Abyss Knight

Chapter 409

The days passed day by day. Spring passed and autumn came. In the twinkling of an eye, it was more than two years. It was only more than ten days before the underground altar was raised. The calm coloman monastery was broken by a group of foreign adventurers. An adventurous group of knights, spell casters and a small number of warriors.

Although the number of these adventurers is small, each is a professional, and their arrival makes kukas feel a sense of inexplicable danger. Yes, especially when those adventurers came here to say they were looking for ancient relics, the bad feeling in his heart became stronger.

"There are no relics here. This is just a knight training camp of the Latour empire. I think if you look for relics, you can go to the depths of the rocky ice sheet. Some great changes took place there in those years, which can not be said to be caused by some relics." kukas bee looked at the adventurers in front of him from a high back chair, Although their career collocation is somewhat unreasonable, the lowest of these people are all fourth-class professionals. Their strong self strength makes them don\'t care too much about those career collocations.

"Hehe, I don\'t think that\'s what we got on the map. According to the calculation on the map, there is a huge underground relic under the coloman monastery. Of course, the news of this relic has been spread all over the Latour empire. I think it won\'t be long before more people will come here to explore the relic. Your obstruction is very important to us It\'s of no use to us. "A knight urged the horse to take a few steps in front of kukas." maybe you don\'t stop us. Let\'s clean up the underground ruins together. What do you think? "

"Where did you get the news?" kukas did not answer the words of the wildebeest knight in front of him, but looked at each other with a strange smile and continued to ask, "I don\'t think anyone is willing to pass on the news of getting the relics."

"A lucky man, a lucky man in the Imperial College Library. The lucky man found the interlayer in an ordinary book and got a map. The description on the map was that it used to be a professional college in ancient times, and then sank to the depths of the earth." the wildebeest knight was stunned a little, and then said seriously: "The lucky man was just a first-order caster. He was so proud of getting the map that he was watched by others. Finally, he printed tens of thousands of maps and spread them around the Imperial College and nearby. Therefore, the professionals of the whole Latour Empire knew that there was a relic here."

"Damn it, there are no relics here. There are only Imperial Knights and squires. There are tens of thousands of knights and squires outside. If you really want to dig relics here, go to the military headquarters and ask for orders, otherwise I will order those squires to expel you." Kukas growled in a low voice. He has been guarding here for almost three years in order to smoothly stand on the altar and transfer the ghost crying knight, but now everything is coming, but such changes have taken place, which he can\'t bear.

In almost three years, there were more than 1000 knights who went out from the coloman monastery. Such a huge output of knights made a new change in the blonde general\'s view of him. Of course, there were at least two or three thousand knights and attendants who died here. However, in order to get more powerful knights, the death military headquarters of some attendants never put them in Heart.

"You are also a low-level knight. I think you should know how important a relic is to us. In particular, this relic is at least a relic of a professional college." the wildebeest knight took a deep breath and sincerely persuaded kukas: "let\'s open the relic together. You take the big head of everything in it, and we share the rest equally. What do you think?"

Under normal circumstances, kukas would agree without hesitation, but in order to wait for the altar to emerge and transfer, he was afraid that the so-called relic excavation would cause damage to the altar, so he clearly refused again.

His refusal made the group of adventurers very angry, but considering that there were at least tens of thousands of Knight guards outside the monastery, they had to bear the anger in their hearts. You know, the siege of more than 10000 Knight guards is not something they, low-level professionals, can resist or escape.

"Knight, I think we can discuss. You fight me. If you lose, we\'ll dig the ruins together. If I lose, we\'ll leave here without saying anything. What do you think?" A caster came out of the crowd. The caster wore a gray cloak, and a trace of magic waves were released from him. These magic waves formed a faint text shadow around him through the Dharma array and runes on his magic robe. The shadow flickered, and it was still easy to ignore his ordinary face, but people felt him Mysterious and powerful.

"Do you think it\'s interesting?" kukas tilted his head and looked at the fifth order caster and laughed "Whether you win or lose, I won\'t allow you to dig the ruins here unless I leave here, or you kill me and all the guards outside. Of course, if you think you can survive the subsequent pursuit of the military headquarters, it\'s as if I didn\'t say anything."

Kukas\'s threat forced these adventurers to reconsider. In their initial plan, when they heard that there were ruins here and more adventurers would arrive here, the members of the military headquarters stationed here would cooperate with them to explore the ruins. But now everything is beyond their imagination, which makes some of them feel very depressed.

After several arguments, the last group of adventurers had to leave reluctantly, because they were unable to kill all the squires, let alone escape the pursuit of the military headquarters in the following days. Although they left, they did not give up peeping at the relics here. Instead, they began to cooperate with other adventurers to force kukas to allow them to explore the relics here.

After the adventurers left, kukas thought for a long time and was ready to open the magic communication to discuss the ruins with the blonde general. But at this time, the blonde general took the lead in contacting him.

"The members of the violet family and the hand of glory want to deal with you during this time. They spread a rumor about the ruins, but don\'t worry. The rumor has been suppressed by the military headquarters. I just want to tell you in advance that the people of these two organizations will attack you during this time. You must be careful. But don\'t worry, I\'ve sent you Some people from the death mage group came to help you. What you have to do is to successfully transfer to ghost crying knight. "The whole body image of the blonde general appeared in front of kukas. Through this image, kukas found that the blonde general\'s face was a little bad.

"Why should I be transferred to ghost crying knight? Hehe, it doesn\'t have much to do with you! You didn\'t care so much before." kukas touched his bald head and talked to the blonde general.

"Hum! If it were yesterday, I don\'t care if you could succeed in your transfer, but from today on, you must succeed in my transfer. Your success and failure are now related to my interests." the blonde general didn\'t make things too clear, but repeatedly told kukas to adjust his state and wait for the altar to appear, Then smoothly transfer.

"You don\'t need to pay attention to the people of the death mage group. They will be responsible for protecting you. Well, I hope everything goes well." finally, the blonde general wanted to close the magic communication.

"General, have you heard from the scarlet queen?" kukas suddenly changed the topic and asked about the female doctor.

The blonde general stared at kukas closely for a while. Finally, he shook his head and said softly, "no, but don\'t worry. Your little lover will be fine. At the beginning, the scarlet queen promised me that your little lover won\'t die as long as she doesn\'t die."

"Thank you!" although he still didn\'t know the specific situation of the female doctor, kukas was obviously in a better mood after being comforted by the blonde general.

Kukas, who looked calm, suddenly became angry after the blonde general closed the magic communication. He roared in a low voice, grabbed the copper clock in front of him and waved it vigorously. The copper bell waved and sent out bursts of rapid and loud noise. The sound tore some wooden furniture in the house, and even some small stone furniture. The strong wind in the stone house suddenly rose, rolled up sawdust and stone powder, flew all over the sky, and fell on his huge body, making him look more ferocious.

"The violet family and the hand of glory?" kukas roared with distorted face: "after I succeed in my transfer, I\'ll cut the people of your two families first. Hey, hey, you haven\'t forgotten your hatred for me for so many years. How can I forget you? Well, I haven\'t experienced the feeling of killing for a long time!"

After some crazy muttering for a while, he calmed his mind and then continued to harden his body. It is only more than ten days since the altar appeared. Before that, he must adjust his physical state to the best. Only in this way can he have greater confidence in completing the transfer and promotion.