Abyss Knight

Chapter 373

"Well, I think we shouldn\'t discuss this boring problem now, but about leaving here." kukas took a deep look at the person opposite the bronze tripod, then pulled the blonde Sutra and turned back to the coming way: "We want to return to the ground. Now it seems that those underground races are also struggling to resist the invasion of these cold ice forces. We stay here, maybe as they say, maybe we will all die."

"OK!" in fact, the blonde scribe has no special ideas. She just obediently listens to kukas\'s suggestions. Of course, such suggestions are not good, but they have no other choice.

When she returned in the bitter cold, the blonde scribe recited the Scriptures again. After thinking about it, kukas finally summoned a burning bone beast to sit on it. The skull was a scorching devil. It was combined with some bones of other creatures to form an eight legged reptile. There were some flames from its feet and bones. There were these fires The flame burned and made them feel warm again.

After walking up the same path for only half a magic hour, kukas and his colleagues were stunned by the scene in front of them. Because the same path in front had been solidified by a thick layer of cold ice, which was extremely solid. Even if it was attacked by violent evil fighting, it could only drop ice the size of a washbasin. And the channel was at least dozens of miles long, I don\'t know how many years it will take him to completely open the channel solidified by the cold ice.

There happened to be another passage on one side. After a little consideration, kukas decided to enter another passage. At this time, the blonde Sutra curled in his arms complained in a low voice that they shouldn\'t have left the basement and come here. Of course, kukas ignored these complaints at all, because he knew that after some things were done, they wouldn\'t come here Can regret, can not regret.

Through the underground spaces, they just rested a little, ate some food and then continued on the road. Kukas\'s mounts were changed one by one, because the cold air dispersed in the air became more and more thick. Even the bone animals that burned the flame collapsed because of the long-term freezing.

They wander aimlessly around the underground world, maybe three or five days, maybe seven or eight days. Since they left the channel, they have never seen any other living people. They just walk aimlessly, hoping to leave this completely frozen underground space, return to the ground, and even leave the rocky ice sheet to go elsewhere.

On this day, kukashang opened a passage with the blonde Sutra and went along the passage into another huge underground space. This time, the scene in the underground space surprised both of them.

The violent ice force was blocked at the edge of the passage. In this huge space, there was no shadow, but those ice forces could not erode into it.

Stone pagodas and some strange buildings emitting powerful magic power stand in this underground space. Standing in this space, they only feel the powerful mysterious atmosphere to suppress them.

The whole underground space was extremely quiet and clean. There were no bodies or living people in the street. There was no sound except the footsteps of the two of them.

"These are all mage towers!" the blonde Sutra leaned her head out of kukas\'s arms to look at the surrounding situation. After finding those strange buildings that radiated great power, she couldn\'t help saying, "God, who are the residents of this place? I\'ve never seen so many mage towers in a residential area."

Kukas didn\'t say anything rashly. He just used his killing talent to detect those buildings entangled with strong magic power, and then infer whether he can open the prohibitions on these buildings. To his surprise, every building emitting magic power here can\'t be opened now. It\'s the smell emitted by those buildings that makes him infer The former masters here: the residence of a group of at least eight order casters.

Some magical forces flew into the air from the building, and then exploded and collided. It was so repeated and silent that only various colors of magic flickered. If they didn\'t know that they were not dreaming, they almost suspected that they were frozen by the cold ice and were now lost before death!

"There is a sign of the eternal night church on that building." at this time, the blonde scribe suddenly lost her voice and shouted. She pointed to a three story building not far away and shouted, "I feel something calling me inside." While talking, she quickly jumped down from kukas\'s chest and ran towards the small building. Her speed was very fast, and it was obvious that her desire for the small building exceeded her rational constraints.

The blonde monk pushed open the door and walked into the small building. However, before kukas followed in, the door of the small building suddenly closed. Then it began to illusory without any sign. Kukas\'s big hand touched the illusory house, but he couldn\'t open the door of the house any more.

"Damn it, what\'s going on?" kukas growled in a low voice. In a hurry, he waved a heavy copper mark and hit it hard on the door. When he went down, the light flashed. A powerful force wrapped him up in an instant, and then threw it out in the distance.

"Roar!" with a low roar, kukas urged his fighting spirit to swim away in his body. When the secret method was used, his weight immediately increased several times. The huge body fell heavily on the ground and made a dull noise. Where his feet landed, there was a trace of magic power on the stone slab, which perfectly resisted the impact of his falling.

At this time, through the illusory wall, kukas saw the blonde Sutra standing in the house and walking from time to time. She walked irregularly, sometimes moving forward, sometimes turning around, sometimes turning left and sometimes turning right. So repeated, but it seems extremely abnormal. And while walking, she whispered something. From time to time, she turned and looked out and gave directions, like kukas waiting outside.

The house became more and more illusory, and the figure of the blonde scribe became more and more clear. Finally, the blonde Sutra instructed kukas. The pale gold box stored in his magic ring flew out directly and disappeared into the house in an instant. Then, the whole house that became almost transparent turned into a streamer, and then disappeared into the underground space.

"I wipe!" seeing that the house disappeared and the golden box in his arms flew away, the bald evil man couldn\'t help scolding.

"Leave here, this is not the place where you should stay." a mysterious voice sounded from the stone tower on one side. Then kukas felt that the space in front of him was distorted. At the next breathing time, he felt the cold around him. Before he looked around, a cold current of tens of feet thick wiped the ground from a distance and rolled him in. It froze him in an instant.

The cold current passed, leaving only a frozen kukas standing quietly in a broken underground space, surrounded by dozens of frozen statues like him. Looking at the statues, I found that those frozen people were extremely angry at the moment of freezing, as if they had encountered something terrible.

The frozen kukas did not die, at least his mind was still active. Unfortunately, his mind was trapped in the fighting space and could not perceive any situation outside.

The angry and violent mind roared wildly in the fighting space, trying to get out of here and return to the noumenon, but he couldn\'t do it. He was completely disappointed after he didn\'t know how long it had passed. All his spirits were entrenched on the central altar, watching the fighting spirit increase and pure.

In this unchanging fighting space, he began to think about some things. Recall the experience when I was young and all kinds of knowledge I got before. Finally, he even summoned up his spirit to practice the golden liquid to improve his natural ability with secret methods. This is a little bit of killing this extremely depressed and crazy day.

Just three years after kukas was frozen, countless cold air penetrated from the outside, then pierced the underground space and spread thousands or even millions of miles below.

As the cold went on, the temperature on the rocky ice sheet suddenly increased, large tracts of snow disappeared, and the endless cold all went underground. Even where kukas were frozen, the cold was greatly reduced. However, the cold ice wrapped around them still did not disappear. On the contrary, after absorbing some cold air passing through here, it seemed to solidify even more.

When most of the cold air disappeared thousands or even millions of miles deep in the earth, the underground world began to collapse in a large area. Some houses, passages collapsed, spaces collapsed, and everything was buried. But some bodies began to walk when the underground world collapsed. They turned into ice corpses, dug out channels with their claws to climb towards the ground, and finally climbed to the rocky ice sheet, which was reduced several times, and then walked blankly.

The rocky ice sheet also appears because of a large number of ice corpses, and the temperature is slowly decreasing. Some cold air gathered again and slowly spread hundreds of thousands or even millions of miles deep underground. Kukas is still trapped in the cold ice and can\'t get away at all.