Abyss Knight

Chapter 316

"What about your friends? I\'m practicing a special method. It\'s not that my body is in a bad situation. Well, let them prepare three pounds of Warcraft meat for me." kukas touched the fat on his belly and laughed, "don\'t you have dinner with your friends?"

"I want to see you first. I\'m afraid you\'ll forget to eat again. Will you go down? I think they\'ll be very happy to see you." the female doctor whispered with her head tilted.

Kukas was silent. After a long silence, he shook his head and said, "forget it, I\'ll see them again later. Maybe it\'s not a good choice to see them now."

The female doctor didn\'t know what kukas meant by this, but she also knew she couldn\'t ask any more questions. She didn\'t have time to wait for kukas to finish his food, and then she left. After she left, kukas asked the maids to prepare about ten pounds of food and eat it.

A lot of food filled his stomach, and it didn\'t take long for him to have more fat. A large amount of food is drilled into his stomach, and then quickly digested. Finally, it works under the action of a special secret law and blesses him. Although he still wanted to eat more, his body had reached its limit, so he had to give up the idea of continuing to eat food.

Standing by the windowsill, he watched the two twin beauties get on the carriage and leave. Not long after, the female doctor came to his room. After some lingering, the female doctor left his room and went to the laboratory for experiments, while kukas practiced alone for a long time before he lay down on the soft big bed and had a good sleep. He slept deeply, the deepest sleep in more than ten years.

When the sun rose the next day, kukas was awakened by a noise. He lay on the windowsill and looked down. Under the stone tower, there were a group of veterans in armor and some young soldiers. It was obvious that the veteran had told everyone the news of kukas\'s return yesterday.

After quickly cleaning up his salute, kukas quickly came to the bottom of the stone tower. When he was going down, he suddenly used his secret skill to summon his ghost crying war horse to ride up, and selected a set of ferocious armor from the magic bag to wear.

In the last task of ten years, kukas made great progress in his strength. He was not only successfully promoted to the fourth order evil knight, but also had a new improvement in his understanding of ghost crying war horses. Of course, after becoming a fourth order evil knight, he can freely summon the mount he has summoned or the type of Mount he wants. Better able to send them where they should be when they don\'t need mounts.

The ghost sobbed and the horse was more than ten feet tall. The bones on his body were completely wrapped by a layer of black scales. The green phosphorous fire from his hooves and mouth and nose seemed dozens of times stronger than ten years ago. There are four skeletons on the tail, and there are bursts of ghost cries when walking. Fortunately, kukas can control those ghost cries. Otherwise, with this sound, more than 1000 soldiers gathered outside can be affected, and even die directly.

When he came out of the stone tower wearing a heavy armor full of three edged spikes and riding a ghost crying horse, everyone cheered. Some old soldiers waved their weapons excitedly. They shouted loudly and shouted the name of kukas. Under the influence of the older generation, the young soldiers also roared involuntarily. They waved their weapons and longed for the owner of the castle to lead them to battle and enjoy supreme glory.

"Everybody, the first thing I kukas did when I came back was not to enjoy, but to deal with those who had humiliated you. Just like the people in that small town humiliated us, how we treated the people in that small town in those years, we should also treat those who humiliated you now. Now tell me, are you ready?" kukas shouted loudly, He took out two heavy javelins from his weapon bag, carried them in his hand and shouted loudly.

"Ready." the veterans shouted loudly. They had lived long enough. For a long time, their bodies began to weaken, and many people died in hospital beds. Some veterans would rather be killed than die in pain in bed. Now following kukas is likely to die, but they don\'t care anymore.

"Let\'s go." kukas pulled the lower armour hard, and then took the paper that the veteran handed him yesterday to read it. There are many names on the paper, some are just servants who have the right to return to others, and some are just small dignitaries. As for the names of those powerful and powerful, they do not appear on it.

Under the leadership of a veteran, the team set out without stopping. Under the leadership of the veteran, they quickly moved towards the remote area of Imperial College, where there was a manor, in which a baron lived. Long ago, the Baron once pursued a female doctor. His men clashed with the veterans. During the conflict, seven or eight veterans were killed by the Baron\'s guard.

More than a thousand soldiers in armor walked on the commercial road, which immediately attracted the attention of the whole Imperial College. Whether students or some dignitaries, they all nervously inquired about kukas\'s team. Of course, they soon got the news. When they knew that the team came out of the unknown castle, everyone was relieved. Because the unknown castle here is famous for its cowardice. Slightly stronger forces and dignitaries don\'t pay much attention to it. Because there are no strong people in the castle. Of course, they don\'t know where the blonde generals often live.

Although kukas\'s team was not fast, they were all cavalry after all. It didn\'t take long for them to reach the Baron\'s manor. When he arrived here, he still didn\'t see the bald female knight.

A piece of military heavy crossbows were carried out by the soldiers, and red flames were emitted from the top of flamethrowers. The young soldiers looked nervously at the suddenly jumped out of power, while the old soldiers roared excitedly.

"Kill! All the male living creatures in the manor should be killed. You can take the female ones back and enjoy them, or kill them at the same time. The manor belongs to you, and everything in it belongs to you." kukas turned his head and looked at the red eyed veterans behind him, and then looked at the nervous young soldiers, laughing loudly: "If you kill the most people, I\'ll reward him 10000 gold coins."