A Returning Journey

Chapter 53

A night of terror.

The hospital is a public place. After thinking about it, Anjie felt that this virtue was too harmful to the construction of the city appearance, so he called zuishue and sent a car out. As soon as he climbed up, he stayed in the co pilot's seat. His arrogance was gone. He didn't even bother to talk. He was like a dead dog.

Mo Cong quietly sat in the back seat, head down, eyes a little confused, as if thinking about something, and as if the brain is empty, nothing can accommodate.

In his memory, he carefully described the whole of the man who was related to his own blood. Mo Yannan had a rickety figure, always with his head down. Although his eyes had no luster, they were always warm. The hands were not big. There were thick cocoons where the pen was held, and the nails were neatly manicured. Always a khaki old clothes, showing inside the clean shirt.

Mo Cong still remembers that when he was a child, he was riding a big bicycle of 28. Every evening, he came back from the intersection with a long shadow behind him. He would have some difficulty, bowing his shoulders and leaning forward. The paint on the handlebars of the car peeled off into mottled old traces, with a rusty bell on its head. Now I think of it, it's a gesture that I can't wait to go home.

Don't rush to think that it is the greatest protection and care you can get from childhood to adulthood.

The truth is hidden in the layers of seemingly sinister confusion behind the complex, that can suddenly poke in the heart of things. But more than 20 years passed in the false resentment, and then... My father was gone.

Time is too fast, and children grow up too slowly. The reason why regret is called regret is that when the word comes out, it means it's too late for anything. Mo Cong didn't know what kind of feeling he felt. He was as dazed as a person who was out of his consciousness. From the moment R. Li told those stories, the memory of 20 years was like a tide, which broke the young people's eyes in an instant.

Anjie glanced back at Mo Cong in the rearview mirror, reached out and pressed the car's stereo, then closed his eyes and closed his eyes.

I don't know what the drunken snake is in the old car. An old song comes out leisurely. There is a very old song all over the car

"The back of time is so long, and the past years are in my heart again. In the sea of people coming and going, people from afar wave to you. You have to walk on the North-South Road, and don't look back on thousands of roads..."

No one can help a child when there is no room for him to seek refuge, when the world is full of wind, sword and frost, and people are at a loss. All the words in the world are only uttered by the touch of other people's lips. Whether the past mistakes or the future risks, they all depend on their own shoulders. This is what a man must face. If you want to go, just add another scar; I can't think of it. When it rains on a cloudy day, I take it out and hurt it. But I can't tell anyone.

It is said that upright walking will cause great pressure on the spine of animals, which is the root cause of many diseases and even short life - but hundreds of millions of years ago, our ancestors chose to stand and live.

The drunk snake put one on the outside of his pajamas and ran out. When he saw the miserable appearance of the two, he was helpless. He pulled Anjie's arm and asked him to stand him out like a sleepwalker. Only then did Anjie find that her legs almost took off her strength, and the weight of her whole body was shared by the two men, and she laughed hard.

Drunk snake said: "anyin fox, you finally find that your brain is burnt out, which is a biological fact?"

"No," Anjie gasped. "I finally found out the physics principle of the folk saying" mud can't support the wall. "

Drunk snake anger, throw garbage like to push him to Mo Cong body: "go to your mother!"

Anjie is convulsed with laughter. It's necessary for psychological decompression to entertain drunk snakes. But the next moment, he couldn't laugh. Mo Cong suddenly bent down, put his arm through his leg, and held him up. Anjie had never been treated like this in his life. At that time, he was silly by Lei. His face turned blue and he glared at Mo Cong: "what are you doing?"

Don't frown. At this time, due to the presence of the drunk snake, he doesn't look so dazed. Although his face is still not good-looking, his eyes have moved. As he followed the drunk snake, he said to Anjie carelessly, "it's not light to see that there are no two or two pieces of meat. I don't know what's in the bones - don't move. I don't care if you fall."

Anjie grabbed Mo Cong's arm with one hand. How could he feel the ground shaking? It made him dizzy. His face turned blue and turned green immediately. There is a saying that Feng Shui turns around in turn. This time, it's replaced by the drunk snake, who laughs and cramps quickly.

Just looking at the place where the drunk snake lives, it fully illustrates the corrupt side of the bourgeoisie. He is an old bachelor who occupies a whole villa. I don't know if he sleeps upstairs in the first half of the night and downstairs in the second. Before Anjie had time to show his contempt, he saw the drunk snake yawn, and then opened a guest room: "it's easy to clean up. Anyway, it's almost dawn. You two can make do for a while."

Anjie immediately protested: "do you have mushrooms in so many dilapidated houses? What's the matter with another room? "

The drunk snake glanced at him askance and walked up the stairs wobbly: "I don't think the place is small. Come to me. I don't run a hotel. I can't live in it."

Anjie made him turn his eyes with choking, pushed Mo Cong's chest, turned down from the humiliating posture of throwing to the northwest, and scolded in a rude voice: "I'm not lame."

Generally speaking, drunk snake is quite interesting. I have prepared medicine for him long ago and spread a pile on the bed. Anjie simply wiped himself and sat down to mend the hole. The other thing is still a small matter, that is, a lot of glass debris embedded in the skin is disgusting. When the tweezers come out, they have to touch other wounds. Sometimes they are not easy to use, on the contrary, they poke the small debris deeper. He frowned, impatiently put aside the tweezers, took a scalpel and gouged out the fragments one by one. Sure enough, the long pain is better than the short pain.

With blood dripping on her arm, Anjie thought bitterly and selflessly, it depends on how you wash the sheets.

Mo rushed out of the shower and sat silently for a while without going to help. Anjie's treatment of the wound is clean and clean. It is absolutely not sloppy and will not cause more injury as far as possible. The technique is so skillful that it's an old man who often gets stabbed.

At last, Anjie packed his medical supplies under the bed and lay down on his side. He occupied a very small space, leaving most of the double bed. He didn't use the quilt. He put his ragged coat on his body and said, "you can lie down, too. I'm today..."

Before he finished his sentence, Mo Cong suddenly hugged him from behind. As soon as Anjie froze, he immediately blew his hair. His first reaction was to kick the cub aside. But before he put this action into practice, he heard Mo Cong's voice with a thick nasal voice: "don't move... Let me hold you for a while, please..."

Anjie felt that the arms around him were getting tighter and tighter, and faintly trembled. He turned his head, Mo's face was buried on his shoulder, where the clothes were rotten and there was liquid on his skin, quietly.

Anjie was silent for a while, patted Mo Cong's arm and said in a low voice, "don't do that."

In exchange for more strength on Mo Cong's arm. Anjie felt a little hurt. After all, he was used to being alone. He seldom got along with people and could not say anything else. He could only hold him in silence.

"The last time..." he heard Mo Cong's words with his teeth colliding with each other vaguely. Without the following text, what was the last time?

Maybe it's the last time to cry, maybe it's the last time to seek comfort, maybe it's the last time... To do something wrong, or it's the last time to pay homage to his father.

Anjie sighed and tried to soften the stiff and sour muscles of her body. She patted Mo Cong's arm once or twice. He remembered that when he was very young, there seemed to be another person who patted himself so gently and said, "I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid..." but who was that person? The memory is a mess, and Anjie is a little distracted.

After a while, Mo Cong calmed down. He seemed very tired, so he went to sleep with Anjie in his arms. Anjie slowly broke off his arm and pulled on the quilt for him. At this time, the twilight of the morning lit up through the window which did not close the curtain. The young man's messy hair hung down on the pillow with his tired and pale face. Suddenly, Anjie could not help but put his finger on his eyebrow which was hard to be smoothed in sleep. He gently touched it, and then took it back quickly.

It's been many years. I haven't experienced the feeling of being needed by anyone. Anjie thought blankly. He suddenly found that he seemed very lonely. He sifted the memory upside down, but he didn't find a few familiar people.

What have you done in your life?

It seems that there is nothing to do, and then half of my life passed like this.

He retreated to the place where he had been lying, and the bed sank a little bit. Don't rush to stick it up naturally. Men's body temperature is generally lower, but after all, it's a human body. Anjie suddenly has some attachment to this temperature.

It's like in a very cold place, two people who are also very cold lean together with their tiny body temperature, and then continue to struggle.

The eyelids are getting deeper and deeper. In fact, sometimes, for some people, it's the happiest thing to sleep unprepared.

Anjie had a deep sleep. When he woke up, it was already noon. He didn't know when to get up and leave. The sun was so dazzling that he couldn't avoid turning over, so he got up lazily. Bed is too soft, not used to, he rubbed his shoulder, only feel a bit of pain, hemiplegia.

It took a long time for Anjie to climb out of the room. He wanted to find his way to the kitchen and order something to eat. Unexpectedly, when he passed the living room, he didn't see Mo Cong or the drunk snake. Instead, he saw a person he didn't want to see.

Song Chang'an is sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed. When he hears the sound, he just raises his head. His eyes hidden behind his glasses are slanting at him. How can he see? How can he be creepy. Anjie immediately has the idea of where to come from and where to go back, but song Chang'an has already dragged his long voice to open his mouth: "Yo, who is this?"


Cough... The number of words is relatively small.

It's mainly because I've been sick these two days. Well, I have to have about ten hours of class every day... No lunch.

I don't have the strength to speak. Excuse me