A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 751 - Possessed by Royalty?

Chapter 751: Possessed by Royalty?

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

This greed appeared very suddenly. After all, the Holy Crest Sect’s Grand Supreme Elder only had his avatar here, which paled in comparison to his true body. Despite it having some power that a cultivator at the Soul Conduit realm would have, it could only deal with ordinary Nascent Soul cultivators. It was impractical to even think about fighting Wang Baole.

Besides, he could be said to have seen firsthand how Wang Baole attacked, as well as the weird and painful deaths of the four centipede-like mutants. All of this would make any ordinary person with a bit of common sense give up all thoughts that they shouldn’t have.

However, this avatar of the Holy Crest Sect’s Grand Supreme Elder still developed uncontrollable greed. This greed was akin to flames, rapidly engulfing him and eating away at his reason.

However… just as his reason was almost completely eaten away, when the rashness in his heart made him want to rush out uncaringly, making him disregard all methods of hiding or ambush and race towards Wang Baole as though he was on a suicide mission, a sound was heard from the dying eternal star. As the planet that Wang Baole was on rumbled and all mutants on it were obliterated, the sound containing a sense of ancientness and a prehistoric aura exploded forth!

As it exploded forth, it caused fluctuation in the cosmos of the mutant civilization. Wang Baole immediately noticed this and raised his head to see it. As his eyes narrowed slightly, the countless closed demonic eyes surrounding him, which the Holy Crest Sect’s Grand Supreme Elder couldn’t see, all withdrew a little. Even though they were closed, they could obviously sense some danger.

Seemingly due to the withdrawal of the demonic eyes, the greed of the avatar of the Holy Crest Sect’s Grand Supreme Elder seemed to lose its roots, weakening tremendously. As the greed weakened, its reason recovered a little. The Grand Supreme Elder was an experienced Soul Conduit realm cultivator after all. As his reason recovered, he immediately realized how strangely he was acting previously.

Almost immediately, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and his expression changed tremendously. Secretly, he was shocked and didn’t wish to stay there any longer. As he was deliberating on how to leave, a second rumble sounded from the dying eternal star!

The sound of the rumbles caused more fluctuations in the cosmos, and in Wang Baole’s eyes, an intense desire to fight appeared. He could feel that, on that dying eternal star, there lay a… super mutant!

I will definitely achieve a breakthrough in my cultivation after killing that mutant! Wang Baole had an intense gut feeling. As his eyes narrowed and he pushed himself off the ground, a huge rumble sounded. His body shot forth like a comet streaking through the night sky, and he didn’t stop at all as he entered the cosmos!

As he shot towards the sky, his Stellar Nascent Soul, Thearch Armor, Divine Armament, and the countless demonic eyes around him all exerted an intense suppressive force. In the end, they combined together, and the aura they created was like a huge sword that could slice the moon and the stars. As this suppressive force was exerted, Wang Baole headed straight towards… the eternal star!

As Wang Baole shot towards the sky, two roars echoed from the dying eternal star. Cracks immediately appeared on its surface layer, and countless loose stones were detached from the planet, floating into the cosmos. One could also make out a giant mountain range forming rapidly on the eternal star.

This mountain range was majestic and massive. On top of it were numerous minor branches and their connections spreading towards the surroundings under a certain boundary. Upon seeing this, the Holy Crest Sect’s Grand Supreme Elder’s breathing quickened once again. This was because he noticed… that the mountain range on that eternal star was moving!

That wasn’t a mountain range at all! Instead, it was an extremely large centipede-like mutant. The things he saw connecting the “mountain range” weren’t branches at all, they were actually the mutant’s numerous legs and antennae!

The giant mutant shook itself fiercely, and half of its body stood up on the eternal star. With a twist of its body, it shot out, bringing with it a stench and horrifying suppressive force. Seemingly engulfing everything in its path, it shot towards Wang Baole and let out a roar that shook the surroundings.

Even so, this was enough to shock the Holy Crest Sect Grand Supreme Elder into desperation. At this moment, his body shuddered, and his mind went blank under the suppressive force. At the same time, the intention to battle in Wang Baole’s eyes got more intense, and he let out a loud roar!

This roar was louder than thunder. As it exploded towards the surroundings, the Thearch Armor on his body unleashed its full strength, as did the Stellar Nascent Soul. As the giant mutant neared, the countless demonic eyes behind him also suddenly… opened!

The countless demonic eyes opened simultaneously, unleashing a glimmer and entwining force unique to the demonic eyes. As there were so many of them, the power they unleashed by opening was unimaginable. In the next moment, the giant mutant’s body shuddered, and its massive body actually stopped within the cosmos.

Even though this only lasted for a split-second, it was enough for Wang Baole. His body seemed to become an extremely shard sword that could pierce the heavens. Using the Divine Armament as the tip and his body as the blade, he unleashed his full strength and charged forth. While the giant mutant was frozen by the power of the demonic eyes, he pierced through the void of space, traversing through everything and finally piercing the body of the giant mutant.

Not stopping, allowing the loud sound created to echo through the cosmos and ignoring the fact that his Divine Armament was shaking, Wang Baole broke through the skin of the giant mutant and entered its body.

Once in the mutant’s body, Wang Baole unleashed three cultivation techniques!

“Devouring seed!”

“Dark Fire!”

“Demonic Eye Art!”

The three cultivation techniques were unleashed simultaneously, and the power of the Demonic Eye Art was on full display. It formed a black hole, wanting to absorb everything. The power of the devouring seed also seemed to augment it, causing the power of the Demonic Eye Art to rise to the limit of what Wang Baole could handle. The black hole it formed went past the mutant’s body and gathered in its surroundings!

As for the Dark Fire, it spread towards the surroundings as it was unleashed, covering everything in a sea of fire. It covered all gazes, all consciousness, and to a certain extent… it seemed to illuminate the cosmos!

But the light that illuminated the cosmos was black!

This seemed ironic, but visually, it was not. Maybe due to differences in laws, the black flames could indeed illuminate the entire cosmos here!

There were also the roars of pain from the giant mutant, as well as its struggling body. Coupled with the wilting visible to the naked eye, the shock that this created scared the Holy Crest Sect Grand Supreme Elder out of his wits. He shivered violently, and as he retreated rapidly, he only thought of one thing—to leave this place.

Obviously, to him, the danger levels of this cosmos had exceeded what he could handle due to the appearance of Wang Baole. He even secretly chided himself furiously for leaving his avatar here. If his avatar died, it would greatly affect his true body as well.

I shouldn’t have been rash, and this Long Nanzi, he must have been possessed by some guy from the royalty! Thinking about the killing intent he had towards this guy from the royalty previously, the Holy Crest Sect Grand Supreme Elder was so remorseful that his intestines turned green.

To him, the only ones who were a match against the royalty were the three greater sects. If he got embroiled into some sort of conflict with the royalty, he would surely be screwed.

But just as the Holy Crest Sect Grand Supreme Elder prepared to charge out of the planet he was hiding in and escape, the giant centipede-like mutant let out a final roar and died beside the dying eternal star that was behind him. In the next moment, its body turned to dust within the black flames, being replaced by a giant black eye!

In the pupil of the giant eye, there was a tall, slender silhouette. It was… Wang Baole!

His long hair fluttered, and he achieved a breakthrough in his cultivation. Wang Baole immediately unleashed the suppressive force of the Soul Conduit realm without holding back, allowing it to cover the surroundings!

This aura made the Holy Crest Sect Grand Supreme Elder shudder, and the black eye almost made his soul leave his body. The horrifying demonic aura spread by the demonic eye seemed to be able to freeze everything. Compared to how the Holy Crest Sect Grand Supreme Elder remembered the Eye of Ten Thousand Demons, except for its size, it was almost identical.

He was possessed by royalty after all!