Abyss Knight

Chapter 340

The scene became more and more chaotic. Finally, under the shelter of fire and smoke, kukas and they couldn\'t find the existence of the two luxury ships at all. At this time, the injured big man couldn\'t hold on at last, and the whole man\'s heart completely turned into fly ash and dissipated in the world. In this case, kukas had to give up. Because he wanted revenge, but he couldn\'t find an enemy at all.

After half a day\'s mischievous toss, kukas and them embarked on the journey again. In the following days, they were constantly hit by all kinds of accidents or deliberate attacks. When kukas reached the Rocky Mountains, there were only more than 100 people around him.

Some people died on the road for various reasons, some died silently at rest, and some disappeared inexplicably on the ship. But more, it was secretly leaving kukas at night. Because with the continuous death of the members, kukas\'s temper became more and more irritable. Although those mercenaries love money and money, they are not cheap enough to allow kukas to beat, scold and humiliate at will. I dare not resist on the surface, but I sneak away at night.

For this situation, kukas can\'t say anything. After all, his behavior is too bad, and it\'s expected that those people will leave. The rest of the mercenaries, part of whom received his favor and became professionals after taking a lot of drugs provided by him, and part of them wanted to seek wealth and insurance and wanted to follow kukas to get more benefits.

When the only fifth order caster left in the team was cut off by a short knife while solving physical problems alone, kukas had to reiterate that everyone should not act alone. Because acting alone means death. He knew that there must be piperazine from the violet family lurking. They didn\'t dare to deal with him. Instead, they began to deal with him, causing them a panic and forcing them to leave him. At that time, he will be really alone.

After jumping off the ship, the captain made a courtesy with kukas in fear, and asked the sailors to leave them as soon as possible. Along the way, they saw too much death and blood. Now I don\'t want to stay with kukas and them for a moment. Because he was worried that he didn\'t know when those mysterious accidents or killers would kill him.

There are only four of the eight big men left. Maybe they have experienced the baptism of blood, or have some feelings in the battle. Although the remaining four big men are still first-class shield guards, they are much stronger than before. As long as there was a disturbance, they would immediately guard and wave shields and bronze masks to protect themselves.

The remaining mercenaries are also the elite of the elite. They can survive the journey of accidents and assassinations for decades, which represents their strength. And the strong strength also reassured kukas a lot.

"Governor, shall we have a rest here? The brothers are very tired all the way. We all need a quiet place to relax, otherwise we don\'t know whether we can hold on." a mercenary leader whispered his suggestions to kukas. Along the way, their spirit is too tight and they need to relax.

Looking at the small town not far away, kukas shook his head and said, "it\'s OK to rest, but we can\'t go here and go to the Rocky Mountains. There is a pub where all adventurers live. The personnel composition is much simpler than those in the city. We will deal with any accidents in time."

"All right, obey the governor\'s orders." the mercenary leader sighed, which recognized kukas\'s words. In fact, they want to go to the small town to find a pub to rest, because there will be a lot of things in the city, where they will enjoy a lot of things. In the wild pub, the environment is very difficult. However, for the sake of their own life, they finally agreed with kukas.

Following a narrow path, kukas and they began to move towards the Rocky Mountains. It was only five or six miles away. At a three fork in the road, kukas and they saw a huge tavern.

The tavern was very big, but it looked very shabby, but it was very lively inside. At least when kukas and them were far away, they understood the quarrel and laughter from the shabby tavern with air leakage on all sides.

The whole tavern was built with a log with more than one person. At the gap of the log, it was stuffed with mud. On the wall and roof, there are several windows of different sizes. There is no paper and glass on the windows to protect the wind and rain. Looking inside through the windows, I can see a sea of people inside. There are people on almost every table.

The tavern is very large and can accommodate at least 2000 people to rest in it at the same time. Therefore, there are four entrance and exit doors around the tavern. Kukas and they are in the north, so they don\'t have to detour to find the door. The door is two doors that can rotate. There is a creaking sound in and out, which sounds very harsh.

Kukas walked in front. When he opened the door and went in, he saw that there were not many people inside. Most of the rooms were empty. It happened that some people were sitting on the table near the window, so there was that illusion.

More than 100 people entered here, and no one was too surprised, because this is the Rocky Mountains, and a large number of mercenaries go in and out here every day. Of course, they rarely see people as big as kukas, so they have to look at them. However, seeing the flesh on his face and the tyrannical smell of the mercenaries behind him, most people turned their heads and didn\'t look at it. Only a few curious people continued to look at them and speculated in their hearts about their real purpose here.

One woman in gorgeous clothes brought drinks and put them on kukas\' table. Here, kukas was alone, and the others were eight or nine.

The mercenaries who suffered from all kinds of mental torture giggled endlessly. Some even grabbed a lot of money from their arms and stuffed it into the gully in front of the woman\'s chest, and then took the opportunity to pinch it hard. Of course, if there are maids willing, they can also pay some money to hold these maids in their arms and have a good play!