Abyss Knight

Chapter 370

The medicine was swallowed by the blonde Sutra, but it had no effect, and her breath became weaker and weaker.

"I accepted the priest\'s help, so I want to send you out of the ice. Even if you die, you will die out of the ice." kukas saw that his medicine had no effect. In his anger, he took half a drop of the blood of the legendary dragon directly into the mouth of the blonde Sutra.

This half drop of blood of the legendary dragon immediately strengthened the breath of the female Sutra. The pale face also began to appear a trace of blush, and the five pointed star array exposed to her body began to slowly disappear. According to kukas\' estimation, when her magic array structure disappears, that is when she is out of danger.

The blonde nun seemed moved by kukas\'s help of paying half a drop of legendary dragon blood. She was able to do it from the ground at this time, but her first thing to do was not to untie her golden chain, but to point to the light golden box and signal kukas to open the box: "The owner of these things once fought with the God of the night in legend. Unfortunately, the man was not the opponent of the God of the night. Therefore, after his death, his weapon became the booty of the God of the night. Finally, the great God of the night left it to the church to take care of this treasure."

"Such an important treasure can be given to me only by the words of a priest?" kukas tilted his head and stared at the female scribe with a low smile. "I think your church will definitely try to take it back when it knows."

"It wasn\'t from the eternal church at first, and it doesn\'t hurt to send it out now. After all, I\'m afraid you won\'t feel comfortable if you don\'t give you a good thing."

"If you would send everything directly, what\'s the use of me even if I\'m uncomfortable? Did you really kill the headquarters of your eternal night church and say, \'I have kukas for those treasures, and you must give them to me\'?" Kukas giggled at the speech. He grabbed his bald head and looked at the blonde Sutra with interest, because he didn\'t know why the other party did it.

"The priest asked me to leave this to you when he died. He said you deserved it. Maybe he was worried that you would rob everything here after his death, or maybe it was for some other reason." the blonde Sutra shrugged her shoulders and smiled in a low voice: "can you turn around? I\'m going to dress."

"Damn it, haven\'t you seen it?" kukas stared at Bai Nen\'s upper body and muttered to himself. Of course, he said hypocritically, "of course, beautiful lady." while talking, he took the golden box and walked outside the house: "hurry up, I think we should leave here."

"There is a puzzle on the box. After you put it together, you can open it." the blonde Sutra pulled the corners of her mouth, smiled silently, and then said loudly.

"Thank you!" kukas was a little stunned, then nodded his back to the female Sutra and said, "don\'t worry, I will send you out of here. And I suggest you speed up. I feel someone is looking for us."

While talking, he came to the outside of the house. He turned and looked at the gate leading to the outside world. His killing talent told him that at the other end of the gate, a man was constantly attacking the gate and wanted to rush in. Of course, he didn\'t expect the gate to really stop the pursuer, but wanted the gate to delay more time. According to his estimation Count, this gate can last at least more than ten magic hours before it can be broken by people outside.

The puzzle on the box is not so complex. The pattern of the puzzle is a strange abyssal creature. The creature has dozens of wings, many eyes on its head, and a dark chain wrapped around its body. The top of the chain is linked with a shackle. Beside the creature, there are some abyssal words recording the origin of the creature, but it\'s a pity that these abyssal words are really It was too difficult to understand. Kukas could barely recognize three or five simple words, and there was nothing else he could do.

Although he can\'t master all the words, it doesn\'t prevent kukasbin from putting together those patterns. Because there are complete patterns painted on the box on one side. Every time he pushes a puzzle, he needs to spend almost all his evil fighting spirit. During this period, when the evil fighting spirit is not completely restored, he can\'t push the next puzzle.

In this way, he greatly delayed the speed of opening the box. When he finished one tenth of the puzzle, the blonde teacher came out of the room. The golden chain was wrapped around his waist, and a section of the chain was connected to a thick book.

Without the naked upper body, the blonde Sutra looks much purer. But whenever kukas\'s eyes fall on each other\'s chest, his heart will rise with lust. Yes, lust. Until now, he has found that he and he have not made out with women for a long time. Of course, he will never take advantage of the blonde Sutra now. After all, he is right Fang has helped himself. If he forces a relationship with the other party, I\'m afraid it will make him uneasy in his heart.

"How can we get out of here?" when the female teacher tilted her head and looked at kukas putting together the box in her hand, she suddenly felt very funny. Because in her opinion, the other party just kept looking at the box without hands. It seemed that she didn\'t want to get the baby in the box at all.

"We\'ll leave here after the man outside leaves. Sorry, I\'m afraid I\'ll have to sleep for a while." after constantly consuming his fighting spirit, kukas was tired. He didn\'t care. He ran to a room with the golden box in his arms. Then he closed the door and fell asleep. He was not worried that the female scribe would open the door to the outside world, let alone that the other party would break into his room, because he needed to stimulate some organs with special fighting spirit to block and open all the doors here. Without his guidance, the blonde Sutra couldn\'t have done it at all.

For this sudden change of kukas, the female scribe was extremely surprised. She had a small mouth and was stunned for most of the day. Finally, with some worry, he glanced at the gate leading to the outside world, then looked deeply at kukas\'s resting house, and then turned back to her room. There, she also needs a good rest, because the blood of the legendary dragon still works. What she needs now is to speed up the effect of the blood of the dragon through cultivation.

Not to mention the cultivation of the blonde Sutra, kukas opened his killing talent and observed the situation around him as soon as he woke up. There was no trace of anyone in the house. There was no one waiting at the gate leading to the outside world. And this result made him secretly relieved. What he fears most now is not a powerful enemy, but his own deep sleep. Because he would rather be killed face to face than be beheaded and rewarded in his unconscious sleep.

There was a magic timer left by the original owner on the wall. Through the timer, kukas found that he had slept for more than six magic hours. If he remembered correctly, this time he had the longest sleep in these years.

When he opened the door, kukas found the blonde scribe sitting outside in the courtyard, praying in a low voice. In her prayers, he felt unprecedented peace. Although the peace lasted only a little time, it made him feel very satisfied.

"Let\'s go! The man outside has left." kukas squatted in front of the female scribe and looked at the thick classics on her knees. "The belief in gods does not depend on a lot of prayer! If you don\'t have a heart of faith, even praying day by day, I\'m afraid it won\'t have half the effect."

"Ha ha! I\'m practicing." the blonde nun Sutra smiled, then closed the classic in her hand and said with a heavy face: "That man has done this many times before. After we hide, he will pretend to leave, and then when we move, he will jump out and attack us. The longest time was when we hid in an underground pit for three days and nights. Finally, when we left there, we met him."

"He\'s not good at frontal combat?" kukas said with his head tilted.

"Yes, if he is good at frontal combat, he will not wait outside the cave where we are hiding. He often jumps out to sneak attack after we walk on the wide ground in the wilderness and mountains, and then leaves." the blonde Sutra explained in a heavy mood: "If any gate can hold on, I suggest we stay here more time."

"Can you hold on? According to his attack frequency and power, he can hold on for at least more than ten magic hours. Now he stops attacking, maybe he will hold on longer. By the way, don\'t you worry that he is leaving this time to look for reinforcements? You know, this is already a remote area of the ice field, and it must not take long to leave the ice field." Kukas tilted his head and muttered, "well, if he is fast, he can leave here in more than ten days. I\'m afraid he will be faster if he meets someone on the way."

"Do you think he will give up our guard and spend several days or even more than ten days looking for help elsewhere? I believe his help is also catching up here, but his help is too slow. According to my estimation, it will take them at least seven or eight days to get together.