Abyss Knight

Chapter 346

The scroll was very small, but the giant carefully opened it, and then carefully checked the Qi fighting method on the scroll. Almost a quarter of an hour later, the giant took a breath, and then carefully stored the scroll.

"There are many people looking for the fenril ring during this time, including not only members of various forces in the Latour Empire, but also some people in other empires. Even professionals above level 8 have shot. The damn ghost weather is caused by those professionals above level 8. By the way, in our records, the fenril ring can completely change one Even the breath of dozens of people can perfectly change everyone\'s appearance. Under this change, without a prophet, you can\'t check the real identity of the ring holder. "

"I suggest you leave here, because our cave giant is also looking for the fenril ring. Whoever obstructs us from looking for the fenril ring, whether he is a legend or a God, will die in the end. Even if he obtains the ring, he will not want to escape from the pursuit of our cave people." the giant laughed a few times, and he looked at the guides with deep meaning, Then he turned and led the other giants out of here.

"Governor, perhaps we were deceived. He only gave such a little information and was so vague." the Yellow faced guide suddenly changed his name and spoke respectfully to kukas: "I don\'t think we can go to the tavern he said. It\'s a tavern opened by members of their underground race. It can\'t be said that they will kill everyone who steps into the tavern in order to get the fenriel ring."

"If we don\'t go there, where can we go? I just want to get the fenrier ring. No matter who it is, we can\'t stop me from robbing it." kukas twisted his neck, and his thick neck made a sound of jumping: "it\'s mine, and no one can rob it."

"Let\'s go to the tavern. I want to be with others and have a better chance of seeing finriel\'s ring." kukas rubbed his head in some distress and gave an order in a deep voice. The Yellow faced guide wanted to say something more, but was stopped by the middle-aged woman with two big swords on her back.

When the team started on the road again, the mercenaries were even more depressed along the way. Especially when they learned that the current weather was caused by those powerful professionals, they were even more depressed. They had no idea about robbing fenrier\'s ring. In their opinion, those powerful professionals took the initiative to change the weather. If they wanted to kill them, they would be afraid Of course, even those powerful professionals don\'t bother to kill them, they gradually die.

The colder and colder weather made some low-level mercenaries die in their sleep, and their bodies were frozen stiff. When others found out, it was too late. The extreme cold made these mercenaries have no strength to speak. They had to shrink, even pull each other, and walk on the mountain road full of thick snow.

"There\'s the pub ahead. I\'ve seen it. Damn it, cheer me up." Kukas had already jumped out of his chair and walked on the ground, because the four big men were frozen a day ago because of their weak strength. The bodies were frozen in the thick snow by kukas security, because the mercenaries were no longer able to dig holes in the hard mountain to bury the bodies.

Hearing kukas\'s words, the mercenaries stepped up a lot. In fact, they didn\'t think there was a tavern in front of them, because after leaving the cave giants, they had walked in the mountains for more than ten days and couldn\'t find the tavern where the cave giant said Ono. The angry kukas once wanted to go back and find the cave giants, but he We have already lost our way. We can\'t find our way back in the heavy snow.

Although the mercenaries knew that there was no tavern in front of them, they still involuntarily accelerated their pace. A mercenary tripped over a stone under the snow. He lay on the ground and struggled powerlessly for a few times, and then stopped moving. Kukas rushed to him and rubbed his heart, but it didn\'t work.

At this time, there were no more than ten people left in the team. If the four guides were removed, there would be only seven or eight of kukas\'s men left. The rest were on the journey of more than ten days, either frozen or fell down the mountain. Although many people died, the survivors did not complain about kukas, because they knew that as a mercenary, they were on the mission Death is normal.

"Governor, there seems to be a cave ahead." just after kukas reluctantly divided the dead mercenaries, the Yellow faced guide suddenly shouted, "we can have a rest there. Another magic time, there will be an ice storm."

"OK, take them there and I\'ll find some food." kukas wiped the ice and snow on his face, followed the instructions of the Yellow guide and looked into the distance. He soon found a dark cave. Although he couldn\'t see whether the cave was deep or shallow, he estimated that there could accommodate more than a dozen people to avoid the frost hurricane.

The frost hurricane appeared seven or eight days ago. Huge peaks gathered together and then formed a hurricane. It swam through the mountains. All the way, whether it was thousands of pounds of boulders or trees left by one person, it would be swept away by the hurricane in an instant, then frozen and fell to the ground and broke into pieces. Many mercenaries in his team were killed when the first hurricane appeared Rolled in, the third and fourth levels of fighting spirit had no effect in front of the hurricane, just like paper. After a few breathing times, it would be torn, defended, frozen into ice, and then fell from the sky and smashed.

The Yellow faced guide nodded helplessly. Originally, he came here to show kukas the way and avoid the powerful Warcraft, but now he found that things were not what he had imagined before. In the wind and snow, the trace of Warcraft became more and more rare, and his guide also lost his way. Just after taking kukas and them into the depths of the Rocky Mountains, he lost his way.

"Let\'s go, everybody. Let\'s have a good rest in the cave." the Yellow faced guide watched kukas move huge, even fast in the snow, and his eyes twitched. The other three people also took a strange look at kukas\'s back, and then took the lead in walking towards the cave. Several mercenaries did not dare to neglect and hurriedly followed up, but the Yellow faced guide and his three companions were fast, but they were faster after kukas\'s figure disappeared in the wind and snow.

The mercenaries who followed were surprised, but they didn\'t take it to heart. Because in their view, every mercenary will hide some strength. In some special cases, they will burst out. Accelerating the speed to enter the cave for heating is a matter of life and death for today\'s mercenaries, so there is nothing wrong with the outbreak of hidden strength.

Not to mention the scene after the mercenaries entered the cave, just the bald evil hankukas. He didn\'t feel any discomfort in the Rockies. Because in his opinion, it was the same as the polar ice sheet in those years. Although it was very cold, it was of no use to him. He was naked more than ten years ago, but he killed on the polar ice sheet for three or five years with the power of his body. Now he feels the cold again, but he has a sense of intimacy.

More than one meter of snow is not soft, but it can only bear an ordinary person walking on it without sinking. But now almost a thousand pounds of kukas are running fast on the snow, but there is no sign of subsidence.

He jumped down from a boulder, his feet fell heavily on the ground, and a visible ripple spread out from his feet, instantly pounding out all the snow within a radius of tens of meters. Bang! With a muffled sound, the thick snow suddenly flew into the air, and then spread around. Snowflakes were flying all over the sky, and the cold wind blew. Kukas felt as if he had returned to the polar ice sheet. He roared in a low voice and waved his hands in the air, venting his suffocation.

After a little vent, he looked for food on the ground. Some frozen wild vegetables and some edible fungi. Soon he collected some. Moreover, he also found several small Warcraft frozen to death under a crack, and all these Warcraft bodies were put into the storage bag for everyone to eat.

A boulder was pushed by kukas with brute force. He wanted to see if there were other edible fungi below, but he was stunned when he pushed it to the boulder.

I saw some white moss growing on the bottom of the boulder. Yes, white moss. These mosses are extremely cold to touch. With the touch of their fingers, they fall off the boulders and fall into the snow.

"How did the unique moss on the Arctic ice sheet appear here? Damn it, what\'s the matter? Doesn\'t it mean that things in the Arctic ice sheet can never grow anywhere? Do those professionals take the Rocky Mountains as an experimental site to try to cultivate species in the Arctic ice sheet? Damn garbage, why are they here At that time, no wonder we were lost. I\'m afraid they did it! "Kukas\'s head was confused, and the whole person was confused because of the emergence of ice moss.

In his wishful thinking, kukas quickly sorted out the moss, and then collected almost a magic time. After he heard a whistling sound from a distance, he quickly ended the search and ran to the cave.

When he came to the cave, the frost hurricane swayed slowly from a distance. The roar of hurricanes, even if they are miles apart, still gives people a threat of fear.

"Did you kill them?" kukas stood at the mouth of the cave with two bronze chopsticks in his hands. He saw the bodies of the mercenaries lying on the ground in line. These mercenaries had a silver spike in their hearts. The spike was hollow, and a lot of blood flowed out of the spike and sprayed on the ground.

Four guides stood quietly in front of him, and the ordinary Knight did not know where to get a mount. His mount is a mechanical puppet made by alchemists. The puppet is like a tiger, the flame on its sharp claws, the black light on its bright teeth, and the runes and magic words all over its body, all of which show the strength of the mechanical puppet.

The middle-aged woman wears an extremely simple armor, which is extremely strange. The whole body is cyan gray and emits a strong fighting force. These armor only covers the chest and lower body of a middle-aged woman, and there is no defense in other parts.

The young girl poked out two huge meat membrane wings behind her. If kukas remembered correctly, only some giant dragons and legendary dragon people would have these wings.

The Yellow faced boy had two more silver white shoulder protectors. Under the shoulder protectors was a moon white forged cloak. The cloak was windless and showed all kinds of strange patterns. There are images of monsters, humans, elves, giants and even abyss races. At the same time, he also had a silver Scepter in his hand. The top of the scepter had silver jewels and flames that burst from time to time.

"Yes, governor, these mercenaries were too much, so we killed them." the Yellow faced boy grinned. "If they could do their part, we wouldn\'t kill them at all."

"Do you want to have something to do with those two women?" kukas narrowed his eyes, tilted his head and looked at the Yellow faced boy with a strange smile: "gaga! Yes, you can really do it after spending so long together."

"My woman doesn\'t allow anyone to touch." the Yellow faced boy\'s words were full of toughness. He stepped closer to kukas and shouted in a low voice: "I didn\'t want to kill you, but you touched my woman. The dragon has inverse scales, and my inverse scales are my women."

"Can you tell me what your identity is?" kukas looked up and smiled strangely, "at least let me know who killed me when I die." when he said this, he took a deep breath, and his whole huge body seemed to be inflated, and suddenly increased by a circle. In his perception, the four people in front of him were still not half murderous, which made him wonder. You know, but looking at his expression, you know that the four people in front of him want to kill him. "The killer sent by the violet family?" however, "the holder of the finriel ring, the most dazzling star: XIUTE kutley." the Yellow faced man laughed. And just as he laughed, kukas shot.

With a movement in his mind, the chain bounced out of his arm like a huge whip and beat the Yellow faced man XIUTE kutley. At the same time, the two bronze tablets also hit the girl with wings from left to right.

"Bold." the first person to react was not the holder of the finriel ring, Shute kutley, nor the girl with dragon wings, but the middle-aged woman with strange armor and the ordinary Knight riding a puppet.

With a soft drink, the middle-aged woman took both hands and a big sword and cut hard at kukas\'s face door, while the ordinary Knight roared, sat down, and the puppet mount rushed to kukas\'s left like lightning. The claw made of steel crossed an arc in the air and grabbed it hard at kukas\'s waist. At the same time, the ordinary Knight\'s wrist shook, and two Knight\'s long guns of different lengths came out of his clothes, crossing left and right like two poisonous snakes.

"Kill!" kukas screamed, and all the fighting spirit rushed to his arms, and then continued to pour into the gloves. The fierce evil fighting spirit formed a group of burning fighting spirit, and the flame instantly spread to the copper crowns, and the two copper crowns shook in the air. Only a loud noise was heard, but it hit hard with both hands\' big sword, Knight\'s long gun and the paw of the puppet mount at the same time.

The violent impact sent out a slight explosion, and the fighting spirit attached to the weapon scattered. The impact hit the cave and shook down large rocks.

At this time, the fenriel ring holder XIUTE kutley roared, and the scepter in his hand beat hard in the void in front of him. The silver white ripple was released from the top of his Scepter up, down, left and right. The ripple hit the cave and shook the whole cave.

With a roar, a black figure came out of the ripple. The man rode a black horse, wearing black armor and holding a black knight\'s spear. The body is surrounded by endless black smoke. As soon as the man came out, there was an endless smell of death in the air. The strong smell of death almost made kukas suspect that he had returned to the wilderness outside the Lich castle.

"Death knight? Or dark knight?" kukas jumped up and jumped out of the cave. He looked at several people who were going to catch up and giggled: "the holder of finlear ring is a Summoner? Ha ha! It seems that the ring is really good and has many wonderful effects!"

"Yes, as a governor, you don\'t want to govern your territory well, but summon those disgusting mercenaries with low quality to rob others\' treasures. I don\'t know how the Latour Empire chose you as governor." the ring holder, the Yellow faced youth XIUTE kutley, looked at kukas with a mocking face and said: "Get out of here, or you must die. The frost hurricane has come. If you don\'t want to be frozen into ice, get out of here immediately. If you\'re lucky, maybe you\'ll find a suitable hiding place to survive."