Abyss Knight

Chapter 368

"If I just help them find food and avoid the pursuit of the enemy, I can still do it." kukas touched his bare head and grinned. "Some things need to rely on himself, not on others."

"Have you begged? Knight kukas." the middle-aged priest suddenly changed his topic: "I think according to your character, you never begged!"

Kukas was silent. After a long silence, he said, "please!"

"It\'s not a good feeling to beg people, but I still want to beg you. I hope you can take care of them and lead them away from the ice field. Just leave the ice field." the middle-aged priest said with a gloomy face: "we can pay you a lot of reward and teach you the knight skills of the eternal night church."

"This is already the edge of the ice sheet. They can leave here easily."

"Yes, this is already a remote area of the ice sheet. You only need to waste some time to help them. Please, but with them, they can\'t get out of the ice sheet at all. Some people have woven a big net outside and are looking for them all the time. I think many people will attack them on the way away from the ice sheet." the middle-aged priest took a deep breath, A blush suddenly appeared on his face, and his whole spirit seemed much better. "Some people want our lives, but they only dare to do it in the ice field."

"I think I need to think about it. I also have many enemies. I think there will be dozens or even hundreds of times more people outside who want to kill me than those who want to kill you." kukas laughed a few times, then turned away with a courtesy towards the priest.

After leaving the seat of the middle-aged priest, kukas went directly to another room. He lay quietly in bed alone, silently thinking about some distant memories. In his vague memory, he once asked others to help him. The person he asked was an old knight. He hoped that the old knight would teach him Knight skills so that he could become a knight\'s retinue.

At this point, his memory suddenly became clear. He clearly remembered that the old knight had clearly refused his plea after carefully observing him for decades. Because the old knight thought he was a bloodthirsty murderer, he didn\'t want to teach a bloodthirsty knight. At this time, the news of the death of one of the old knight\'s sons reached the manor. Under the blow of the news, the old knight finally accepted kukas to become a squire. It was the help of the old knight that made kukas what he is today.

Looking back on the past, many of them have been blurred, but now he recalls them over and over again. In his memories, he found that there was nothing worth remembering in his life. In his memory, there was nothing worth remembering except killing and cultivation. Some memories are blurred. He can\'t remember clearly.

I don\'t know how long later, when kukas was thinking about things, a soft knock on the door pulled him out of his memory.

The door opened, and from the outside came the blonde scribe and two temple soldiers. From their faces, kukas saw a faint sadness. And this sad expression made him think of some things that were not very good.

"The priest wants you to come over. Of course, if you like," said the blonde Sutra softly with a deep breath. "He\'s dying."

"All right!" kukas nodded and agreed. Along the way, the scribe whispered some scriptures that kukas did not understand, while the two church soldiers bowed their heads and said nothing.

The middle-aged priest sat on a back chair and read a thick classic. The cadence sounds old and desolate. With the priest\'s Scripture recitation, some sacred milky power flew out of the classics and slowly landed on kukas.

At first he wanted to avoid these divine forces, but when those divine forces were about to float on him, the chains branded in his body began to tremble. Chains emerged from his flesh and blood, suspended in the air, desperately resisting the erosion of milky light.

"Your Highness kukas, this is my gift for you." the middle-aged priest looked up at kukas\'s eyes and said, "now I beg you to kill the two people next to you. Can you do it?"

"Remove the chains from me and help you kill two people. This is what I should do." kukas looked at the chains suspended around him. They became smaller and smaller. Then he looked at the female scribe squatting on the ground crying and the two temple soldiers with frightened and confused faces. He sent out bursts of strange ferocious smiles.

With the disappearance of his chains, his suppressed forces began to recover quickly. This rapidly recovering power gave him great confidence to kill the two fifth order Temple soldiers.

"Priest, why did you kill us?" a temple soldier fell on his knees and looked at the middle-aged priest with a blank and frightened face. He shouted, "although you have the right to deal with our lives, I want to know why."

"Because you have taken refuge in the power of the hidden goddess, in you, I feel that your faith has begun to illusory. If I am not wrong, all the attacks on the eternal night church all the way have something to do with you. Well, don\'t argue, because your faith in the eternal night God is illusory." The middle-aged priest gently patted the classic in his hand. The classic suddenly burst, and a large group of sacred light integrated into kukas\'s body, instantly eliminating all the chains on him. The broken classic powder floated into the golden chain and silver classics around the female Sutra\'s waist.

"Hehe, if it weren\'t for my death, maybe I would never know that you are the traitors of the church." the middle-aged priest stretched out his hand and pointed to the two temple soldiers with a helpless face.

"I have not betrayed the Church of the eternal night, let alone the God of the eternal night." the temple soldier kneeling on the ground shouted loudly. He fiercely stood up and rushed directly to the blonde Sutra who was crying in a low voice: "you have no right to say that I betrayed the God of eternal night."

"The gods have revealed to the priest and me, so you are not wronged." the blonde Sutra fiercely raised her head and stared at the temple soldier who rushed at her. "Do you feel that everything you have done along the way is worthy of your companions who have been with you?"

"The God of the eternal night, the God of the secret, we are just fools." the other temple warrior looked much more calm. He looked at kukas deeply, then turned his head and said to the decaying middle-aged priest: "It may have been our mistake or the mistake of the eternal night church, but now it doesn\'t matter. Do you think a fourth-order knight can kill our two fifth-order warriors?"

"Yes, don\'t worry. I\'ll let you die without pain." kukas quacked with a strange smile, but he pulled out two bronze chopsticks with his backhand.

"The evil knight kukas has killed many seventh level professionals." the blonde Sutra wiped her tears and said to the two temple soldiers, "tell me, why betray the church?"

"Because we can\'t get what we want. My woman was finally occupied by a bishop. Yes! You won\'t know the feeling of watching your woman taken away by others." a temple soldier muttered softly: "hehe, why can\'t I get what they can get? And rob what belongs to me?"

"You can go to the Arbitration Office for arbitration." the blonde said with a gloomy face.

"The arbitration office conducts arbitration? Don\'t you know that the people of the Arbitration Office have a good relationship with the bishops? Perhaps in order to please the bishop, or the bishop bribed them. In short, during the arbitration, the bishop did not commit any crime, but me. I was imprisoned in the black prison for three years, and finally my brother tried to get me out. He said He even gave his wife to the bishop who held me. "The temple soldier who said this looked ferocious: "Ha ha! I came out. I followed the Bishop\'s orders like a dog for ten years. In ten years, I not only took refuge in the secret goddess to gain more power, but also killed everyone related to the bishop. On this ice sheet, the garbage bishop also died. Ha ha! What about taking refuge in the secret goddess in order to kill him and revenge? Where I\'m afraid it\'s worth falling into the abyss and becoming an ugly abyss creature. "

"Maybe you should also kill all those who obey the Bishop\'s orders, especially all the people in the Arbitration Office, even the most humble servant there." after listening to the words of the temple soldier, kukas twisted his neck and gave out bursts of quack laughter. In his opinion, the Revenge of the temple soldier in front of him was not good enough.

"Dead, all dead. A few days ago, I got the news that all the people in the Arbitration Office were dead, and their families were dead." the temple soldier roared with distorted face: "And I begged the people of the secret goddess church to kill all the creatures in the town where the bishop was born. Hey, I let the blood of that person\'s offspring disappear from the world forever."

"Don\'t you let us go just because we obey the Bishop\'s orders?" the silent middle-aged priest suddenly said, "we just obey his orders according to the rules, not loyal to him. I think many people who die are like this."