A Second Chance In Remnant

Chapter 18 - 18. Shiroyami

( In Salem's Fortress)

Within a certain part of Remnant is a land of unending darkness with pools of destruction where Grimm are spawned without end but within the innermost part of this, no man's land resides a fortress. In this fortress resides one of the only people that have magic, Salem who would love nothing more than to extinguish humanity's hope and currently she is not pleased. Within the fortresses, audience hall where Salem's inner circle meets the dark queen sits at the head of a table in her dark dress that hides her feet along with giant robust man Hazel Rainart at 8 feet tall. Salem speaks out in a calm tone.

Salem: So it has been a month since Tyrian has last reported and my own information network shows that he is likely dead.

Hazel remained silent and waits for Salem to continue.

Salem: But what doesn't show is whether or not that silver-eyed child still lives. With that in mind Hazel, I would like you to investigate to see if Tyrian is dead or is unable to contact me.

Hazel: What of the boy?

Salem: If he lives then set up a bounty on him in the underworld for the assassins to deal with him.

Hazel nods at her then gets up, Salem adds one more thing before he leaves.

Salem: One last thing if Tyrian lives but has failed to deal with a 13-year-old child, tell him to come to me understood.

Hazel nods then walks off while Salem's red irises glowed from disp.l.e.a.s.u.r.e at Tyrian's incompetence.

( Akuma no Owan)( Silva POV)

In the thick mists of Akuma no Owan I have been searching here for 6 months since I killed Tyrian and I have yet to find the Ryujin. The mountains that peek out from the mists to the hidden valleys are what make up this desolate place and it honestly is not too bad a place to stay if you want some peace and quiet. There is a problem with the beasts that live here and they are not Grimm, in fact, they are arguably more dangerous than the creatures of Grimm. They are what I learned from a village that resides near here that they are called Oni Goats, they are large with even larger horns that what gave this place it's named the demon's soup bowl and what makes these goats particularly dangerous are the fact that they are aggressive plus highly territorial so most Grimm that come into these mists aren't seen again. What is truly unique about these goats is that they have no eyes and they instead use a sensory organ in their secondary horns that come out where their eyes would be to navigate these mist-filled ranges.

Silva: Well all of the western and southern parts of this place didn't have the Ryujin that only leaves the north and east.

Traveling alone has its tolls which has resulted in me talking to myself if only to fill the quiet and this maze of place doesn't help. Good thing I have sonar to help me navigate this place but the goats that go out of their way to attack me are just flat out annoying, well at least their tasty. I am calling it a day and head back to the cave that I'm using but first let's get some mist berries, berries that grow here that have an icy sour-sweet taste to them. I found a cliff that they are growing on and I start climbing but then I hear an all too familiar bleating plus hoofs hitting against the rocks. I honestly feel like groaning but first, let deal with this nuisance, the goat was hopping across the side of the cliff like it's defying the laws of gravity, not even flying Grimm can escape these evil bastards in this misty maze. I drew my gun and aimed it at the goat's secondary horns, with one shot the beast falls to the ground, breaking its neck. After getting some berries I quickly ran off because these goats rarely travel too far alone and I rather not fight a small hoard of them, I made it to the cave I'm using which has a boulder blocking the entrance.

I lift the boulder a bit then move it to the side just enough for me to slip into the cave, I start a fire to make some more goat meat soup with noodles from instant ramen. After my meal, I get some paper that I have to further map Akuma no Owan so that I remember the area better plus once I'm done here I can sell the map to some smugglers I know from the black market for a hefty amount of lein. After a couple of hours of drawing the maps I get into my sleeping cot and start studying in it on the subjects in Beacon in advance, tonight its the effects of dust on plant life because even if I'm going to school I want to pass it even while napping though most of the classes.

( The next day)

Today I'm exploring the northern part so far no sign of the Ryujin as I'm climbing to the top of a plateau my sonar is picking up someone that's at the top already and from the looks of it their meditating. Their a rabbit fanus, female in their early twenties, 6 feet tall not counting their rabbit ears, what really grabs my attention is how thin and shapely their body is while their muscles are as hard as iron if not harder. As I finally reach the top I see her, her skin was a beautiful chocolate color with her short white hair, she was wearing a sleeveless, short skirt kimono that was dark gray with golden cherry blossom pattern with black stockings plus dark knee-high boots. When I got up from climbing she open her amber color eyes and she got up from her meditative posture then disappeared from my sight, all my hairs stood on end I immediately used Echo Tremor to release a shock wave all around me from my body. She reappears at my left then she spoke in a cold but bemused tone.

???: Oh... I wasn't expecting such good instincts from someone your age. Well in case your wondering why I will explain out of the little respect you just earned, there is an impressive bounty on your head and I'm an assassin here to claim it. Oh, and my name is Shiroyami and I already know your name Silva Cloud or should I say Phantom.

As she finishes talking she disappeared again but this time I'm fully on guard and what she's using is similar to my flash steps so I responded in kind. As we clashed at high speeds I start to break into a cold sweat because she is fighting with only her fists and she is continuously putting dents into my sword plus if she continues to do so my sword will break. My glyphs are of no use against her let alone my summons because in our clashes I did summon a few helpers but she destroyed them in one punch including Senshi and Scourge. To make matters worse she has quickly figured out that I can make my sword vibrate at high speeds so she doesn't try to block my attacks but deflect or evade them while pounding my sword slowly breaking it. As I drew my gun she kicked it out of my hand then crushed it by stomping it and then my sword finally broke under her assault. Tossing what remains aside I start fighting with my fists, as we continued to fight I finally landed a hit with my fist clad in vibrations. Shiroyami coughed up blood to my surprise and she broke into laughter sending chills down my spine then she spoke happily with a fierce smile.

Shiroyami: Its been far too long since I been injured, well seeing how surprised you are at that I don't have any aura protecting me I will let you in on a secret since you are going to die but have earned my respect by giving me an actual challenge. My semblance is called Boost which well boosts all my physical abilities but in exchange leaves me no aura to protect myself but really it's no real trade-off because it also makes my body as tough as steel down to my bones plus I heal quickly and perfectly as well. So imagine my surprise that your ability to injure me so do me a favor and don't die too quickly because this is my last job and I want it to be memorable.

Hearing her I begin cursing in my mind at my bad luck at fighting this cheat of a bunny. I thought about running but realize even in this misty maze I wouldn't be able to escape because her senses would also be enhanced making it child's play to track me down. Well I'm doomed my sword is broken plus my gun and I'm starting to run low on aura while she's still going strong, I might as well fight like hell to the end. Suddenly I had a crazy idea, I reach for my bullets filled with dust and I put one in each hand, once again our fists met but this time I used vibrations to set off the bullet in my right fist. What happened was a small explosion that clad my arm in stone and knockback Shiroyami, when she saw what I did she breaks out in laughter then speaks amused.

Shiroyami: Well now you are certainly a fighter and fierce one at that using dust in such a way that also harms you in order to live. Well come at me with everything you have and I will do the same.

What happen next filled me with awe, Shiroyami threw a punch at me even though I was several meters away and I was sent skidding across the plateau. I was stunned that she could use that skill that a number of anime fist fighters can use sonic boom fist but using my sonar I pick up on how she did it. It wasn't just hitting hard enough or fast enough to make air pressure from her fist as a weapon but she used multiple high-speed accelerations in her windup to make a sonic boom hitting me. I charged at her with my stone covered fist and she sent another sonic boom my way, thankfully her attack doesn't have a widespread so I can evade thanks to my sonar even if I can't see it coming. I used my right fist which she smashed the stone on it with her own fist the I aimed my left fist at her causing a fiery explosion pushing us both back. This exchange of explosions and sonic booms continued till I finally ran out of aura and my stamina was also tapped out so I fell on my back flat out tired unable to even stand. Shiroyami walked over to me not even winded from our fight her clothes in tatters then mounted on top of me so that I can't even crawl away then she spoke pleased with a smile.

Shiroyami: Well now that was a good fight, any last requests? But you will die today so no getting out of that, well speak now or forever hold your peace.

I had 2 bullets left one in each hand, I used my right hand to grab her c.h.e.s.t. She wasn't even fl.u.s.tered with me grabbing her b.r.e.a.s.t, in fact, she looked more amused than anything else. I grinned then finally used my magic to trigger the bullet in my hand causing ice to form on my arm but more importantly through her heart. She had a stunned look on her face but she just smiled and said as she got up.

Shiroyami: If I was anyone else that would have killed me but unlike most people, my heart is on my right side. What I want to know is how you did that without any aura left? Well hardly matters.

She broke the ice encasing her left side then kicked me making me skidded across the ground towards the edge of a cliff, I puked out blood from the damage she done from that one kick. She strutted towards me then asked.

Shiroyami: Any last requests before you die?

With the last of my magic, I cast a weak protection spell on myself and flicked my last bullet at triggering it with my magic and amplifying it then said.

Silva: Suck it bunny.

The explosion knocked me over the edge of the cliff as I pass out.