Abyss Knight

Chapter 202

The whole Warcraft was eaten by kukas and his mount, even the hard bones. This Warcraft is the fifth one that kukas swallowed in just seven or eight magic hours. After eating the Warcraft, kukas found several mummies in the incomplete building. A mummified corpse is the costume of the caster. According to his habit, he reached out and began to search for the items on the mummified corpse.

Magic powder, crystal stone, gem, a thick magic book. These are his gains. According to his habits, he stored all these items on his Warcraft mount.

After dealing with the caster\'s belongings, kukas began to look for a place to stay. He was lucky and soon found a huge courtyard as his residence.

The courtyard is full of twisted and artistic mummies. The wounds on these mummies are caused by rough and primitive weapons such as wooden sticks, teeth, nails and so on. There were men and women in noble clothes and servants in rough clothes.

Perhaps it was because he had just swallowed a Warcraft. Neither he nor his mount felt hungry. However, according to previous estimates, the Warcraft could only keep them from feeling hungry for more than half a magic time, and then hunger wrapped around them again like a nightmare.

The mummies were stacked together by him. When he found another room, kukas went in to have a rest. And his Warcraft mount guards outside to prevent the enemy\'s sneak attack.

The room is very big and gorgeous, but it looks a little messy. The walls and floors are covered with a thick layer of pink blankets. In the corner, there is a huge wooden shelf on which all kinds of strange things in the early stage are placed. In the center is a big bed, which occupies half the area of the house. It was covered with a White Velvet quilt, but there were some twisted mummies on the quilt. Look at the mummies. They are all women without clothes. Under the bed and other places, there are some mummies, including men and women. What they have in common is that they have become mummies without clothes.

Kukas casually threw the body in the corner, and then he collapsed and rested on the big bed. In fact, he just immersed his mind in the fighting space and checked the situation in the fighting space.

The mind entered the fighting space for the first time after he woke up. After he entered the fighting space, everything he saw immediately shocked him. Great joy emanated from the bottom of his heart. Excited, he roared in a low voice.

It turned out that after his mind entered the fighting space, he found that the area of his fighting space was about ten times larger than before. And the fighting space is extremely solid. The altar is suspended in the central position and rotates slowly. The flame is burning on the thick fighting spirit condensed chain. Driven by the altar, it further drives the huge fighting spirit space to rotate.

A large number of gray light spots appear in the fighting space, which are absorbed by the chain and transformed into fighting spirit, and then condensed into fighting spirit lights after refining the altar, the columns on the altar and the flame.

"I\'m afraid the fighting space of the third-order knight is just like this!" kukas thought excitedly. After a long time, his mind calmed down. After calming his mind, he began to think about the change. But there was no clue. Finally, he threw the inexplicable expansion of the fighting space behind his mind and began to mobilize the fighting spirit in the altar into his body to suppress the pain of his body.

A trace of fighting spirit was injected into the muscle. The imaginary pain abated and did not happen, but made him more painful. In desperation, he quickly took back the fighting spirit and dared not continue to mobilize in the fighting space.

"Hey, hey!" kukas laughed in a strange low voice after retreating from the fighting space. He knew that he had benefited more from the war than ever before. He was more excited than he had received tens of millions of gold coins.

In his eyes, the money is just an item for trading. As long as he wants, he can definitely get it. The difference is just how much of it. The expansion of fighting space is not expected to be rich, especially in such a large scope.

"Damn it."

When he raised his hands and feet, he felt the strong power, which was more than one-third higher than his previous strength. As his body moved, the hard muscles trembled slightly on him. The comfortable feeling came out of the bone and made him roar in a low voice.

Most of the wounds on his body have healed, and twisted and ferocious scars spread all over his whole body. When he looked carefully, he found that there was almost no complete skin the size of a palm on his body. Although several serious wounds have not healed completely, as long as he is careful, these wounds will not affect his strength.

Through the mark of mind, kukas found that the Warcraft mount just roared to remind him that it was time to get up. There were no enemies here. Of course, this feint was not carried out spontaneously by the Warcraft mount, but he passed it to the Warcraft through his mind mark last night before his rest.

After relaxing, he began to wriggle his muscles and make various postures to move his bones and joints according to the secret method taught to him by the female doctor.

A sound of jumping broke out from him. Every time the bones and joints made a sound, he felt that his body was relaxed. And his strength increased by one point again.

After hundreds of bones all wriggled aside, he stopped with satisfaction.