A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 371 - New Member of the Adonis Association!

Chapter 371: New Member of the Adonis Association!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The Eternal Fortress in the New Mars Region would be ten thousand times the scale of its prototype. It covered a shockingly large area, and the Eternal Fortress of Wang Baole’s would also be equipped with facilities that were previously uncompleted during the assessment. They would be fully furnished through the construction of the new city zone!

Wang Baole was extremely busy throughout the process of the stronghold’s construction. After all, this Eternal Fortress was an independent structure of his. After going through the initial construction process during the assessment, some issues had surfaced, despite it looking extremely imposing. Those issues, however, weren’t obvious to outsiders.

Wang Baole was, after all, the person who was most familiar with the workings of the Eternal Fortress throughout the Federation.

According to his estimations, it was possible to construct a new city zone that could house a hundred million people within half a year. However, a lengthy period of time was still needed to test the quality of the new city zone, as well as its ability to withstand the Beast Tide.

Therefore, the deadline Wang Baole set for himself to construct the prototype of the new city zone was three months. In the three months following that, construction would continue while the city zone underwent continual tests to see if it could resist the Beast Tide. That would take place until a total of six months had passed, when the initial stage of the new city zone had been completed and undergone some tests. That way, the safety of the people who were to move into the new region would be guaranteed.

In order to achieve this goal, it was necessary to have sufficient resources and manpower. With the hundred thousand workers available right now, Wang Baole analyzed the situation and felt that it was still far from what would be required.

The three vice mayors of mine will probably arrive within a few days… Along the way, Wang Baole had already planned out where his four vice mayors would be positioned.

He knew well that he had the advantage afforded to him for winning the assessment. He could forcefully pressure others at the start, but once they gained a footing, it would require some effort to pressure them.

He naturally wouldn’t let go of this early-stage advantage. Therefore, after thinking about it silently in his mind, he made a decision.

Li Yi’s responsibility will be to construct the stronghold according to my plans. This is a responsibility that she cannot shrug off and perhaps would even delight in doing. After all, that position gives her the greatest power, secondary only to mine.

This way, the White Deer Dao College will have nothing to be unhappy about. As for me, I will be able to make my stance this way… Wang Baole narrowed his eyes. Being familiar with the teachings of the high officials’ autobiographies, he knew that in order to find fault with someone, the first step was to give them a task.

If not, it would naturally be difficult to pinpoint that person’s weaknesses.

As for Kong Dao… even though City Lord Lin mentioned that it wasn’t necessary to care about him and that I could even try to become friends with him after resolving the grudges between us, that is challenging as well. I’m annoyed the moment I see him… After thinking about it, Wang Baole felt that it was most appropriate to position Kong Dao in the military zone in order to guard the Divine Armament Catacombs.

After all, the most important area of the New Mars Region was the Divine Armament Zone. Wang Baole analyzed the situation and concluded that Kong Dao wouldn’t reject the arrangement. At the same time, the military would be satisfied, since that would allow the military to acquire first-hand news about the Divine Armament Catacombs.

This way, I remove the chances of us meeting, since there would be less of a chance of us being in the same area. This makes it easier to manage the situation. Wang Baole sat in his unadorned office and took out a bag of snacks to munch on while thinking about the task to allocate to Jin Duoming when he arrived.

Since Jin Duoming has the potential to become the director of Trilunaris Corporation, he would naturally be confident in management affairs. Even though his abilities aren’t obvious, this task shall be given to him! After finishing the snacks in a mouthful, Wang Baole came to a decision to place Jin Duoming in charge of managing the internal affairs of the new city zone.

As for Lin Tianhao, Wang Baole didn’t have too many concerns. He was one of his own and would be in charge of the disciplinary and law enforcement departments.

After making arrangements for the placement of his four vice mayors, Wang Baole felt that his understanding of the high officials’ autobiographies had deepened yet again. After all, real understanding comes with putting what was learned to use. With delight in his heart, he took out a bottle of Ice Spirit Water, feeling emotional as he took a gulp.

As the leader, I need to learn not to be suspicious of the people under my lead! This could also be considered a platform that I have provided for them to show their capabilities. As for me, it is sufficient as long as I have a grasp over manpower and finances.

Hah, with manpower and finances in my grasp, I will be able to oversee the entire operation! Wang Baole felt that his status was different from before. He hummed a happy tune while walking out of his unadorned office. He looked at the busy construction going on and immediately corrected any aspect that he deemed was out of place wherever he passed. That was especially so for the location where the seal of the Divine Armament Catacombs was located.

Wang Baole was clear about the purpose of the stronghold. He was even more clear that if there were no Divine Armament Catacombs, the new city zone wouldn’t garner the attention of the various factions in the Federation.

Therefore, the Divine Armament Catacombs was the key.

The goal of constructing the stronghold is to support the Qi Fostering Spirit Array Formation, and the purpose of this array formation is to demolish the barrier under the Divine Armament Catacombs’s seal. At the same time, once the stronghold is in operation, the Divine Armament Catacombs seal would then be activated once in a while to relieve the internal pressure. The stronghold would also require an automatic killing mechanism, as well as facilities with protective purposes.

It is only through this manner that a cycle could be initiated. Only when the cycle has begun could the New Mars Region be considered to have been constructed successfully! Wang Baole thought silently, as he arrived outside the Divine Armament Catacombs.

Right now, there had already been transformations to its appearance. Bases had already been erected in the area, and over ten thousand workers were hard at work in the construction process. There were so many workers that the crater was about to be completely filled.

The donkey was also there, behaving suspiciously like a thief. It occasionally looked at the pile of resources, its saliva uncontrollably flowing out of its mouth. It would then look at the Divine Armament Catacombs seal, as if waiting for its dream food to fly out of it from within.

Seeing that the donkey was behaving like a good-for-nothing, rage arose in Wang Baole, and he went forward to give the donkey a kick. The donkey had endured Wang Baole’s beatings so frequently that its skin had already thickened, and it didn’t feel anything after being kicked. Instead, it looked energetically at Wang Baole, instinctively revealing a look that implied that it was trying to get into Wang Baole’s good books.

“Dumb donkey, know that the resources here are all accounted for. It doesn’t matter whether you eat them or not, as long as something goes missing, I will bash you up and shut your mouth as punishment!” Wang Baole stared sternly, and the donkey grew shocked and nervous after hearing his words.

It appeared that it had already developed some consciousness to be able to understand the meaning of what Wang Baole said. It would be his fault regardless of whether he ate the resources or if others stole them.

Therefore, it hurriedly rubbed its head on Wang Baole’s thigh as if asking for forgiveness. After being kicked once again by Wang Baole, it seemed to have lost all hope, understanding that appealing to him was futile. The donkey sneezed loudly, and its eyes reddened as it looked ruthlessly at the construction workers like a supervisor…

Soon, as the days passed, Wang Baole delightedly found out that he had gained another pair of eyes, which was in the form of the donkey. It was working day and night within the new city zone, continuously checking whether resources were lacking. Once it found that something didn’t match up, it would roar like crazy, reminding Wang Baole and Lin Tianhao to take a look.

Lin Tianhao thought nothing much of it initially, but after finding issues repeatedly, he looked at the donkey in shock as he realized that the donkey could count, which could be considered a miracle.

When he conveyed his surprise to Wang Baole, Wang Baole cleared his throat, feeling that he was indeed smart to be able to extract the best use out of trash. When he looked at Lin Tianhao and recalled that Lin Tianhao’s workload for the past few days had significantly exceeded that of his own, he satisfyingly patted his shoulder, deciding to send him an invitation.

“Tianhao, you’ve heard of the Adonis Association, right? Now, Zhuo Yifan, Zhao Yameng, and I are the members, as our appearances are of a certain standard. That was how the Adonis Association started.

“Even though your figure isn’t as impressive, and you don’t look as handsome as me, we are brothers. Therefore, I officially declare that from now on, you are the fourth adonis of the Adonis Association!”

Lin Tianhao didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. He felt that Wang Baole’s judgment of figure and appearance was perhaps different from his own. However, he knew that he was completely entwined with Wang Baole and would live and die with him!

Furthermore, through the time he had spent with Wang Baole on Mars, he has been transformed under his influence. Therefore, after hearing Wang Baole’s words, Lin Tianhao, who was half-sitting before Wang Baole, suddenly stood up and agitatedly announced.

“Greetings, Chairman!”