Abyss Knight

Chapter 406

"Hey, hey! Don\'t worry. If it\'s true, I\'ll find a way to adjust my mentality." kukas nodded solemnly and thanked the blonde general\'s suggestion again. Of course, the blonde general\'s help to him had other purposes except to get the bones of the finrier wolf, but he didn\'t tell him.

"Which altar is there? I want to guard it to prevent accidents." after thanking the blonde general, kukas asked about the altar.

"The altar is located thousands of feet below a monastery. When time comes, the altar will fly up from the depths of the earth. It will stay under the sky for three days, and then return to the place thousands of feet underground again. Every 100 years, you are very lucky. If you are three years late, I\'m afraid you will have to wait a hundred years." The blonde general held out her finger and nodded her forehead. She was thinking about how many Knight guards to prepare for kukas to train him: "The monastery is located in the remote area of the rocky ice sheet. I don\'t think you need to guard there at all. Generally, those who can destroy the altar disdain to do it, and those who can\'t destroy the altar are useless even if they know."

"Hey, hey! If there\'s no suitable altar around, I\'ll transfer myself. I don\'t have the patience to wait for a hundred years." kukas grinned: "Is rocky ice field there? I\'m very familiar with it. Well, I must go and guard it. I\'m afraid of ten thousand. If someone accidentally destroys the altar, I\'m afraid I\'ll die of depression. Ha ha! General, tell me the specific location and I\'ll start right away."

"That monastery is a church property. Although it is remote, it also needs to go through formal procedures to turn that place into your thing. If you occupy it rashly, I think the people of that church will find you trouble. At that time, it can\'t be said that it will bring you great trouble for your transfer." The blonde general rubbed her forehead and said her plan in a deep voice. She knew that if kukas was allowed to do things, killing and bloodshed could not be avoided, and this was not what she wanted to see now.

"Of course, all follow the orders of the general." after listening to the words of the blonde general, kukas knew that he had to stay here for some time. Although he was helpless for this result, he could not resist. After all, he was only a small fourth-order knight.

The blonde general didn\'t let kukas wait too long. Seven or eight days later, the blonde general led hundreds of Knight attendants and a letter of appointment to him. According to the order in the letter of appointment, kukas will become a priest named coroman monastery in the future, and coroman monastery belongs to a church named shining God. Of course, this church power is in Latour The imperial power is not strong. They will never rule kukas. Moreover, kukas only has three years to the coroman monastery belonging to the shining church.

"Well, general, do you think a man like me really looks like a priest?" kukas shook his bald head, and the muscles on his thick neck wriggled like poisonous snakes. The scars told everyone that he had experienced endless killing.

"Say you are a priest, you are a priest. Well, I forgot to tell you, but there are still some friars and nuns of the shining Church in the monastery. You must take good care of them in the past. Well, don\'t let them die." the blonde general looked at kukas and smiled sadly. "You can be a war priest or a violent priest. In short, you are now a believer of the shining God. Whether you believe it or not is up to you, not me." here, the blonde general laughed even louder: "Oh! I forgot to tell you. I brought you 300 Knight guards. When are you going to make them real knights?"

"I think if you don\'t protect their lives, you will soon see a group of knights coming back to you from me." kukas laughed. He looked at the 300 heavily armored knights and attendants standing in the manor. Although he couldn\'t see their faces clearly, he felt the green and astringent smell of killing and blood from those people.

"From your hands, only the official knights can come out alive. I don\'t care about others, and the military headquarters don\'t care. Because when they choose to become a knight and choose you as their instructor, everything is doomed." the blonde general shrugged her shoulders and showed kukas helpless. His arrival made him laugh.

"Get on the road now." kukas directly summoned a ghost crying war horse to ride up, and then urged him to fight. The bones on the white bone war horse spread and quickly formed a white bone armor to wrap him. The style of this white bone armor is the same as that of ordinary knight armor, but the face armor is more ferocious, and the spikes in joints, helmets and shoulders are more ferocious.

"It\'s very close to one of our underground fortresses. Just tell them what you lack." the blonde general soon regained her seriousness. Kukas always seemed uncomfortable with her serious and beautiful face. However, he had no right to ask the other party to do anything, so he had to whisper in his heart.

"OK." kukas nodded seriously, and then talked to the blonde general. After some time in other aspects, he directly urged the war horse to gallop towards the destination: coroman monastery. The three hundred knights and squires were ordered before they came here, so they didn\'t hesitate to urge their wildebeest to run away with him.

"Ghost sobbing knight? You really lost the finriel wolf ring? Hehe! I hope it\'s true! If those prophets find out your lies, I\'m afraid not only you are in danger, but also I will fall into passivity. En! Damn old covenant, I don\'t know why those rigid antiques still care about these things." The blonde general muttered a small mouth and cursed fiercely. Then she twisted her waist and returned to her room. In this manor, she has lived quietly for three or four years. The quiet life made her think a lot, and the things she thought also made her mind change more than before.

However, kukas led three hundred knights and squires on their way. Those squires rode strong Warcraft like wildebeest, so they were very fast. All the way, everyone was silent and just hurried along.

On the way, running day and night without any rest. Those knights and squires cried bitterly one by one, but they didn\'t dare to complain. If you are hungry, you should eat on horseback. If you are sleepy, you should struggle hard and dare not relax, because kukas told them that there is no need to keep up with those who fall behind.

After a day and night of running, kukas gave the order to rest. Of course, the rest time is not too long, only three magic hours. When the time came, he violently kicked the sleeping knights and squires, and then drove on again. A knight and squire could not help complaining, but as soon as he finished complaining, he was immediately kicked out of the team by kukas. Of course, the knight and his retinue finally left reluctantly, because if he didn\'t leave, kukas would break his head and tear his body.

The existence of the magic ring saved the three hundred knights and squires trained by kukas the time to find food, but it increased the travel time in disguise. In the following days, they will rest for three magic hours every ten magic hours on their way, day and night, regardless of weather conditions.

Such a high-intensity training would have been impossible for ordinary Knight guards, but these Knight guards were trained by the imperial army instead of the Academy. Although they have not been on the battlefield and seen blood, their tenacious will and unyielding spirit have long been branded in their bones. Therefore, even if it was hard to get on the road, these squires gritted their teeth and insisted.

In just five or six days, kukas returned to the rocky ice sheet. Although the coloman monastery is on the edge of the ice sheet, it has already been located in the ice sheet.

The wildebeest trotted on the thick snow. Although the formation of the knight\'s retinue was somewhat scattered, the knight\'s spear and shield were all completely worn on them. A faint evil smell was released from these squires, but these smells were generated in this short period of five or six days.

Some mercenaries cruising in the remote area of the ice sheet watched curiously after discovering kukas and his team. Soon they found that the team was completely composed of a large group of ordinary people. This discovery also calmed the minds of those mercenaries. They cruise on the rocky ice sheet and are very cautious about large-scale teams, because such teams often represent major forces and organizations, and they can\'t afford to be provoked by scattered mercenaries and adventurers.

Kukas didn\'t pay attention to those mercenaries, because he killed countless mercenaries on the rocky ice field. A large number of seventh order mercenaries died in his hands. How could he care about ordinary low-order mercenaries?

"Raise your spears. If you want to be a knight, you must have the determination to destroy everything. From now on, no matter what is in front of you, you are not allowed to go around without my command. Either kill the thing in front of you, or I will kill you." kukas spoke and issued his second command in recent days.