Abyss Knight

Chapter 399

"Prepare, the four princes are ours, and only we can kill them. If anyone else takes action, kill him first. Everything is waiting for my order. Is there a problem?" kukas pulled down the visor on his helmet and said coldly to the people.

"No problem, just hope your plan goes well. You know, I really hate the priest\'s robe. I should be the Pope and the great God of victory." the crazy caster complained in a low voice, but no one paid attention to him.

"The fourth prince will participate in a mass ceremony, and then find his sweetheart here: the young and beautiful friar. As long as they make friends together, it\'s time for us to do it." kukasler tightened his steel gloves and said, "we will succeed this time, even if some people die."

"After you kill this man, where are you going to go? Go back to your hometown to kill your enemies or travel outside? Of course, I hope you can hire us." the Gladiator was not used to wearing armor. He moved around and felt some comfort. Suddenly he asked this question.

"Go back and find some people. They have been waiting for me for a long time." kukas knocked on his head. The collision between gloves and helmet made a slight noise. "I won\'t hire you anymore because I don\'t have enough. What are you going to do?"

"Kill him, we can get a complete inheritance. I will find a place to study it well, and then attack the eighth level professional." the silent Puppet Master suddenly spoke. His words were a little dull and didn\'t seem to be in a good mood: "in fact, we are really sad. We are restrained and controlled everywhere. If we don\'t adhere to a powerful force, it\'s difficult for us to walk in the world. What do you think?"

The puppet master\'s words made kukas\'s mood suddenly worse. He yelled impatiently, and then motioned the others to go to church with him. At this time, the mass ceremony in the church had begun, and the four princes had already gone to the church to participate in mass. Of course, with the identity of church guard, kukas and they must also go to the church.

"It takes a lot to walk and do everything according to your will." the crazy caster suddenly sneered: "When I was just recovering, I didn\'t expect that legends had arranged secret methods in the underground world, otherwise they would never want to control me. After breaking away from their prohibition this time, I will establish my church to control others. Who wants to control me and who wants me to be attached to him at that time, I will let who goes to the abyss to wait for my fall."

Kukas heard the words of the mad caster this time. He agreed with the words of the mad caster very much, but now he is not discussing the future, but considering how to kill the fourth prince who is the summoner.

In the church, the white robed priestess, the bishop of the church, is doing mass rituals on the altar. In the huge church, at least tens of thousands of believers participate in the mass rituals. Moreover, as time goes by, more and more believers arrive here. Some of them trekked tens of miles or even hundreds of miles to participate in the mass rituals, while others came in admiration and tried to reason Understand the differences between this church and other churches. Of course, there are believers of other churches here. These believers come here for various reasons. Finally, they either get what they want to know and leave, or they are homogenized by divine power in mass rituals, give up their original beliefs and become devout believers of the God of eternal night.

Because kukas are now Templars and combat priests of the church, they guard in a conspicuous place surrounded by the crowd. Under the conscious control of the white priestess who presided over the mass ceremony, a large number of divine forces were instilled into their armor to show their piety to others.

The mass ceremony finally ended after spending more than two magic hours. Devout believers continued to pray in the church, while ordinary believers turned and left. Of course, there will be no shortage of priests for mass in such a huge church. After a mass, other priests will replace the white priestess to continue the next mass.

As church guards, kukas scattered around the four princes under the command of the white robed priestess. The four princes looked very young, and the clothes he wore were not too gorgeous, but kukas was keenly aware that the other party carried a large number of magic props. Those magic props also ensured that he could protect himself when he lost his strength Enough to defend for a long time.

In addition to their surrounding the fourth prince, dozens of other professionals also pretended to be ordinary people to protect the fourth prince. The fourth Prince followed the nun with a pious face and walked towards the backyard of the church. Along the way, the four princes stretched out their palms again and again to secretly touch some sensitive parts of the nun In the past, with such means, the nun who was teased was panting, and the sensitive body that had been trained directly climaxed.

The four princes laughed even more when they were excited about the nun, but he still pretended to be a devout believer and walked behind the nun.

The backyard of the church is the residence of the nuns, where men are generally not allowed to enter at all. Therefore, those professionals who secretly protect the fourth Prince often wait outside when they arrive here. As for the fourth Prince and kukas, they can enter the nuns\' residence because of their identity.

As soon as they entered the nuns\' residential area, the four princes abandoned the expression of devout believers and hugged the young nuns in their arms, playing with them and saying some sweet love words. The young nun teased him with a shy face. I met some other nuns along the way. Those nuns would secretly glance at the four princes, and then look at the nun with envy and think she has climbed a big tree.

"Well, you can leave." after waiting for the independent manor of the young nun, the fourth Prince fiercely turned his head and said solemnly to kukas: "I don\'t need your protection. It\'s very safe here."

"Your Highness, we can\'t disobey the Bishop\'s order. We must protect your safety here." kukas ignored the words of the four princes. His face was ferocious, but his words were very respectful: "We will guard outside the manor and the house. Because the bishop heard about your sneak attack a few days ago, she must ensure your safety here." kukas said this according to the original plan.

"Your Highness, let them stay! This is also the bishop for your safety." the young nun\'s legs trembled and put the palms of the four princes in there. She saw kukas turning to look at her, so she had to bite her teeth and say these words: "in case anything happens, they can take care of you." The nun\'s trembling voice made the four princes extremely satisfied.

He grabbed the nun\'s chest and tore her robe. His handsome face twisted with excitement: "ha ha! OK, let these people guard outside and let them feel my strength. Ha ha!"

While talking, the four princes picked up Tong Yanju! The nun with milk went to the door. Before the door was closed, she stripped off the nun\'s clothes, and then began to play crazy.

In the panting sound in the room, kukas opened his bloody scroll. On the scroll, he found that the light spots of other hunters had also arrived near the church, and some light spots even appeared directly in the nuns\' residence.

"You can\'t wait, damn it." The news brought to him by the bloody scroll made him extremely depressed. He turned his head and motioned the crazy caster and gladiator to leave and kill the hunter who broke into the nuns\' house. He, the puppet master and some other ordinary church guards were still guarding outside the house and manor. Of course, there were two seventh order lurks in kukas\'s sense of killing talent The guardian is in the room of the fourth prince.

"He\'s just a fifth order summoner," the puppet master sent a message to kukas with a secret method and said, "now is the best chance to kill him."

"After he wears that ring, we\'ll do it again. There are too many magic props on him. Now we rush in and will be stopped by those magic props, and then he will summon monsters to fight us." Kukas hesitated a little and finally decided to be safe. He didn\'t kill each other until the nun with childlike face and huge breasts put a ring on the fourth prince to seal his power.

At this time, the gladiator and crazy caster also returned from a distance, because when they were searching for the hunter who broke into the nuns\' house, the hunter quickly retreated and joined the other hunters in the church ahead. In this way, the gladiator and crazy caster had to return here.

However, as soon as they joined kukas, they saw other hunters moving towards them quickly on the bloody scroll. Its speed was so fast that it took only more than ten breathing times under normal circumstances.

"Stop all intruders." kukas growled in a low voice. He couldn\'t wait any longer. He had to kill himself before the other hunters came.

"Kill!" With a low roar, the armor on the bald evil man burst and fell to the ground. He was so naked, wearing only a pair of shorts made of Asian Dragon skin around his waist, and fiercely slaughtered the nun\'s room. The gladiator and crazy caster also roared, and all followed kukas to charge into the room. As for the puppet master, he laughed strangely When he waved, he released a large number of stitching puppets to attack the gladiators and crazy casters from behind.

Under kukas\'s charge, the wooden door was torn open by him as easily as paper. He broke into the room, and the imaginary men and women entangled soldiers appeared in front of him. Instead, he only saw the nun with a child\'s face and huge breasts lying naked on the table, constantly moving her lower body, while the four princes grabbed a ring and a crystal rod with a sneer and frantically toward the lower half of the nun The body stirred. Bursts of crazy and tempting groans rang from the mouth of the lost nun.

"I thought you were going to wait until dark!" the fourth Prince looked at kukas with a sneer and muttered.

"Death!" without thinking about why the four princes were so vigilant, kukas roared directly and instantly recovered his body. GA bouncing! There was a loud noise. The body more than two meters high soared to more than three meters high in an instant. The fist the size of a casserole soared. The whole arm thicker than ordinary people\'s thighs also soared three or five times.

His arms bulged and black smoke twined, but kukas exerted his brilliance with all his strength and punched the four princes in the chest. Although the fallen brilliant knight has died, the brilliant smoke fist he learned and cultivated from it will not disappear or stagnate.

This is the first time kukas has played his fist in front of the four princes. The last time he hunted and killed each other, he never found the opportunity to play such a powerful attack. Now the opportunity is just right, so he did not hesitate to play it.

More than ten magic defenses emerged on the four princes one by one. Although the four princes had known the power of kukas\'s fist from other channels, he didn\'t really understand the real power of the fist until it was imminent.

The fist wrapped with eight or nine black smoke columns hit those magic defenses hard. It just broke more than ten magic defenses in an instant. However, the punch was finally resisted by the magic props on the fourth prince. The last layer of defense is a mirror made of crystal, which resists in front of kukas\'s fist. After bursts of crisp noise, it forcibly resists it.

"Roar!" the fist was blocked, but kukas was ready. His feet fell to the ground, and a visible ripple was released from his feet and hit the four princes at their feet.

The crystal mirror that just resisted kukas\'s brilliant smoke fist just resisted those ripples and completely collapsed in an instant. The remaining ripples hit the fourth Prince and threw him out.

Two lurks hiding in the void shot at kukas. However, with kukas\'s killing talent, he had already clearly known the traces of the two lurks. Wrists trembled, two bronze paws appeared in his hands, and then quickly hit left and right. The direction of the copper spike was exactly where the two lurks came.

The two lurks never dreamed that the bald evil man in front of them knew the direction of their attack. They were surprised, but they retreated and wanted to get out of kukas\'s attack range. After all, they are just lurks. Their fighting strength is not strong. All the killings are completed in the void and will not confront the enemy.

The lurk retreats fast, but not as fast as kukas\'s copper attack. While waving, the copper pawn collided with the two lurks\' knives.

The violent collision made the two lurks only feel a strong force hitting them, and the specially trained arm was directly broken by the strong force. Even more frightening to them was that a violent fighting spirit quickly spread to their hearts along their arms. Where the fierce fighting spirit went, it directly tore their flesh and blood and destroyed their meridians.

Under such a blow, the two seventh order lurks screamed, but they showed their figure from the void. With the help of the power of kukas copper attack, they suddenly flew out of the house, and then drilled into a corner to mobilize their own strength to fight the violent fighting spirit that had penetrated into the body.

"Kill him!" kukas roared loudly, but after he shouted, he realized that the situation of gladiators and crazy casters was extremely bad.

The gladiator who should have followed him to attack and kill the four princes was tightly held in his arms and bitten by a double headed puppet, while seven or eight gray black rings were wrapped around the crazy caster. These rings kept shrinking and forcibly compressed his activity space. The puppet caster, who had been silent all the time, had a ferocious smile on his face and manipulated other puppets to continue attacking gladiators and crazy casters.

The betrayal of his companions is unbearable for gladiators and crazy spell casters, especially for gladiators besieged by double headed suture puppets. His face was calm and abnormal. His teeth bit the corners of his mouth, but he waved his arms and stabbed them into the puppets, and then bit by bit tore off the meat and threw it on the ground. As for the crazy caster\'s strange cries, he didn\'t care about the ring shrinking towards himself, but threw fireballs at the puppet caster.

It was not clear why the puppet caster suddenly betrayed them. Kukas just yelled and continued to attack the four princes alone. He knew he could not delay time, otherwise it would be more difficult to kill each other after the four princes summoned his monster.

However, the obstruction of the two lurks has left a little time for the fourth prince. Although kukas is like a wild beast, he kills the fourth Prince fiercely, but the other party once again takes out a magic item and throws it in front of him for defense.

"You want to stop me with this? It\'s really a joke." facing the magic item, kukas ignored it, screamed, waved a bronze mask and threw it at the four princes who continued to retreat.