Abyss Knight

Chapter 302

"Lord kukas, this is your recruit. This time you are very lucky. We have allocated more than 5000 supplementary soldiers at the bone burial place. Because you are most short of manpower, we have sent more than 50 people to you this time. Take good care of these little guys. They have just arrived at the ice field. Well, there is another person in your Lich mercenary regiment." A herald led dozens of professionals to appear on the wall about ten meters wide with a smile on his face.

Turning around and looking at the skeleton soldiers standing on the 300 meter long wall, kukas couldn\'t help grinning. Yes, he is short of manpower, especially living people. On the 300 meter long wall he guarded, except that he was a living man, all the others were skeleton soldiers who had no feelings and only knew how to kill.

"Are there any priests?" kukas asked in a hoarse voice. "If there are no priests, take them away and send them to other places. Otherwise, they will only lose their lives in vain." kukas jumped off the horse, and his white bone armor fell off and turned into pieces of bones and flew to the ghost crying horse.

"Without priests, you should know that there is a big gap for priests now. Those in power have not sent priests on the wall for a long time." the herald shrugged his shoulders and muttered in a low voice: "maybe you can keep them, at least they can talk to you. Well, or wrap up your wound."

"Don\'t need these." kukas carefully looked at the new professionals. The highest of them was just a fourth-order shield guard, and the lowest was a first-order divine archer. And the fourth order shield guard is still a mercenary in the Lich land. "A first-order divine Archer can\'t even pierce the enemy\'s skin with his arrows."

"Knight, I\'m not an ordinary divine archer. I\'m a curse divine archer. Under my curse, even giants will fall to the ground." the divine Archer is a young girl with a young face and strong eyebrows. But it\'s a pity that she doesn\'t have any murderous spirit, which also proves that she probably never killed anyone herself.

"I don\'t need you here. Get out of here!" kukas shook his head and said in a deep voice. In fact, he didn\'t care about these reinforcements. "Last time, a third-order curse Archer fought side by side with me, but before the battle was over, he died and was stabbed in the head by a Ukrainian harpoon."

The herald had nothing to do with kukas\'s refusal. Although the herald represented the order of the ruler of the buried place, he didn\'t dare to really contradict the bald evil man in front of him. In the whole burial ground, in fact, all professionals who have survived several battles know his name. A lonely evil knight with endless death.

Here, few professionals can fight more than three battles side by side with him. Most professionals die in the first battle, a few die in the second battle, and the rest either run to other places or die in the third battle. It can be said that the place guarded by kukas is one of the most intense places in the battle. Because the wall he guarded protrudes outward, where the enemy\'s attack is the most fierce.

"Well, I\'m going to leave. You can just plug them there, but don\'t get them to me." after saying this, kukas jumped down from the wall more than 20 meters high. His feet fell to the ground, but after a clear sound, he squatted on the ground.

"Well, let\'s go. I think other places urgently need your cannon fodder. Well, to be honest, all the people who fought with him are dead, and he is still alive. You are lucky to live longer." the herald muttered in a low voice, and then led these people to other places. The professionals hesitated a little and began to move with the herald. However, the female curse Archer stared at kukas\'s back under the wall, and then left with the others.

Kukas fell on the ground and walked towards the center of the fortress. He clearly felt the gaze of the female curse Archer on the wall, but he just smiled, ignoring the angry sight. He has seen many such professionals. In his long career of defending the city, too many professionals who think they are powerful have died at the head of the city.

There are not many pedestrians on the road. Some professionals rush back and forth from streets and houses, and then return to their homes to rest or guard posts.

All the buildings in the fortress have become white bone buildings. The houses built of stone and wood a long time ago are also wrapped by a thick layer of white bone.

When he reached the central area of the fortress, a huge pit more than 100 meters in size appeared in front of him. The pit was also made of white bones. A mutilated or complete body was thrown into the pit by skeleton soldiers. The flesh and blood on the body melted and the bones disappeared. Then in an insignificant corner of the fortress, a white bone will slowly grow to strengthen the strength of the fortress. At the same time, a white skull will appear on the bone tower in the center, making the bone tower thicker and taller.

The bodies included smets, their allies Ukrainians and other races, as well as the bodies of professionals who died guarding the fortress.

Whether they were priests who saved countless people or mysterious and noble spell casters, after their death, the clothes on their bodies will be removed and thrown into the white bone pit, contributing their own flesh and bones to the white bone fortress.

At first, some professionals opposed the act of throwing their own bodies into it, but as the war continued, no one opposed it anymore. Even some professionals who are dying frequently take the initiative to jump into the white bone pit to end their lives. Perhaps they are to reduce the medical pressure in the fortress, or perhaps to escape the endless war.

There are dozens of pubs in this buried place. Most of them are very busy. Only the pubs in the center of the fortress are the most deserted. Compared with other pubs, there are very few people drinking in this pub. Sometimes no one drinks here for three or five consecutive days. But even so, the tavern still exists.

Kukas\'s destination is the tavern in the center of the fortress, where he can drink freely and vent, and even lie there and have a good sleep without worrying about the rejection and fear of others. Although he was eager to drink with more people and talk about women and war. But other pubs did not welcome him, because his fighting experience told everyone that he was cruel and ominous. When he arrived at the crowded pub, the people there would leave, and few people were willing to talk to him.