Abyss Knight

Chapter 336

The bald evil hankukas lay in his chair and fell into a deep sleep, but the other mercenaries dared not rest. Under the supervision of eight big men, the mercenaries were with the ship\'s guards and were on guard carefully to prevent any accidents. After all, kukas provoked many people on the elraze wasteland. On weekdays, he didn\'t have time to go out in the castle, but now that he left the castle defense, many people must take the opportunity to attack him.

Kukas, who was sleeping, ignored this. He just knew he wanted to rest, so he began to rest. While he was sleeping for no more than a spell, a chaotic sound on the ship suddenly woke him up.

"What happened?" although kukas\'s consciousness was awake, he didn\'t open his eyes, but closed his eyes and still sat in the chair and rested silently.

"Governor, someone assassinated you, but it has been blocked by his mercenaries. However, the ship has been chiseled a big hole, and it will take some time to repair it before it can continue to move forward." a big man gasped and said, "the assassins are two divine archers. I suggest governor go back to the cabin."

"Two divine archers? Can\'t three or five hundred people even solve the two divine archers? Go and tell the mercenaries that if anyone kills the two divine archers, I will pay 10000 gold coins as their reward. Tell the owner of the ship and ask him to repair the loopholes of the ship immediately. If the delay is long, use his body to seal the leak for me Kukas didn\'t care about anything except himself. He just knew that everyone on the ship had to run around him.

The big man answered, and then began to pass on kukas\'s orders loudly. With this order, several casters sitting on the ship couldn\'t help but start shooting. Dozens of divine archers and three or five spell casters shot, and only a few breaths solved the two divine archers on the Bank of the canal.

When a caster and a divine Archer came to kukas to receive a reward, the change began again. I saw the water on both sides of the ship suddenly burst open, one by one, and dark shadows jumped out of the water. They quickly climbed onto the ship, waved flamethrowers and military crossbows, and frantically attacked all the creatures in front of them. Kukas was taken care of. At least dozens of arrows pierced him. If the flamethrower wasn\'t a little far away from him, I\'m afraid the flamethrower would attack him.

"Arrogance!" kukas smiled grimly, but still narrowed his eyes and didn\'t open them. At this time, eight strong men with guards around him stood in front of him. They suddenly lit up a layer of bronze fighting spirit, which merged into a huge fighting shield to cover kukas.

The powerful arrows hit the air shield and made a tinkling sound. At this time, the divine Archer roared, opened his bow and arrow, and frantically attacked the man in black who rushed onto the ship.

The caster also began to recite the spell. He carried the staff in one hand and outlined the spell structure in the other hand. After a few breaths, a rotating red fireball appeared at the top of his staff. At the same time, the caster took a scroll out of his arms, and then fiercely squeezed it to release the spell in the scroll.

Instead of attacking the man in black who jumped onto the ship, the spells in the fireball and scroll attacked kukas sitting in a special high back chair.

"Dead!" with a roar, kukas fiercely opened his eyes. His hands soared three or five times like inflation. Then the fat on his arms began to sink like an air leaking balloon. Just for a moment, the thick arm thicker than ordinary people\'s thighs narrowed to the thickness of normal people. There is only a layer of meat skin wrapped on it, and then towering bones can be seen. The flesh and blood on that arm seemed to evaporate out of thin air.

With both hands in claws, he grabbed the fireball falling towards his head with one hand, and stabbed the retreating caster\'s chest with the other hand. The fireball burst, and countless flames scattered down. Some flames stained kukas, but instantly bounced out under the creep of the fat meat. The caster roared and blurred. At the moment when kukas\'s palm completely caught him, he retreated more than ten meters using the secret method.

The spell in the scroll smoothly attacked kukas. The mysterious magic power was in the shape of ethereal smoke, constantly drilling along the pores of his body into his body. Although kukas closed the pores of his body in time with a secret method, the smoke continued to sink into his body.

Smoke added to him, and a weak feeling emerged from kukas\'s heart, but the weak feeling didn\'t make him panic. Instead, it made the guy giggle: "it\'s just a curse of garbage. Do you still want to kill me with this thing?"

Kukas roared again. His lean arms were filled with a lot of flesh and blood again, and returned to the original fat appearance: "die for me."

When he spoke, his feet worked hard, and his huge body was as fierce as a boulder rolling down a cliff. With a bad wind, he immediately caught up with the caster. The two thick arms closed, and the palms the size of two Pu fans slapped down one left and one right towards the sides of the caster\'s body.

The caster had never seen that kukas would be so fast after he was fat, so he didn\'t respond well. He was slapped on him by two palm palms the size of a PU fan.

The Dharma array on his robe exploded, and then the whole upper half of his body was patted into meat cakes by kukas\'s hands. The backhand broke the caster\'s head, and kukas moved his huge body and walked step by step on the deck. Every time I see a man in black, regardless of the weapon in the other party\'s hand, I directly wave my palm and pat him. Even if the third-order soldier breaks out with all his strength and is blocked, he will be ruthlessly pulled out. Some second-class soldiers were directly slapped to death by him.

Eight big men followed him with shields and bronze masks. Although they became professionals for a short time, under special drugs and secret methods, their means were no less than those of the third-order soldiers.

Lurks tried to get close to kukas with the help of the riots caused by their companions, but they were slapped by kukas as soon as they stepped into his ten step range.