A Sorcerer's Journey

Chatper 98

Seven days later, it was still the Per Anos laboratory.

"Blood Horror Doll?" Green listened to Peranos\' description and the name of witchcraft. From the trump card prepared by the mentor for himself, Green couldn\'t help but think of the Muppet King when he was on the sea ship.

Now that I think about it, the reason why the puppet king died strangely during the newcomer period is probably because some senior wizard apprentice took a fancy to her mysterious magical wizard weapon that can summon strange dolls, and wanted to keep it for himself Alright.

After all, that woman was a ruthless character on the ocean liner.

Peranos smiled and said: "That\'s right, here are the short-distance coordinate teleportation scrolls and radiation stones I prepared for you, as well as some materials for making blood horror dolls, waiting for you to use the special blood mixed with poison to refine the body according to this blood." After the horror doll has successfully practiced witchcraft, the blood terror doll is almost a symbol of immortality to ordinary wizard apprentices. The mysticism, energy conservation, and soul science involved in this are not understandable by ordinary wizard apprentices. As long as you After encountering a strong enemy during the holy tower trial, use the teleportation coordinate scroll to escape, and then use the blood horror doll to bring the radiation stone to chase the opponent..."

After receiving the materials handed by the instructor, Green understood a little.

No wonder the mentor once assured that he could become a preparatory witcher. Just the combination of this blood horror doll and the radiation stone is equivalent to Green having a poisonous summoned beast similar to Sorum\'s ability, plus Green\'s own strength, if he didn\'t become a preparatory witcher wizard, it would be unreasonable.

Of course, the radiation stone and the sealing box should be kept well. If they are left in the wizarding world, they will be held accountable, which will greatly limit the practicality of Green\'s witchcraft.

This time, Green has fully realized the benefits of having a mentor.

During the newcomer trial, didn\'t those seven desperate people sweep the entire trial field by relying on the advanced teaching of their mentors and the huge advantages of their own talents?

Even at the beginning, in order to protect the balance of the newcomers, the college privately formulated a rule for every desperate person to deduct a reward if they exceeded 100 marks. Materials for the desperate were distributed.

At this moment, Green has finally become the "desperate" in the holy tower qualification battle, and may even be a monster that makes the desperate completely desperate...

The blood horror doll witchcraft was not taught by the wizard Per\'anos himself. Per\'anos just provided this witchcraft scroll, because Per\'anos himself did not practice this witchcraft. To put it simply, the Blood Horror Doll is an immortal and terrifying thing for apprentice wizards, but for some formal wizards, it is probably not as threatening as an apprentice wizard.

The name of the scroll is "The Blood Horror Doll of Quantitative Conservation of Mystic Science". Green just intends to learn this witchcraft as a temporary transitional thing, and it is used to determine the guaranteed witchcraft for this holy tower trial. He did not intend to go too far study in depth. Because there is no system in mysticism, it is difficult to determine future achievements. In this case, a sensible wizard apprentice like Green is not willing to conduct in-depth research and study similar to gambling.

After Green saluted, he left Per\'Anos\'s laboratory and began to prepare some key props for the bloody doll witchcraft for a long time, which could also save a lot of time to actively study the burst flame witchcraft.

First of all, it is the "special" blood of the three liters of the caster. Green\'s poisonous blood, which is mixed with poison, just meets this speciality. This is also the prerequisite for practicing the blood horror doll witchcraft.

Secondly, there is the cursed high platform, also known as the cursed witch platform. The more advanced the blood horror doll born on the cursed high platform, the more times it can be "reborn". This seems to be a key procedure for some kind of energy transformation collection. However, it will not be a problem to go to the most advanced cursed high platform in the whole academy at the top of the tower of Sota Academy under the leadership of Per Anos instructor.

Finally, there are all kinds of strange materials. Although Mentor Per Anos has solved some of the rare materials, there are some key strange materials that need to be prepared by Green himself.

Green sighed: "Three liters of the caster\'s blood? With so much, it seems that it needs to be completed in multiple times, and several potions that speed up metabolism and blood regeneration need to be made. As for these strange materials, the raw materials have to go to Fatty. have a look."

Thinking in this way, Green came to the fat man on the first floor of Hesso Tower.

At this time, the area of ​​Fatty\'s display cabinets has at least doubled in size compared to before, and half of them are displaying the perfume Venus, God of Love invented by Green. Even some wizard apprentices will come to buy a few bottles as luxury items. Green can often The melodious and secret aura of the opposite sex hormones could be smelled from the wizard apprentices passing by.

Moreover, besides Fatty, there were two more wizard apprentices behind the counter, a man and a woman. They seemed to be helpers recruited by Fatty from this batch of newcomers.

"Hey, Green, you\'re here." The fat man stood up from the chair in a jerk, his fat belly groaned and trembled, and the flesh on his face almost squeezed his eyes, showing a harmless look. With a smile, his body shape seems to be developing towards the spherical shape of the cold winter ice soul make-up Seni.

Of course, that cold and serious woman would not be such a trembling fat body.

Green also smiled. This partner has provided him with a huge amount of magic stones for wizard apprentices over the years. Green also used this to know that the forces behind the fat man are indeed spread all over the Seven Rings Holy Tower area. Good intentions to "relieve" himself and cooperate with himself, which does not rule out the meaning of hoping that Green will die completely in the newcomer trial without the strength behind the other party.

In this case, the other party is equivalent to earning all the formula of Green\'s God of Love, Venus.


Green lived as a wizard apprentice for hundreds of years, and Green died a few hundred years later. As a power with a formal wizard, the other party can be regarded as making a lot of money. Green signed the contract with the seven rings in his own name, but the other party was an organization named Zijinhua.

However, so many years have passed, and now that Green has Mentor Per Anos as the rear force, he will not pay attention to those boring conspiracy tricks, and there is a seven-ring contract binding both parties, and Green also I don\'t think that I will stop at the realm of wizard apprentices in the future.

Green also put on a polite smile, thinking about the materials he needed to train the Blood Horror Doll, he said it all in one go, and finally added: "The fee will be deducted from this month\'s magic stone."

The fat man nodded and said briskly, "No problem."

Then, the fat man turned his head to the apprentice witch who was arranging the goods at the counter, and said, "You Lei, take this customer to the warehouse behind, just take what you want, and don\'t worry about the rest."

Seeming to be a little afraid of this fat man, after the apprentice witch answered in a low voice, a pair of Huang Jingjing eyes looked at Green.

You Lei noticed this unusual customer from the moment Green came over. Even when the official wizard came over, she didn\'t see the virtue of this "black-hearted, wretched, and cunning" fat man, but this man with a white mask The young wizard apprentice came over, but the fat man turned into the same look just now.

Immediately, You Lei was sure that although there was no such person in the top ten master list and potential list of the older generation, he definitely had something special about him. In other words, he must be a "rich man"... …

After a while, Green followed You Lei, and the two came to Fatty\'s private warehouse.

The warehouse is a little dark and very quiet, with miscellaneous goods piled up everywhere, Green said lightly: "One live neighing chicken, oh no, two. The blood crow has two hundred tongues, fifty grams of corpse marrow, One kilogram of prison rot, three hundred grams of thorn shark bile, two white-headed fruits..."

You Lei moved all the materials to Green one by one. Green nodded and carefully checked whether there was any omission.

Hoo hoo...

You Lei was out of breath, as if the heavy physical work just now was a test for this newcomer, her robe was soaked with sweat, her curly brown hair fluttered as You Lei inadvertently fanned the wind, and the large collar on her chest was also covered with sweat. Drenched and falling, revealing a large area of ​​white snow in front of the twin peaks.

Facing Yulei\'s suggestive eyes, Green glanced at this fairly good-looking female wizard apprentice. For a while, the atmosphere between the two of them in the dimly lit warehouse seemed a little delicate.

You Lei bit her wet lips lightly, and said in a greasy voice deep in her throat: "As long as you have an intermediate magic stone, I will be yours..." As she said, You Lei slowly moved closer to Green, feeling a sense of disgust. An extremely masculine scent pervades the air, the light floral and estrogen scent of Venus, the goddess of love.

Green shook his head, looking bored.


With the tailbone dagger pressed against You Lei\'s chest, Green said doubtfully: "Because the older generation of wizard apprentices have left, haven\'t your wizard apprentices of this year experienced the horror of cursing witchcraft? How dare you approach another so casually?" A wizard apprentice, thinking back to my class..."

You Lei\'s face turned pale, and from the coccyx dagger on her chest and the calm words under the mask, You Lei knew that she had hit a nail.

Green retracted the coccyx dagger, and said lightly: "I just want to say that just now your behavior of manipulating the water element to wet your clothes is really stupid and funny. Moreover, the investment behavior of the bottle of perfume on your body just now, I am afraid this time I\'m going to lose money, I\'m not very sensitive to this kind of stuff, so don\'t do nonsense and send these materials to this address."

You Lei nodded in a panic, not daring to say anything more, hurriedly put away all the things Green bought, and left the warehouse.

Green didn\'t care about these things. During the rookie period, there were many female wizard apprentices in Green\'s class, but at that time there was no fragrance as an investment. Of course, Green, who was embarrassed at the time, would not become the object of attention of those female wizard apprentices...

two months later.

Green draws some of his own blood every day, and now he has accumulated enough two liters of blood to be refrigerated, and in one month it will be enough for the three liters of the caster\'s special blood required by the blood horror doll witchcraft.

Today, however, Green is here to make another key material for the blood horror doll.

Arriving in front of the cage where the neighing chicken was raised, Green watched with his own eyes that the heighing chicken ate the bloody crow\'s tongue stirring the marrow before turning around and leaving. Afterwards, Green mixed the thorn shark bile with the prison rotting mud, and then stirred it in with a small bottle of earthy dolphin urine given by Per\'anos\' instructor...

For the past two months, the two neighing chickens have used one or two blood crow tongues with corpse marrow every day. At this time, the conditions have been met, and they have been transformed into curses in "The Blood Horror Doll of Quantitative Conservation of Mystic Science" Sizzling chicken.

Later, after Green wrapped the two neighing chickens with a layer of prison rot mixed with various materials, a trace of light gray breath began to permeate the two neighing chickens. Green didn\'t care about the struggle and harsh crowing of the two neighing chickens, and threw them into a huge container with the two neighing chickens, and then a meat grinder hammer fell down.

cluck cluck...

The miserable screams echoed, but Green controlled the meat grinder with a calm face, and turned the two neighing chickens into meat paste one by one. crumbs.

After a full hourglass time, Green looked at the meat sauce in the container, carefully collected some of the essence, and then began to prepare other witchcraft materials. These materials are extremely weird things, and Green needs to follow the prompts on the scroll to complete them step by step.

After a month and a half.

There is a cursed high platform on the 95th floor of Hesso Tower. Green, who was sitting on the cursed high platform, smiled excitedly at Per Anos and said, "It\'s done."