Abyss Knight

Chapter 366

There were seven or eight rings on the withered fingers. Kukas carefully checked them several times and finally chose the simple copper ring on the middle finger. There are only a few simple lines on this ring. When you hold it in your hand, you can\'t feel any power fluctuation. However, kukas knew that this ring was the most precious of all rings. According to the hint of the paper, he can only take this ring. If he touches other rings, he may be wiped out by the back hand left by the rebellious moon elf.

He felt the ring carefully. After he didn\'t find any danger, he took it down carefully. Set on his finger, the ring magnified and shrunk by itself, which didn\'t make kukas feel uncomfortable.

After imprinting a trace of mind on the bronze ring, it means that he has complete control of the ring.

The ring is a magic ring. According to the rebellious moon elf, this ring is actually a magic ring made by the moon elf family who got a strong blood in ancient times. This ring used to be very famous in the long years. At the end of ancient times, it had a powerful Name: Saur\'s sadness. At the end of ancient times, the ring was sealed for some reason. Then he was kept by the moon elves and finally fell into the hands of the rebellious moon elves.

After receiving the sadness of Saur, the rebellious moon elf always wanted to open the seal of the magic ring and become the most powerful existence in the moon elf family. However, after consulting countless materials, he finally found a way to open the seal of the ring. That is to water the ring with the emperor\'s blood of the moon elf family in order to open the seal.

To this end, the moon elf killed a royal family member, then watered the ring with each other\'s blood, and finally opened the seal. Although he has controlled the ring and opened its seal, the power of the ring has not been displayed at once. He can only slowly increase the power of the ring through other methods.

Before that, the moon elves who killed their own clan had to leave their gathering place and fled to the underground world again and again. Here, death came before he could restore the power of the ring. Because of the strong men in the underground world, he was involved and died directly here.

"Ring holder! When you decide to own this ring, swear with your soul: in the future, you must find trouble with the moon elves and let them see the strength of this ring."

"Do you want to bind the ring holder with an oath? Don\'t worry, I will let the moon elves know the strength of the ring, and even people of other races will know the strength of the ring." kukas touched the ring on his hand, and then giggled.

Ordinary people don\'t know what power Saur\'s sadness has, but kukas knows it very well. Because the finriel ring integrated into his fighting space has brought him the effect of Saur\'s sadness. In ancient times, Saur\'s sadness had fought with the holder of fenlil ring for tens of thousands of years. Finally, although Sauer\'s sadness finally failed, the reason for the failure was not that the ring\'s power was not strong, but that the holder finally made an unexpected mistake.

Sauer\'s grief, the power of this ring is actually no worse than that of finriel\'s ring, and even surpasses finriel\'s ring in some aspects. But now such a powerful ring fell into kukas\'s hands. It made him feel like a dream. It seems that none of this is true.

Although the ring was extremely powerful, kukas didn\'t put all his mind on the ring. Instead, according to the tips of the rebellious moon elf, he found a bracelet in a closet. This bracelet is also a magical object, which has a huge space. What kukas has to do is put all the books here in the bracelet. As for other things, the elves in that month were not allowed to touch, because other things were the funerary objects of the elves in this month. Anyone who touches other funerary objects will be killed by the secret method of the moon elf.

There are many books in the secret room, most of which are written in magic language, and a few are ancient characters and some Elven characters. Although kukas didn\'t know many words, it didn\'t prevent him from collecting these things. After all, not knowing now doesn\'t mean not knowing in the future.

Thousands of books of different thickness are stuffed into the bracelet, and the space of the bracelet only accounts for one third. In addition to various books, kukas also saw a large number of powerful magic props, but he dared not touch them.

After checking again and again, he found that there were no other omissions, so he walked out of the chamber of secrets. After leaving the secret room, he couldn\'t wait to search other places, closed the channel directly, and then returned to his temporary residence, where he carefully studied the ring he just got: Saur\'s sadness.

A trace of mind detective is like the ring. It is chaotic and can\'t see anything. Of course, the ring was not like this when it was in the hands of the moon elves. It was only because of the death of the moon elves that everything in the ring returned to nothingness.

The mind wanders in chaos, but it can\'t touch the edge. Instead of stubbornly looking for the specific size of the ring, kukas mobilized a trace of pure and violent evil fighting spirit into the ring.

A trace of evil fighting spirit entered the ring, and a blast of thunder appeared out of thin air in the whole chaotic space. The thunder sounded and a large area of chaos was blown open. Taking advantage of this opportunity, kukas turned his hand and threw a large number of mountain stones already prepared into the ring. These rocks enter the ring and instantly turn into soil. A small ground comes out in the chaotic place.

The ground was small, but it didn\'t hinder kukas\'s excitement. Because the appearance of the ground represents that he really opened the ring. He believed that as long as he was given enough time, the development of the ring would not only surpass that month when the elves held it, but also reach the power of the ring holder and even the ring creator.

A large number of stones were thrown into the ring by him. In this way, the land area in the ring became larger and larger. After more than one magic hour, the space in the ring would be hundreds of feet in size.

When the open space in the ring is hundreds of feet in size, no matter how many rocks kukas throws in, the land area will not expand slowly. Instead, he began to gather a small altar in the center of the open space.

The altar looks very strange: it is red, with all kinds of strange words and strange monster patterns on it. After kukas\' mind imprinted a mark on the altar, the altar disappeared in the open space and disappeared in the void. At this time, if the vacant area in the ring wants to develop, it must wait for time to pass and let it change slowly. If nothing happens, the open space in the ring will eventually develop into a new world, and kukas is the real power in that world.

After the mind was branded on the altar, nassaur\'s sadness sent a lot of information to kukas. This information is about the ring and some things about its owners. Through this information, kukas found that the passage of time in the ring was very different from that in his world. As long as he is willing to inject enough fighting spirit into the ring, the passage of time in the ring can be accelerated without limit. And now there is not a day in the ring, which is equivalent to a magical time in his world.

Sauer\'s sadness is very strong, but kukas can\'t use it now. Therefore, after playing with the ring for more than one magic hour, kukas forcibly suppressed the excitement in his heart and began to practice.

Of course, he spent most of his time cultivating his body with secret methods. The rest of the time was to study some secret methods and cultivate the powerful attack means of trampling on the brute God. But now with Sauer\'s sadness, he has done one more thing, that is to inject his fighting spirit into the ring from time to time.

The more fighting spirit he injected into the ring, the faster the time in the ring passed. Of course, without fighting spirit injection, time will return to its original appearance.

After some practice, kukas began to continue to explore the same way around. This time, his exploration speed was much faster than before, because a large number of bodies were directly thrown into Saur\'s sadness after simple cleaning.

After entering the ring, all the bodies were crushed by the chaotic smell, and then a black smoke was generated and poured into the earth. And the earth slowly changed from earthy yellow to dark black.

A large number of corpses were quickly disposed of, and the space connected by several channels was completely cleared out in just three or five days. Most of the belongings in these spaces were gathered by kukas. He chose many precious things from them, while those ordinary ones were lost. Because there are many magic bags on his body, but he is not able to fill all the magic bags with things to wear on his body. After all, the weight in the magic bag will not disappear, but will be directly blessed on him. As for the magic bracelet, there were a lot of books stacked by him.

Fortunately, he also found some other magic bracelets and rings that can eliminate weight in the underground world. Although the space inside is small, it can also store a lot of things. These bracelets and rings were all connected by him with strong magic silk thread after containing a lot of things, and then carefully stored on his body.