Abyss Knight

Chapter 124

"When he recovers, we\'ll ask you to come again. By the way, next time I hope you can break his bones and see how his recovery is in combat." the old doctor said in a deep voice.

"OK." kukas nodded and agreed. Then the female doctor led him along the channel to leave the laboratory. When the female doctor and kukas came to his room, they were immediately flushed by the two women in the room.

It turned out that the two women stayed in kukas\'s room most of the half year. They had no other shame except a soft and transparent silk. When the female doctor came to kukas\'s room, the two women were flirting with each other to enjoy the lily.

"If you go on like this, I can\'t guarantee that you can complete the training plan we have made." the female doctor rubbed her temples and said reluctantly, "let them go! Their appearance will affect you."

"Don\'t worry, it will never affect them. If it does, it\'s not too late to let them go." kukas shook his head and rejected the female doctor\'s suggestion: "I need to relax after a long time of cultivation. I have to rely on them to relax myself! Well! I haven\'t left this damn underground mine for half a year. I doubt if I will have any problems if I go on like this."

"You don\'t have to worry about this. The medicine bone soup we configured for you can support you to stay here for a long time. Moreover, the magic lamps made by those alchemists replace some of the functions of the sun, which won\'t make you worse because you can\'t shine the sun for a long time." Seeing that she couldn\'t convince kukas, the female doctor had to stare at the two hurriedly separated women to warn them to restrain.

At the request of female doctors, a large number of special props were transported to the mine through black robed officers.

A thousand pound armor made of black stone, a variety of muscle training equipment, a special five or six foot long Knight spear and other items were transported down. Fortunately, kukas accumulated a lot of meritorious deeds during this period. In addition, the continuous supply of gold coins provided by those political prisoners also satisfied the price of these equipment.

The training time was controlled by the female doctor within dozens of breathing time, and various strange ointments were applied to him. Kukas tried all the special breathing methods and strange muscle peristalsis. Under this crazy training, kukas had no energy to think about fooling around with women all day.

The knight\'s spear, which was five or six feet long, squatted there with difficulty, and soldiers kept beating his body. Moreover, he had to breathe according to the breathing method given by the female doctor, and constantly beat his own muscles. After such training lasted for a moment of magic, he couldn\'t hold on. Then he continued to train when he rested for a little while of magic.

Such a huge amount of training, if not a large number of Warcraft meat and drug assistance, let alone cultivate their own combat effectiveness, alone the burden of training on the body, can make him completely lie in bed and become disabled.

Kukas lay quietly in bed. The two women applied ointment to his whole body and waited on one side, while the female doctor rode on him, holding special massage props in both hands and massaging kukas gently or heavily, so as to alleviate his muscle fatigue and increase drug absorption.

"The value of these drugs is not what you prisoners can enjoy at all. Don\'t dream of getting some benefits from these drugs." the female doctor raised her chin and scolded the two women with a proud face. The woman was silent and didn\'t dare to resist her.

After applying the ointment, the female doctor expelled the two women and did not allow them to stay in kukas\'s room. After she carefully examined kukas\'s body, she turned and left. After she left, guards would come to guard to prevent anyone from entering.

The days passed day by day. During this period, some political prisoners and ordinary prisoners were transported by black robed officers to kukas. After more than half a year, almost 2000 political prisoners gathered here. However, the later political prisoners were not worth much. They had no money to enjoy all kinds of treatment after staying here for a short period of dozens of days, and no one came again Give them more money. The political prisoners who first came here brought them a lot of money every once in a while. It was the money support that enabled them to enjoy a better life than kukas. Of course, the amount of money paid for this was beyond ordinary people\'s imagination.

More and more prisoners have made kukas more successful in the military. At the same time, he is no longer so exclusive to those political prisoners. Some political prisoners have no money, and he doesn\'t let them dig minerals anymore. He just gives them the lowest grade food to maintain their lives.

It is worth mentioning here that the woman who has been mining finally died. Because of excessive fatigue, she died after her mining work lasted less than seven or eight days.

The body was transported out by the black robed officer. Kukas didn\'t know whether it was thrown into the steel furnace to make blood grain steel or transported back to her family for burial.