Abyss Knight

Chapter 307

"Knight, you should think about it carefully. No one dares to refuse the mission of the bone burial place." a dead caster hoarsely said, "this is not a threat to you, it\'s just a fact."

"Do you want to die? Three fifth order undead casters, I\'m confident to kill you three in an instant." kukas twisted his thick neck hard, and bursts of GA jumping sound came from his neck. He held two huge and heavy bronze crowns in his hands. The upper and lower jaws of the skeleton at the top of the bronze crowns collided constantly, making bursts of rattling.

With kukas\'s words, the atmosphere in the room suddenly became dull. A trace of killing intention was released from four people. One of the undead casters kept turning the white bone staff in his hand, and the gray smoke rolled violently.

"No one wants to die, knight. I think you need some time to think about it. Let\'s go first. If you want, we can discuss it again. We\'ll try our best to help you win more legendary dragon blood. What do you think?" the killing intention of a dead caster disappeared first. He hoarse his voice and said softly: "Some things can\'t be settled once or twice. We can talk more times. What do you think? We have enough time."

"Maybe! But to be honest, at least ten drops of blood from the legendary dragon, otherwise I would never take this task." kukas tilted his head and grinned grimly: "maybe you can ask others."

This time, the caster didn\'t say anything more. He just nodded to kukas, and then motioned two companions to leave with him. Kukas hesitated a little, then put away his bronze mask and let the three dead casters leave.

"We should kill him." after leaving kukas\'s house, a necromancer whispered to his companions, "I\'ll make him into a skeleton soldier, grind his head into a wine glass, throw it into the tavern and let others use it at will. Imprison his soul in his head and never let him leave."

"In this bone burial place, no professional is his opponent. A few days ago, the seventh order lurk with glorious hands on the battlefield came to sneak on him. As a result, the lurk was torn by him and his whole body was swallowed by the skeleton on his bronze mask. The price he paid was just a broken arm and thigh. There was nothing else Any pain. If you think you are more powerful than the seventh order lurk, fight with him. "The first undead caster sneered and told his companions about the past of the evil knight kukas: "One on one, no one is his opponent. His knight skills are too fierce, and his fighting spirit is also very special. It is said that even the defense spell of the seventh order caster can\'t resist his fighting spirit."

"That\'s just a rumor. I don\'t think he\'s faster than I release spells." the undead caster muttered a few words, then stared at kukas\'s house and couldn\'t help speeding up his departure. Of course, if there were no signs, there would be no rumor, and he chose to believe the rumor.

After the three undead casters left their residence, kukas kept pacing back and forth in the room. He felt that he really didn\'t need to stay here. On the one hand, more and more mercenaries of the glorious hand gathered here, and on the other hand, it was the task of the buried bone place. He knew that since the buried bone place had decided to let him join the task, it was not allowed at all He refused. In the face of low pay, he would never join the mission.

After all, the ice field and snow sea have been completely controlled by the Smet people. It has become the base camp of the Smet people. If he rushes in, he has only a small chance to survive. If he wants to survive, he must consume a lot of the blood of the legendary dragon. If the reward is not as much as his consumption, why should he go?

"Maybe it\'s time to leave. Undead caster? Hey hey! Don\'t let me see you three outside, or don\'t blame me for being cruel." he growled in a low voice. Then he took his mount into the house, opened his task scroll without hesitation, and then used the secret method to start transmitting himself.

The Milky light emerged from the scroll, and then these lights rolled his body, tore the void and disappeared into the room. Shortly after he left, some professionals rushed into his house rudely. These professionals were no less murderous than kukas. They looked through all the corners of the room ferociously and couldn\'t find the library After the trace of CASS, they left reluctantly, and the sign of the hand of glory was wrapped around them.

After a spell of vertigo, kukas returned to the Lich castle in the Lich land again. There were not many mercenaries in the streets of such a large castle. Even if there were, they hurried by. They would not sit on both sides of the street and display their goods to trade with others as before.

"What happened?" kukas urged the war horse to the store where the legendary dragon blood was exchanged. The store was very busy. A large number of mercenaries gathered here to exchange all kinds of things, and sometimes a quarrel sounded from the crowd. Kukas didn\'t understand the situation, so he grabbed someone and asked in a deep voice.

The mercenary looked at kukas\'s scar and his ferocious face, and said everything he knew: "it\'s said that the Lich land is going to be closed, and we will lose the qualification of mercenaries, so everyone came here to exchange what they need."

"When did it happen?"

"God knows! Damn it, I just came back from completing the task. I came when I saw others coming."

After leaving the mercenary, kukas thought a little, turned and ran towards the arsenal. The ghost cried, and the war horse galloped, sending out bursts of sobbing, which soon caused some mercenaries to curse. However, kukas was too lazy to pay attention to them, and the mercenaries were not in the mood to trouble kukas because of rumors. If he had run so fast in the city before, someone would soon jump out and stop him. It may not cost him his life, but a lesson is absolutely indispensable. Of course, if those people can beat him.