\'s interesting."

The rude voice was transmitted to the ears of the owner of the grain shop, which made him feel a deep chill. In the cry of pain, he saw a bald man like a barbarian trampling him under his feet.

"What do you want? I\'m a member of the violet family. As long as I have something, I can give it to you. Please don\'t hurt my life." the fat master begged painfully with his bare headed evil man stepping on his lower leg on his chest. At this time, he heard sad shouts outside the room. In those shouts, words such as devil kept appearing.

"I want your head. Well, pinch it into pieces and throw it on the ground. Would you like to give it to me?" the bald evil man smiled grimly. His body was covered with blood and milky white brain, which made him look very fierce.

"You devil, let us out of here." at this time, the owner of the grain shop lying on the ground saw the most powerful fourth-order soldier among his guards rush in from the outside, waving a single blade battle axe. There was a lot of fighting spirit wrapped around the battle axe and ruthlessly chopped down the shining evil man in front of him.

The bald man in front of him didn\'t seem to notice. He let the Tomahawk hit him on the back. The imaginary flesh and blood didn\'t appear. Instead, he only heard a crisp sound of metal collision. I saw that the soldier who rushed in took off his Tomahawk and flew away. The whole man seemed to hit the thick wall and flew out in an instant.

"Boring." the bald evil man looked down at the fat man under him, then raised his big feet and stomped hard. He went down and cut through the fat man\'s chest. Then he walked to the frightened women, tightened their necks with a chain, and strangled the women\'s heads.

"It seems that if you want to experiment with this falling sigh, you must find some powerful professionals. Well, there are all small characters here. It\'s really boring." the bald evil man muttered in a low voice, and then his whole body disappeared into the room. When he appeared again, he was behind the soldier who had just flown out.

The thick palm grabbed the soldier\'s head, and his fingers crushed the head like pinching a tomato. Then his body disappeared again, appeared behind other people who fled everywhere but could not escape within hundreds of meters of kukas, and crushed their heads with the same means.