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Chapter 122 122. < Chapter 23. Reverse Hate - 2 >

Claire is one of the most famous people in the world. What would happen if she and Kang Shin-hyuk were walking the streets barefoot? Not only will the spiritual spirit be overturned immediately, but Shin Eun Ah will go out and kill one or two people with certainty.

So they met in proper disguise. Hero Universe had an item called 'Shadow of the Leaf’ that changed the appearance subtly and naturally avoided people's attention. It was a bit expensive, but once you used it, you could see that they were invisible.

Of course, the effects of the items would disappear if you engaged in strenuous activities, but it would not be a problem enough to enjoy a normal date.

But the moment I met Claire at the rendezvous point, it was only then that I realized that no one was really paying attention to them.

“You wouldn't need a mask if you had one of these!? ”

“Oh, you're acting as Shin Eun-hyuk. ”

“You used to be a bartender at first! ”

Shinhyeok Kang, who trembles at Claire's cunning words. But Claire wags her fingers. Tsk, tsk. A redhead tied with a side tail flickers adorably in her ear. T ra n sl at ed b y jpm tl.com

“Who do you think the guests are coming to the bar? They're superhumans flying. The shadows of the leaves are ideal for deceiving people passing by briefly, but they don't work well with the ability to stay in the same place for hours. ”

“It's a matter of imagination...... So you cheated? ”

“You look even better in a mask!... Hot! ”

Shinhyuk Kang gazes at Claire indiscriminately and instinctively. As Claire looks away from you sweating, Kang Shin-hyuk grins and extends his arms to her.

“Actually, I think it's great to go. ”

“Exactly! ”

T rans l at e d by Jpm tl .co m Claire takes his word for it. The moment she felt her grip on Kang Shin-hyuk's arm, she felt more pressure than anyone who had ever crossed his arms. Kang Shinhyuk decided to tell her honestly how he felt at that moment.

“Marry me, sister. ”

“Are you embarrassed? ”

They exchanged jokes and went to dinner first. It was a restaurant on the 20th floor of the Five-Star Hotel Louvron where there was a previous artifact competition, and one of the injuries on board was a restaurant ticket.

“Wow, Shinhyuk is capable. ”

“I saved it because I wanted to come with you. ”


It was a perfectly natural comment. Claire flinches for a moment, but realizes that Kang Shin-hyuk didn't want her reaction and smiles.

“Yes, I suppose I should be thankful. But I'll live next time. ”

“Thank you.”

The atmosphere of the two of them was pretty good. It was because Kang Shinhyuk was unnecessarily nervous or not overdoing it. Claire quietly looked at the wine the waiter poured out and said,

“Is it the anvil? ”

“Me now? ”


Kang Shinhyuk honestly replied with a spoon that he had heard.

“Actually, I don't know. I would have been affected, or I wouldn't have been so calm with my sister in front of me." Tr ans lated by Jp m tl.co m

“I heard you again. ”

“But you don't feel bad about it, do you? ”

“Yes, that's a good skill, so cherish it. ”

“It's all because I mean it. ”


A light smile comes to Claire's mouth, grumbling. I'm glad it worked out. Kang Shinhyuk smiled at her...... and smiled a moment.



At a table quite far from them, there were two women whom Kang Shin-hyuk knew. One of them just walked into the gate with Eleanor R. It was Algiers, and the other was Inahui.

I felt the moment I saw Ina Hee's face.

“I did. He had a ticket here too...."

He wasn't the only one who won the contest. I didn't think she would come on the same day, but if she was alone, or if she had brought her boyfriend, she would have been sparingly safe.

But I can't believe you brought Eleanor! The beauty of two people is too glamorous to laugh at if there are no men to bring. Any partner of theirs would want to run for office.

“Oh, he must be. ”

T r a ns la t e d by jpmtl.c om Claire notices those who are facing Kang Shin-hyuk's gaze. Luckily, they don't seem to have noticed yet.

“This one's your friend? ”

“The other side is the same. He's the leader of the Non-Dragon Knights.”

“Wow, I hope it's Shinhyeok. There's a lot of pretty girls around. ”

“You're the prettiest of them all. ”

What do you think we'll do? Will the shadow of the leaves successfully conceal the two?

But when I think about it, it didn't really matter if I found out. In the beginning, Inahi even knew that Shinhyuk Kang likes Claire.

“Whatever. ”

“Okay, I'm on a date, so why don't you just see me? ”


“But you can't just stare at it like that. ”


The two of them forgot the existence of an outsider and enjoyed eating. The taste was almost consistent in the beginning, so there was no difficulty in talking. Claire picks up some dessert cake, drinks tea, and bites.

“Where to next? ”

“I like the way you move, the way you don't move? ”

Tra nsla t e d by jp mtl.c o m “The moving side. ”

“Then let's go bowling. ”

Bowling is no ordinary bowling. I'm talking about bowling at a special sports center at the superimposer. Different size than the weight of the ball, different pins, different bottom materials.

The superimposer had many facilities designed to entertain ordinary people and superhumans with different levels of strength and stamina. I couldn't help but go to the superimpostor when it was a moving date in the first place.

“Wow, there's more to do than bowling. ”

“Hey, Sis, haven't you been here before? ”

By the way, Shinhyuk Kang came quite well with the white man. He talked confidently, saying that he would seduce superhuman sisters with a great white face, but in the end, both of them had no time to focus on the match.

“Yes, I didn't do much except for the exercises I needed. But sometimes it's good, right? ”

Claire unties her head once and then ties it back up with a ponytail. Kang Shinhyuk raised his thumb without saying anything, and she slapped his arm with a smile. Honestly - it was a very good atmosphere.

If only Eleanor and Inahi hadn't come in the lane next to them.

“What a coincidence, junior. ”

“Oh, hello, Shinhyuk. ”

Inahi was smiling, and Eleanor looked at Kang Shin-hyuk and Claire alternately, making an unbelievable face.

After all, it's only income that proves that the shadows of the leaves don't work well with acquaintances.


“Why are you looking at me like that? I think I'm a little pretty today. ”

"This is my first time since I cleared the gate. How are you...? ”

Kang Shinhyuk stared at them without saying a word. However, when they insisted that they were coincidences to the end, they finally sighed and opened their mouths.

“What a coincidence. You were at the restaurant. ”

“What, you've been watching and pretending you don't know? I'm disappointed.”

“I know you're on a date, but which country's laws are you coming to interrupt? ”

“Really? Isn't she just playing with you? ”

That's usually the wrong analysis, but when did Claire become your sister?

I was about to be scolded by Kang Shin-hyuk, but Claire, who was still looking at the situation until then, came behind him and hugged him as he applied.



Not only Kang Shin-hyuk, but Eleanor and Ina Hee who saw it at the same time suffered from a stiffness. Claire graciously says, placing her chin on Kang Shin-hyuk's shoulders.

“We're dating, right? Oh, it's a secret from the others. ”

“Oh, oh……."

“That was, excuse me……."

“Mmm-hmm, no. I'm so glad we met. Bowling, shall we? ”

“Uh, no. We'll just stick around. ”

“It's an honor to meet you, alchemist. ”

Two women overwhelmed by Claire step back calmly. Kang Shinhyuk felt his face rising. It was a defeat. We cannot win against her.

“Hey, sis? ”

“Huh? I shouldn't have left. ”

“No, that's not it. That's definitely not true. ”

“Isn't that right? I thought they'd take it away from me if I didn't. ”

So I went a little overboard, and Claire said with a little smile. Kang Shinhyuk was almost dead.

“Then let's play. ”


Kang Shinhyuk and Claire enjoyed bowling after receiving drinks. The two women who had been defeated by Claire have retreated, but they were throwing a ball in the next lane, whether they had already made the payment or wanted to observe.

[Ina Hee: I'm sorry about before.]

A message came from Inahi as she watched Claire throw the ball. Inahi, who was sitting on the couch next to him, looked back at him.

[Ina Hee: I was just joking to make fun of you. You two look great together.]

[I: Why are you being so nice all of a sudden?]

As soon as Kang Shinhyuk replied, the answer came right back.

[Ina Hee: No, I'm sorry if I really interrupted your date.]

I: But you're roughly right. We're not together. It feels like I've won the right to date every day.]

I could see Inahui smiling bitterly at the message.

[Ina Hee: Not yet.]

I'm teasing you again.]

[Ina Hee: No, that's not it]

[Inahui: No, thank you. Do you want to do something before the semester starts?]

I'll think about it and get back to you tomorrow.]

After finishing the message, she looks up and suddenly returns to her seat. On the other hand, I saw Inahi whispering to Eleanor when she came back from her turn.

“What happened? ”

“I'm sorry to interrupt your date. ”

“Good girl. Tell him I'm not mad. Rather, I feel like I've gained on it. ”

Claire giggles along with the horse and bites the straw in the drink. What do you mean, "gained"? Kang Shinhyuk glanced at her quietly.

Her thick lips that are biting the straw look poisonous. The moment I stood up, struggling to get my eyes on it, his stick vibrated violently.

Maybe the conversation with Ina Hee is over. After thinking that, a siren rang out throughout the building. Inahi's phone was vibrating violently as well.

[Multiple Irregular Gates]


Kang Shin-hyuk, who checked the stick, confronted Claire. Claire chuckles.

“I didn't know what to think. ”

“That doesn't have to be right. ”

“Is this how it was the first day we met? ”

“I did. I haven't started dating yet, but it's kind of unfair. ”

When Kang Shin-hyuk makes a joke, Claire tilts her head as if she was thinking something.

“The next time we go on a date, ”


“Yes, instead. ”

Claire's phone is buzzing. In the event of an emergency, she was also contacted by the association in the first place while she was still in Korea.

“I don't want to go alone today. Fight with me. ”

Kang Shinhyuk raised his head as if he had been struck by lightning.

Yes, Kang Shin-hyuk was still weak, so he had to send her alone, but not now.

I didn't have to hide anymore.

“I see.”

“What do you think?”

Kang Shin-hyuk takes action when Claire smiles and asks.

Shin Eun-hyuk's mask was covered.