About Making the Low-Tier Tamer Profession Top-Tier Using My Previous Life's Knowledge

36 Episode 36: The End of the Black Screen: Part 1

Now that we have a complete picture of who the mastermind is and how to deal with him, all we have to do is follow Hercules.

But in order to ...... do that, you'll need to free Hercules at least once.

You need to get permission from your party members.

"Miss Ilaria, Miss Macea. We'll release Hercules for now. Please understand that this adventure will take a little longer than planned. ......

"Fine, but ......, why?

Ms. Macea seemed to give me permission without hesitation.

Thank goodness.

In order to make sense of it, I'll explain the main points.

The current Hercules had strength far beyond Hercules' original power. In other words, Hercules had been unfairly enhanced by someone. If we don't catch the source of the problem, we won't be able to solve it fundamentally. That's why I want to pull him out now.

The two men looked at each other as they said this.

"Really? ....... I thought that was a B-rank class, but I guess ...... it's been reinforced. I'm sorry.

I'm not sure what to make of that.

I'm not sure what to make of that.

I'm not sure if you've heard of it, but I'm sure you've heard of it.

I didn't know tamers could do that .......

I'm sorry, but that's not a very rigorous explanation.

Well, since you seem to be convinced, that's good.

"So. I'm sure you've heard of it. How can you follow a guy that strong without him noticing?

"I'll leave that to you.

I answered Ms. Macea's question with pride.

She had a good point.

It's impossible for me to follow Hercules without him noticing.

But ...... I have divine powers now.

No matter how strong Hercules is, there's no way he can trace back his clairvoyance.

So, now that we've got that out of the way,......, let's get Hercules home.

"The Caucasus. Tell Hercules to go home.

I begged him in telepathy.

I'm not sure what to make of that.

In the event that you have any questions regarding where and how to use the site, please contact us at .......

Even as he thinks this, the Caucasian turns to Hercules.

"Hercules, go home.

'...... Is that what you want as a victor? That's a little light, don't you think?

"...... Quickly.


And just as ...... I thought, Hercules readily agreed.

Immediately afterwards, Hercules seemed to have slipped out of the ground, and with a ruffle of his wings, moved away at once.

Now, let's start following him.

I activated my clairvoyance and began to follow Hercules.

...... Yeah, he doesn't seem to have noticed me.

I'd say we're doing pretty well so far.

As I continued to monitor the situation, ...... Macea asked me, "Hey, Valius.

What kind of person do you think is the one who strengthened Valius ...... Hercules? Does he have a big hideout or something?

No, I don't think so. The true identity of the mastermind is the one who escaped from the seal applied by the guy I just called up, who looks like a combination of a dragon, an ox and a horse. ...... That guy can strengthen the Hercules without any equipment.

I've never heard of Suzaku building a base.

In addition, since Suzaku was released about a week ago, there would have been no time to build a base.

I see. ....... So, when Hercules returns to him, we're going to have to go for it immediately?

That's right.

I replied, making sure that Hercules had reached his maximum speed.

There was silence for a while, but then ...... Maisia lowered her voice and said something like this.

I'm sure you'll be able to figure out what's going on.

"...... Why do you say that?

I'm not sure what to say, but I'm not sure what to do.

...... I see, you're worried about that.

You're right.

In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can contact us at the following web site: .......

But ...... that's hard to say.

I'm sure you'll be able to figure out how to get the best out of it.

I'd like to say it in an offhanded way somehow.

I thought about it for a while and decided to say something like this.

I'm not trying to slow you down, but as soon as I find the mastermind behind ......, I want to track him down as fast as I can with this cloud. So, I'm sorry, but we're going to have to leave you two behind.

Changing the subject of battle to one of transportation.

This alone should reduce the psychological damage to the two of you by a wide margin.

"Ah, the super-fast movement you used to chase that Killing Jab.

"We can't have the mastermind running away from us, can we? ...... Don't worry about us, just go. We'll be rooting for you.

Looks like I did what I thought I could do without hurting either of them.


Since this is such a hot topic, I might as well check this out.

There's one more thing: ...... I think the mastermind will be eliminated without a trace when we get rid of him. If that happens, there will be no evidence left of the mastermind. ...... Is that okay with you?

Oh. I believe in Valius.

I do too.

I believe in Valius. - So do I. According to the Qilin, if you use your divine power to defeat the Vermillion Sparrow, the Vermillion Sparrow will disappear completely.

I thought it would be a problem if people thought that I hadn't defeated anything, but ...... seems to be no problem.

Well, there was nothing I could do about it, even if they said "no".

Anyway, now I can get rid of Suzaku without any worries.

As I was thinking this, ...... finally caught sight (clairvoyance) of Hercules approaching a figure that seemed to be the mastermind.

I focused on the figure.

Then ...... I noticed a fact.

...... That's not Suzaku himself.

Once in a previous life, I had seen the figure of Suzaku sealed inside a qilin with stare magic, but ...... he didn't look like he had a ring on his head.

Perhaps it is ...... the fallen angel Zakuel, an apostle of Suzaku.

Well, I'm going to take care of it anyway.

Zakuel has similar abilities to Suzaku, so he's probably the mastermind behind this.

"Tailing done, sir. I'm off.

I said, and accelerated the Myotokumo.