A Sorcerer's Journey

Chatper 138

two days later.

Peranos and Green flew away from the balloon airship, and on the flat ground at their feet in the distance, a crescent-shaped sparkling lake was quietly flowing with warm water, like a mother who was giving birth to a new life.

"So prosperous but... so peaceful?" Green was really surprised.

Above a city that looks like a bright pearl by the Moon Lake, there is an endless stream of bird caravans coming and going. The birds rise and fall, gather and then disperse, transporting the goods they are carrying to their destinations again and again.

And the goods provided by these birds are supposed to be luxuries that cannot be stored for a long time.

In the center of the city, there is a majestic building that is as tall as the Hesso Tower, but there is no spire at the top, but a huge cylindrical platform, with hundreds of figures lined up in an orderly manner. More than a dozen air balloon boats parked around this building are busy transporting guests, and most of these guests are ordinary wizard apprentices, businessmen, and even some knights, and occasionally there are people who look like adventurers and scholars.

After a while, a balloon airship left with a full load, and at the same time a new balloon airship flew over from afar.

It seems that the balloon airship has already been used as a means of transportation for civilians in the bustling area in the middle of the Seven Rings Holy Tower.

Not only the commercial exchange development structure, but also the cultural urban architectural structure here is very different from the regional colleges.

The city here has no towering city walls, nor watchtowers. There are only castles, manors, and dense white marble buildings scattered from the city center in an orderly manner. Wizard apprentices wearing magic robes can be seen on the streets at any time. Wizards here seem to have blended in harmony with ordinary civilians. There is no obvious class characteristics and mystery.

By the side of a winding river, Peranos and Green landed on a neat bluestone paved ground.

Several waterfowl creatures are playing in the creek. The breeze blows, blowing the starting point of ripples. They couldn\'t help but let Per\'Anos and Green squint their eyes comfortably, their robes trembling with the breeze, feeling cool, silently enjoying the harmony and beauty of the wizard civilization belonging to this human area at this moment.

"Every time I come here, I feel much better." Peranos said to Green suddenly.

Green nodded, and said softly: "The beautiful environment and peaceful atmosphere here are elegant and noble. It is indeed much more soothing and harmonious than that of the regional college. It is suitable for the esoteric wizards to explore the truth and knowledge with peace of mind."

beside. Several passing civilians bowed respectfully to Peranos and Green and then left as usual. A few children who were still playing in crotch pants stared at Green and Peranos curiously. Si, did not show the slightest timidity because of Peranos\' terrifying face.

The cultural environment here is indeed much more beautiful and harmonious than that of the regional college, and it is also much more open and distinct.

A little less cruelty, violence, and fighting, and a little more calm, thick, and peaceful.

"Let\'s go, I haven\'t seen this old guy for decades. I don\'t know what I\'m researching recently. This time, Jie Jie Jie... must give him a \'surprise\', a big surprise!" Pere Anos said with an evil smirk, after his face was covered with a layer of black mist. So he walked ahead and led Green towards the central area of ​​this bustling city.

Along the way, Green was dazzled and dizzy looking at each piece of wonderful merchandise.

Magic lamps, photo crystal balls, body cleansing powder and even some simple wizard potions and wizard delicacies have become common commodities here. They are neatly placed in some shops, and the price of the Philosopher\'s Stone is clearly marked.

In a pet shop. A few parrots with brightly colored feathers are placed in the most conspicuous position, and there are all kinds of strange little creatures inside. It has become a dating place for many boys and girls who are in love.

In the midnight romantic bar, girls dressed as bunny girls and cat girls pose in various cute poses, and use some simple wizard props to set off the atmosphere. A bold snake girl even blew bubbles at Green.


Green also found a shop that sells Venus, God of Love, but at this time, in addition to the Venus of Venus fragrance, there are many other fragrances and perfumes of your model scattered here and there. Even the name is strange and full of romantic warmth.

On a large open-air stage, some plots from the novel\'s biography are being staged. A large number of men and women around are applauding excitedly. Among them are some wizard apprentices in wizard robes and knights with big swords on their backs. Everyone is completely addicted to it. In the plot of the stage play, I can\'t extricate myself.

In a towering and majestic building, knights, apprentice wizards and even formal wizards coming and going are looking at the quest scrolls hanging high on the wall, discussing something in twos and threes from time to time...

It seems that if ordinary people here spend magic stones, they can easily hire some wizard apprentices or even formal wizards to complete their tasks and realize their wishes.

In the entire city, wizard civilization and civilian life have been perfectly combined, harmonious and comfortable.

"Green, when you get to that old guy, don\'t mention your sister Youquan, hehe..." Peranos suddenly said with a sharp smile.

Green was stunned for a moment, absentmindedly nodded and agreed, "Understood."

Green guessed in his heart that it was probably something that happened to the senior sister between the mentor Peranos and that "old friend", and the mentor took a lot of advantage.

You can tell from this smirk...

A white marble castle with a height of 70 to 80 meters appeared in Green\'s eyes. The courtyard in front of the castle was an undulating green grassland, with bright and warm sunlight falling on it, and occasionally a butterfly or two flew by chasing each other. There are no heavy walls around the castle to block the view, only flower gardens full of flowers through the fence for people passing by to appreciate, showing the high degree of common prosperity and openness of the humanities here.

Peranos took Green to the iron fence gate, took out the crystal ball, and the magic power flowed.

After a while. An ugly face that also looked like a stitched ball appeared on the crystal ball!

"Hey, little junior brother. Your senior brother is here to see you, hurry up and open the door." In Green\'s surprised expression, his jaw almost fell to the ground. Peranos said this directly.


The teacher\'s so-called friend turned out to be his junior?

After the other ugly face in the crystal ball was stunned for a while, suddenly there was a crisp sound of "baji" behind it, as if something had shattered, and at the same time, a young girl\'s mischievous laughter came out.

"Oh, damn it, Barbara, please be quiet for a while, don\'t trouble me at this time." It seemed that this crisp sound woke up the old wizard on the opposite side from his astonishment, and the old wizard in the crystal ball shouted behind him After saying a sentence. Turning his head, he blew his beard and stared at Pele Anos and shouted, "Don\'t be complacent, Mr. Pei! Sooner or later I will win back those planer fish, you robber and liar!"

Green\'s face darkened. It seems that the matter between the mentor and his junior brother is a bit deep.

"Hey! Junior brother, you are very sad when you say that, brother. We made a bet at the beginning, and you agreed. Now why do you say that I stole your planer fish? You can\'t just say that." I am sad, and Gahei will be sad too." Peranos\' tone at this time was simply "cheap".

"Ah! Bastard. Don\'t mention that nasty black cat to me! Both of you are liars, you are both liars, there is no good thing!" The old wizard on the other side of the crystal ball almost jumped up and pointed at Perano S growled.


The crystal ball closes.

Per\'Anos turned around, just in time to see Green staring at him dumbfounded. Unexpectedly, with a gloomy smirk, he walked to Green and said, "You stand over there."


Green did not dare to disobey the instructor\'s order, and walked to the location designated by Per Anos. Then, Peranos did not know what kind of witchcraft was performed. Green actually began to shrink gradually, and after a few breaths, he turned into a little man with the height of a little finger standing on the bluestone floor in astonishment.

but. Green didn\'t panic.

This witchcraft seems to be the in-depth application of some kind of space power, and it seems that Green is in a "semi-sealed" state at this moment.

Per\'Anos bent down and took Green in his hands. He tucked into his sleeves and just waited in place.

After a while.

After the wooden gate of the castle opened slowly with a "creak", an old wizard in a white robe walked across the grass with a magic wand. The sutured skin on his face was exactly the same as that of Peel Anos. After opening the iron gate, Peranos walked into the yard with an excited expression on his face.

"Haha, Junior Brother, I haven\'t seen this seven-flavored fruit tree in your manor in decades. It\'s flourishing a lot." Peranos said suddenly.

The white-robed wizard snorted, glared at Peranos and said, "Don\'t try to catch its attention."

Saying this, the white-robed old wizard angrily wanted to take Pele\'anos to the castle, but Pele\'anos smiled and said, "Hey? By the way, junior brother, you six Didn\'t you find another disciple ten years ago? Why don\'t you see him this time?"

"What do you want?" The white-robed wizard glanced at Peranos warily.

That expression is simply the careful look of a helpless beauty who is guarding against the prying eyes of a pervert.

Peranos frowned, shook his head and sighed: "Hey... Junior brother, why are you like this again? What else can I do as a senior brother? I just saw that you have accepted another disciple, and he is very talented. Look, I also gave the gift sixty years ago, so congratulations on finally winning back our bet. This is not right, I have tasted the planer fish, so I should give it back to you..."

Peranos\' tone sounded like an old wizard who had been misunderstood and looked down on life.

The white-robed wizard opened his mouth, pointed at Peranos suspiciously for a long time, and said in astonishment: "Then why don\'t you..."

"Look at it, look at it, look at it!" Peranos pointed at the white-robed wizard with an expression of hatred for his junior brother\'s incompetence, and said, "Are you asking the senior brother to return it to you empty-handed? Is that a return? That\'s a gift! Would you, a junior, need me to give you those planer fish? Of course not..."

Green almost laughed out loud in Peranos\'s sleeve, covering his mouth hard.

The white-robed wizard gritted his teeth, his eyelids twitched and said, "Then what do you mean..."

Peranos looked serious: "Sign the contract, or the last contract, and let my disciple compete with your disciple, so I can return the planer fish to you as a matter of course?"

"Contract! Another set! Let me tell you..."

The white-robed wizard was about to jump up on the spot, but was stopped by Peranos, who winked and said in a low voice, "My disciple was accepted in front of your eyes, you don\'t even have that little confidence in your disciple, do you?" ?”

Varo! ?

The white-robed wizard seemed to have remembered something, his eyes lit up, and his spirit was shaken!

The white-robed wizard looked at Peranos in amazement. He knew what Valo was capable of, and he wanted to fight his disciple. Just dream... This is a free gift!

Ha ha!

The white-robed wizard let go of his heart, smiled happily in his heart, glanced at the affectionate Per Anos next to him, looked at Per Anos with satisfaction, and said, "Third senior brother, I didn\'t expect your temper to change over the years. Is it a lot?"

In an instant, even the title was changed to Third Senior Brother.

Peranos smiled in embarrassment, didn\'t speak, and sighed in disappointment as if he had been misunderstood for many years.

That expression is simply better than Green\'s camouflage technique.

After a while, a contract of equality was signed. The white-robed wizard\'s bet was the seven-flavored fruit tree, and Peranos\'s twenty-seven planer fish. Afterwards, the faces of both sides under the wide robes secretly showed excitement. Smiling, quietly relieved.