Abyss Knight

Chapter 338

"Don\'t hide, hit it for me. Let me see if it\'s their boat or yours." kukas screamed strangely, but the helmsman was not allowed to dodge. However, the helmsman has carried out evasive behavior. At this time, he said he didn\'t dodge, but the dodging action on his hand is not slow at all.

Kukas didn\'t pay much attention to these. With a strange cry, he carried two heavy javelins in both hands and drove towards the two luxury ships. The javelin roared away, but the target was the young men and women standing on the bow of the ship. If it was punctured, I\'m afraid at least three or five people would die.

"Scattered!" with a low roar, a gray light flew out of the left ship and collided with the two javelins. Just in a moment, it melted the javelin. Melted the gray light of the javelin, castrated and flew directly to kukas\'s head.

"Get out of my way." kukas roared. Without avoiding the gray light, he directly took out a heavy siege crossbow and raised his hand to shoot. The crossbow roared away and pierced under the ship. If it pierced, I\'m afraid it would tear a huge hole out of the ship. Even if the other party\'s ship is only made of steel, this situation can not be avoided.

The gray light was blocked by eight big men. They united together, gathered their fighting spirit, and blocked the light at once. The gray light collided with fighting spirit, slowly melted the fighting spirit shield, and then hit the shield in the hands of a big man. After melting his shield again, it slowly disappeared.

The arrows released by the siege crossbow did not hit the other party\'s ship, but were cut and broken by a fight in mid air. At this time, the two luxurious ships turned their bodies and easily dodged the past when they were about to hit the ship of kukas. The sides of the three ships almost touched each other, and the crew on both sides could almost reach out and catch each other.

When the three ships staggered, the crew on the kukas ship were shocked and congratulated themselves. The crew of the two luxury ships laughed and mocked kukas and their crew here. Obviously, they have done such things more than once or twice, and everything seems so skilled.

"Friend, it\'s just a small joke. Do you need to be so angry? Why don\'t you come to my ship and I\'ll open a banquet to make amends for you?" a young man on the bow turned and shouted at kukas. I hope to invite kukas to talk to him.

"No, young man, don\'t rely on your own power to make such jokes. If I didn\'t have something to do, I would have to kill you today." kukas smiled grimly, but he didn\'t bother to pay attention to each other. Just his birth prompted the helmsman to speed up and leave the Lake and continue his voyage.

"It\'s just a little joke. I want to kill people. I don\'t know how there are people like you in the Latour empire." the young people on another ship began to laugh at kukas loudly. In their view, the behavior just now is really just a harmless joke. After all, they didn\'t cause any personnel loss, And didn\'t let the ships collide.

Although kukas heard the sound, he just snorted coldly, but didn\'t speak. He just sat down in his chair and thought about how powerful the casters who stopped his attack on the two ships just now, and whether it was possible to kill the opponent if they were one-on-one.

Two luxurious ships slowly went away, and some mercenaries stood around kukas, silently waiting for his orders.

"Don\'t stand here any more. You can do whatever you should do." kukas waved his hand impatiently, and then motioned the mercenaries to leave.

"Knight, that man\'s magic is really strange, and it\'s melting my arm." at this time, the big man who just resisted the gray light waved his arm in panic and said quickly. He saw a layer of gray smoke wrapped around his arm. These smoke kept drilling into his arm. The smoke was twisted and disgusting like a poisonous snake.

"What a strange spell." kukas jumped in his heart, stretched out his hand and grabbed each other\'s arm. Then, a trace of evil fighting spirit came out of his hand, and forced the gray smoke out of the big man\'s arm. The gray smoke rolled in his hands, constantly eroding his evil fighting spirit. However, kukas\'s evil fighting spirit was already extremely violent and violent. Where would he allow other forces to erode him? I saw the air wriggling, entangled with the gray smoke, and constantly sent out a slight explosion. Without an explosion, the gray smoke disappeared a little, and kukas\'s fighting spirit consumed a little. Fortunately, kukas found that his fighting energy consumption was more than half less than that of gray smoke, so he was relieved.

After he polished the gray smoke in his hand, he carefully examined the big man\'s arm. After the inspection, his anger soared. He was so angry that he shouted: "go back to me and find the two ships. I want the people on them to die." the bald evil man roared ferociously on his face. He waved his arm hard to express his anger to everyone.

It turned out that the big man\'s arm wrapped in gray smoke, which he and the female doctor had worked hard to cultivate, had been broken. A small part of his arm was like dead wood, and half of it was broken by the wind. Moreover, there was still residual magic power that had spread along his arm to his chest, and a visible dry line spread to the heart of the big man. Fingers gently touched the dry line, and some flesh and blood fell down like dust and was blown away by the wind.

The big man protected his heart with fighting spirit to prevent the heart from being eroded by that power. However, his cultivation time is very short after all. Even if his fighting spirit is special and he has undergone special cultivation, he still feels very hard in the face of the gray smoke. Fortunately, several other big men noticed his bad, so they used a secret method to pour their fighting spirit into his body to resist the erosion of the gray smoke.

The mercenaries looked at kukas and shouted, saying that they were willing to find each other and kill them to let the other know that they were not so easy to bully.

"What about the mage? Let\'s see if we can solve this thing?" kukas rubbed his bare brain bag and roared angrily.