A New Age of Magic

Chapter 314

"Oh ~ ~" the bird God's howl was like a wolf's howl, and it was a miserable howl.

The heat produced by the sun's convergence is unimaginable, and it is dozens of times more than the bird God expected.

In less than a second, it collapsed and the sun burned its body.

It wants to run, but it has been blocked in all directions by the poisonous space mages. Its breaking free just makes five mages spit blood to cure, and others quickly complete the rotation.

It wants to insist, but the temperature of the sky fire is too high. It even has an illusion that it is not ordinary human beings who launch such attacks, but gods

How can such a powerful attack be launched without reaching the divine realm?!

Such a conjecture just turns around in his mind, and the bird God has no heart to think, because it has been unable to support. Both the body and the soul are rapidly consumed in the sky fire, and even its struggle is unable to shake the space and imprison

If only I hadn't been here

If we had accepted the subordinates of the God of beasts, managed them well and consolidated their beliefs, and then came back, we would not have been reduced to the present world, where we would have been beaten by people

The consciousness of bird God is gradually weakened and dissipated in such reflection and chagrin

The sky fire covers the place, no longer see its gorgeous strange body, just a rolling flame.

It's less than three seconds.

"No? That's how you win? Is it too fast? " Unable to feel resistance at all, the space mages maintained a layer or two of protection, rubbing their eyes and screaming repeatedly.

Although they hoped that the forsythian curse could bring fatal damage to the bird God, they did not think that the process would be so short and the time would be so fast.

"Not only did you win, didn't you see..." Someone pointed to the flames of flames in the confinement of the space. "Even the essence of legend has been distilled to us."

"That's true!" Another exclamation, "isn't that fake? That thing is playing the game of death? "

In terms of the level of bird God, it is possible to play such a difficult trick, but "The essence may be false. Is it not a fake?" Someone pointed down to the ground.

On the ground below, there is a pit with a diameter of more than 20 meters. The pit wall, like a cutting fault, appears naked on the magma layer which has been cooled down. As for its depth, it is unknown how deep it is. In any case, the bottom can not be seen from the top of the 200 meter tower, but it is the residual temperature of the burning bird God left on the ground in just three seconds Yes.

"Hiss ~ ~ ~ won't it?" The mages in this world only know that if the temperature is high enough and the magic power is strong enough, the earth or rock can be melted into magma, but they don't know that if the temperature continues to rise to tens of thousands of degrees or even up to 100000 degrees, all the stable atoms and molecules can be forcibly separated into ionic states.

All the mages raised their heads and looked at Fowles suspiciously. They did not dare to regard the young mage as a fortress. No, it was not a fortress, but a legion.

Although promoted to a higher level for no reason, no one questioned it.

It's a big thing to promote the fortress level to the Legion level. However, if the fact is that these two levels are not the real strength of others, but are deliberately presented by others. After using a big move, it is natural that the self blockade fluctuates, which actually confirms the fact that Fowles is lack of strength.

"You, who are you?" Old Nicholas looked at flowers in horror. He had never seen such a sharp spell.

Although it is said that the siege of the God of birds has been a pain in the neck, the old man never thought that the process would be so simple, just two mouthfuls of blood from each person. They still have many hidden means that they haven't come up with, but they didn't think of

Fowles was still standing in the control array, closed his eyes, and ignored the mages' inquiries.

His body is in a very mysterious state, there is no time to take care of the outside world.

All the strange things come from the moment when he gets through the stream of Douxi and allows the fighting spirit to flow through the sea of knowledge

As soon as the door opens, it's like opening a reverse valve. The external mana is constantly flowing into the sea of knowledge. The field flow composed of these fighting Qi pushes those powers out continuously

If it is normal time, it is estimated that in a moment or three, the magic power of Forster's knowledge sea will be completely eliminated by the fighting air flow, and he himself will be beaten back to the era of magic apprenticeship.

However, this time, it is different. One side has absolute control over the body, while the other side has powerful and terrifying backup. Therefore, both sides have launched a fierce tug of war in the territory of Zhihai.

However, the so-called war pays attention to the time, place, people and

Knowing the sea is the best time, the right place and the right people. However, the fighting spirit side has only one good place. After a period of time, it began to lose some of its rivalsHowever, at this time, the chaos of the outside world continued, and he could not get out of the control array at all. He had to persist for a longer time. Therefore, Fowles made a bold and exciting decision, but had to make the decision of upgrading.

Of course, it's not to upgrade the mage's level, but to upgrade his fighting spirit level from a fighter to a fighter, because only in this way can we strengthen the losing battle breath stream and keep ourselves in the control array.

In fact, he could have been promoted from a fighter to a fighter. His fighting spirit reached the full level, but he was forced to control it with his control over the elements of life. Now that he does not control it, the upgrade will come naturally.

However, upgrading to Doushi just makes things better. It seems that Still not enough to sweep the enemy.

At this time, the sky light giant broom has been brushing in the distance, invincible, but compared with the vast number of birds, it is still somewhat dwarfed Once he can't take the opponent in one go, Fowles is very worried that he will not be able to step up again when he steps down the control array.

At that time, the tower defense has been broken and broken, and the bird God is still in the dark, and the situation of being caught in one net is not much better. With one bite of his teeth and one ruthless heart, Fowles promoted himself to another level!

This process could not have been so fast. However, the efficacy of snake lizard blood in Fowles's body was not completely resolved before. Instead, he banned it with life elements and hid it everywhere in his body. At this moment, it was released and made his fighting breath grow a lot. Then, he also had thousands of bottles of bath water from the mage guild, which were all good things Ah!

While releasing the energy contained in the snake lizard's blood, and taking a big mouthful of bath water to digest and absorb the medicine, Fowles couldn't help thinking about wood

The process of this boy's promotion to doujue is similar to that of himself. With the help of external forces, it seems that there is no need to worry about jealousy. However, it is estimated that the boy will not have his own worries.

When Douxi reaches dujue level, it rolls around the whole body like a bead, greatly enhancing the physical strength of all parts of the body. However, it will inevitably roll through the sea of knowledge, disturbing the magic power in the sea of knowledge, making the caster level one level down

It is estimated that after this inexplicable encounter, from now on, I will have to abandon the magic way and use martial arts instead

Even at this time, he had just finished the convergence of the sky light, killing a demigod to the dregs.

Something's wrong. Wait a minute!

After finishing the operation, Fowles didn't get out of the control array at the first time, because at this time, the doujue level's fighting interest stream was gradually gaining the upper hand, and he expelled the continuous influx of the control array. If he went out, he would immediately have to start continuously dropping ranks.

He didn't want to drop the level, so he had to stay in the array for a while and think about whether there was a way to save it.

at this time, Zhihai began a wonderful change in vain, which made Fowles familiar, unfamiliar and dizzy

The repulsion of the fighting breath and magic nebula, which are entangled in the sea of knowledge, pushing and repelling each other, has gradually begun to decrease

This, this is simply impossible, just like the two ends of a magnet, you put them together and push each other, no matter how long the time goes by, N pole or N pole, S pole or S pole, unless there is something wrong with the material of the magnet itself.

But the problem is that the two ends of the repulsion are not carriers, they are all original forces, and it is impossible to have that kind of assimilation phenomenon.

Fowles put all his mind into the sea of knowledge, and he was absorbed in observing the situation. Gradually, he found that it was not the repulsion between breath and magic, but a certain space in the sea of knowledge. Only when he passed through it, could he be at peace and obey the placard.

This place is just the intersection of magic and fighting breath in the sea of knowledge. It seems that it is just a mass of gray, and nothing exists. It has such a peculiar effect. Moreover, with the intersection of fighting breath and magic power, in the continuous and slow expansion, more and more magic and fighting breath in the entangled state are caged under the flag and put on the right track

Usually, this is inconceivable, but Fowles soon came up with a term - anisotropic magnetic crystal.

This is a strange material in another world. It has magnetic conductivity. However, the magnetic conductivity in all directions is not confused. Different magnetic constants can be established in all directions of the crystal at the same time.

what this invisible area is is is not clear to Fowles, but it also contains the characteristics of alternating flow of magic and fighting breath, which makes Fowles only think of this kind of thing.

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