Abyss Knight

Chapter 300

The huge iron pot is set on the fire. Some professionals constantly add snow and ice to it, and then take out the clean water and pour it on the mud wall. A caster took out a large number of seeds and threw them on the wall built by these soil, and then released a spell to urge the seeds to sprout and grow forcibly. After a while, a large number of vines such as iron thorns covered the wall.

The damaged camp was repaired after more than one magic hour. The people carried out the food stored in the basement and then stored it in a convenient place. Of course, weapons and some common drugs are treated the same way.

One night later, the expected retaliation of Smet did not appear here. In the morning, a sentry appeared outside the camp, but the reinforcements sent by other camps. There were only three or five hundred reinforcements, but they gave kukas great confidence. This is because there are not only a special doctor and dozens of priests, but also hundreds of fifth order casters, three sixth order casters and a seventh order caster.

The appearance of huge casters does not mean that it is safe here. On the contrary, it also means that it will become more dangerous here. Not surprisingly, not long after these casters appeared, they began to put the long carved stone slab in the middle of the camp. These stone slabs were piled up tens of feet wide and covered with mysterious runes and magic words. After several magic stones of more than one meter were placed in several corners of the stone slab, the magic words and lines on them began to rotate slowly. After only more than ten breathing times, a transmission array appeared in front of everyone.

The white light flashed in the transmission array, and a large number of classes poured out like ants. Among them, there were first-order professionals, sixth or even seventh order professionals. These professionals carried all kinds of tools, and they began to build new walls quickly. Yes, the city wall, thousands of pounds of obsidian were taken out of the magic bag, and then began to build the city wall under the command of some people.

Under normal circumstances, these Obsidian can not carve magic words and Dharma arrays on them, but kukas now found that a large number of magic words and Dharma arrays are carved on these obsidian, and strong magic waves are scattered on each polished obsidian.

Kukas was not surprised by the appearance of obsidian used to build the wall. What surprised him most was a large number of undead casters who came out of the transmission array.

These undead casters were wrapped in a white mist. When they appeared, they waved pieces of bone powder. The bone powder fell on the earth and immediately climbed out of the depths of the earth a white skeleton. The skeletons formed and poured out of the camp, then dug ditches and carried soil and stones outside.

Some undead casters took out white bone skulls from the magic bag. They stacked these skulls together. However, in a quarter of an hour, a bone tower built by more than three feet high skulls appeared in front of everyone.

After the appearance of the bone tower built by the skull, a gray ripple visible to the naked eye emanated from the bone tower, which covered a few miles around. The skeleton soldiers who were shrouded in the ripples suddenly became much stronger, and some bones buried under the soil were drilled out of the earth. They were combined into the shape of monsters or skeleton soldiers.

"Let\'s go! Everybody, go outside and bring back the bodies of the Smet. We need those bodies." a dead caster stood on the bone tower and made a harsh voice: "or leave here, this will become a place to bury bones. Those who stay here will either bury the enemy\'s bodies or your own bodies."

For this sudden change, kukas and their remaining professionals were extremely surprised, because they didn\'t know why a small camp would suddenly change. At this time, kukas quickly opened his task scroll.

The red dots on the task scroll are one tenth less than yesterday. Except that a few of them stay in some camps at home and abroad, all of them rush here. According to the above trend, kukas found that the red dots would finally take the camp as the central point, then spread to both sides and stationed in camps for guard tasks.

"Sir, what happened here is just a small camp, and the location is not important." the old doctor suddenly stood up and asked the necromancer on the bone tower.

"Our people have completely failed in the ice field and snow sea. Now we need to establish a new defense line to prevent the comeback of the smetes and their allies. Well, the situation here will become very bad. I suggest you go to the rear." the dead caster with a depressing breath answered the old doctor\'s question very softly: "you will be very dangerous here."

"There is no safe place on the Arctic ice sheet." the old doctor shook his head and continued to ask nervously, "are all the people there dead?"

"Only a few people escaped back, and the others were on the way to escape, but they didn\'t know whether they had the ability to escape back." the necromancer giggled: "Since you want to stay, be ready to die! The Sumerian counterattack will be very powerful. Well, it may not be counterattack, who knows! But anyway, this will become our first front in the future. This will become a place like the ice field and snow sea."

Kukas did not go out to find the SMETE to hunt because the old doctor told the necromancer that they were too tired to continue fighting in a short time and they needed to rest. And the undead caster didn\'t say anything, so he acquiesced to kukas\'s rest.

"Have a good rest! Maybe this will be our last peace. Did you leave here?" the old doctor leaned against a thick log and asked kukas them: "the enemy can defeat the army in the ice field and snow sea, which means that they are extremely powerful and we can\'t resist at all."

"How can I know if I don\'t try it? I decided to stay last night, and I also decided to stay today. Well, the bone burial place, I really want to see how these dead casters make the bone burial place."

"I think you\'ll see it soon. I\'m sorry. I\'m leaving here. Well, at least not in this camp that is about to become a real fortress, but in other camps. There may be more need for us," said the masked fifth order divine archer.