Abyss Knight

Chapter 381

Kukas led the men up the street and soon observed the terrain. After observing the terrain, he led the six men to a tavern to live temporarily. In the tavern, they sat silently around a table and waited for the night to come.

A cup of expensive wine was drunk like water. Even the three casters drank a lot of wine. Although they drank a lot of wine, none of them showed too much behavior. The crazy caster seemed to be sober at this time. He just kept drinking with his head down, and then whispered words that everyone couldn\'t understand.

The guests came in and out of the tavern. They brought a lot of news to kukas, but also changed his original idea a little.

It turned out that kukas heard about a princess of the Latour empire from some adventurers. Among the adventurers, a princess of the Empire left the Imperial College where she had been and planned to go to the rocky ice field. Of course, she didn\'t go there to take risks, nor to explore underground ruins, but to follow a new lord there.

According to the adventurers, the young Lord\'s origin is very mysterious and knows a lot of ancient treasure technologies. The Lord got a lot of money through some technologies, which offended some people in the imperial capital. So they drove him out of the imperial capital. Fortunately, the Lord knew a princess. With the help of the princess, he saved his life and lived until now.

When kukas learned that the Lord\'s enemies were some dignitaries of the whole Latour Empire, he immediately had the idea of cooperating with each other. Of course, all this is based on the fact that one of the Lord\'s enemies was caused by the violet family.

"I think we must change our plan. We can\'t do it here. I\'ll watch the Lord and decide whether to do it tonight." kukas took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "if we can, we can even unite with the Lord."

"Is it necessary for a small Lord to unite? What you want to deal with is not the dignitaries of the Latour Empire, but the whole Latour empire. Do you think the Lord will retaliate against the whole empire?" the butcher fighter asked with his head tilted and his face puzzled.

"People have desires. Now he is just a small Lord. I think he must want to be a bigger Lord. Even the emperor of a small country, and even the king of the whole Latour empire." kukas laughed strangely: "even if he doesn\'t want to fight the whole empire, I think I can use his power to make some people pay the necessary price."

"The necessary price? Just kill it directly. OK! As I didn\'t say anything, I will only help you for two years. Of course, if you are willing to pay more blood, I can help you for longer." the butcher fighter shook his head and said this casually.

"Well, now we\'re on our way. The goal is the Lord. I hope we can see him smoothly before dark." kukas drank the last glass of red wine, then fiercely stood up, put his cloak around him and walked out the door. Seeing this situation, several other professionals did not dare to neglect and quickly followed up.

After leaving the tavern, kukas and the others soon got the specific information of the Lord from an adventurer. With the support of this news, if it goes well, they will meet the LORD before nightfall.

"Brothers, I\'m not talking about you. It\'s too weak to rely on you to find the Lord\'s trouble. I heard that there was an exclusive mercenary regiment around the princess to protect her, and the Lord took advantage of her. I don\'t know how many mercenaries tried to cut the Lord\'s head to get the reward along the way, but they failed in the end It is said that a huge mercenary regiment of 10000 people also shot, but they also failed, completely failed. "The adventurer seemed to persuade kukas them with a kind heart, as if he didn\'t want them to die.

A small bag of gold coins was thrown to the adventurer, and then kukas replied in a deep voice, "there are many people who trouble the Lord?"

"Of course." the adventurer quickly opened the money bag, checked the gold coins in it, put them in his arms and said excitedly: "You know, the violet family and some other powerful families have offered millions of gold coins to ask for the Lord\'s head. It is even said that the violet family will help each other get a territory and become a Lord if they get the Lord\'s head."

"Think about it! How many people do you want to attract with millions of gold coins and a lord\'s title? Hey, there are some forces around the Lord, otherwise he would have died long ago. There is still need to wait until now?"

"Thank you!" kukas nodded to the other party, then turned around and left. The adventurer wanted to catch up and buy some more information, but seeing kukas\'s huge body, he suddenly retired. Of course, the murderous spirit released from him out of control made the adventurer retreat faster.

Leaving the small town quickly, kukas summoned a bone beast more than ten meters long to serve as a mount. Several other professionals also jumped on the bone beast to rest. The huge bone beast walked on the trade road, which attracted some people\'s attention. Kukas didn\'t deliberately look for trouble here in order to hurry. He urged the bone beast to move quickly and shuttle through the trade road.

"Kukas, I don\'t think we need to unite with the so-called Lord. He has powerful forces around him and won\'t care about us." the butcher fighter muttered again: "we should kill and kill all those who deal with you."

"You can kill a thousand people, but you can\'t kill everyone in the whole Latour empire. Only with the identity of a lord can you summon more soldiers to help you kill. At that time, the killing speed will be much faster than we act alone. Then we will kill all the creatures of the whole Latour Empire and sacrifice them to me." The crazy caster retorted disdainfully, "I will have as many sacrifices as I want. God! What kind of scene should it be?"

"Hey, hey! Don\'t quarrel about this. If the other party really wants to deal with the violet family and the Latour Empire, we\'ll stay and join hands with them. If he doesn\'t have that mind, he\'ll leave directly and kill the princess." kukas touched his bald head and smiled. He stood on the head of the bone beast, looked left and right, and always used his killing talent to sense the situation around him, so as to prevent someone from suddenly exploding murderous spirit and attacking him.

"I think the other party will agree. A Lord sent to rocky ice field must have no high-level professionals around him. He needs us very much." the puppet master who has been studying the corpse suddenly spoke. He cut some corpses and put them together to form stitching puppets. Such puppets are often four or five meters tall, and their shapes are really strange. "You know what? In fact, I\'ve always wanted to restore those powerful bloody puppets in the ancient times. It\'s said that those puppets are extremely powerful. Even the gods will fall when they face these puppets. In legend, there are hundreds of thousands of gods who died in the hands of bloody puppets. I can\'t imagine that there are so many gods in that ancient era."

For the puppet master\'s habitual self talk, kukas wisely chose silence. But the crazy caster, who called himself the God of victory, habitually retorted: "Those bloody puppets were not made by your garbage method. They grew up little by little after a long time of evolution. I fought with them a long time ago. Their single combat effectiveness is not so strong. They rely on a large number of people."

"Have you ever fought with them? It\'s crazy. Oh! Where\'s my bloody puppet? Baby, go back and have a good rest. You can show your power immediately and let everyone know how powerful my puppet army is." In fact, the spirit of the puppet caster is also a little disordered. This situation has just appeared. This makes kukas and others carefully alert in their hearts. In their view, the spirit of a puppet caster is slowly disordered, and they may not be able to escape this change.

Kukas controlled the huge bone beast and moved faster and faster, because it was dark at this time. Some businessmen and motorcades gathered together and camped along the road to guard against the attack of robbers. Only some large mercenaries continued to travel. They might be on duty or something else.

A trace of bloody breath was detected by kukas under the powerful wind. Then the illusionist on one side detected that two teams were fighting in front with his strong spiritual power: "it should be that the LORD was in conflict with some mercenaries." the illusionist said something uncertain.

He stretched out his hand and clicked in front of him. A somewhat blurred picture appeared in front of everyone. In the picture, a large group of mercenaries surrounded a convoy and were killing. There were three or five mercenary groups around. They were watching. Those mercenaries might want to watch the excitement, or they might take other tasks and wait for their mission objectives. You know him The place where we fight is a fork in the road.