A New Age of Magic

Chapter 283

In the morning, January 8, 7994.

Cloudless, sunny Oh, the sun has not yet risen, just hazy bright, but the clear sky can see that the day is fine.

Guardian ladder, second floor.

Although it is still very early, as the VIP of the hall of guardians, the prison break group has already got up in twos and threes, one by one sleepy, eyes full of blood.

"It's suddenly changed from a hard bed to a soft bed. It can't shake left and right. There's no sound of waves beating in my ears. I'm really not used to sleeping."

"Yes, yes, I'm born to be mean!" People who get up stretch to look at each other, while greeting each other, while feeling.

Unfortunately, these people have been in prison for more than ten or twenty years, or they have been living on a desert island for many years, and only a few months have passed since they returned to the sea.

What's more, the blood in their eyes is much lighter than the guards who have been standing outside the platform for a whole night!

"Look at all of you who are so hopeless that you can't sleep when you encounter something. It's good to complain that the bed is soft and you can't pull out the excrement and come to Maokeng!" "Look at me, I'm so refreshing to sleep," he said Dou Wang stretched himself comfortably.

The eyes around him were all green: "chief, you're welcome to say that you don't think that you sneaked into the first apostle's house last night and took magic to silence the voice, so we don't know anything..."

"Hey, hey Alos sneered. "You know, I don't want to show off."

"Day!" Circle the middle finger.

"But I said you were right! Don't you just worry about the Fowles brothers, you can't sleep all night? Don't you just look at the people around you? If the Fowles had been arrested, they would have been gone. How could they have stayed here until dawn? "

"Yes "Yes "Why didn't I think of it?" "The commander is wise!"

After a while, Natasha and her apostles appeared, forming a long line to continue yesterday's journey.

Although the sun has not yet appeared, when the long line reaches the top of the mountain, it will definitely appear

The apostles of the temple of guardians, year after year, day after day, could not be mistaken.

The role of the guard of the second floor platform is to isolate, not to surround. So what the pirates want to do, they do not dare to obstruct. They just change the encirclement into two parts, one is the upper half, the other is hundreds of people. The name is to open the way, and the name is to protect the wings. In short, they surround this group of people strictly, and will never give Fowles and wild orchid any chance to mix in.

After a night's rest, although they didn't sleep well, the pirates recovered a lot of physical strength. Looking at the cowhide sugar like encirclement, they were in a rush. It should have taken two hours to reach their destination, but it took only one hour.

When they came to the guardian's hall, the pirates were sweating and crying out for fun. They all called to go to bed early and get up early. However, they tired the isolators who had been living for a whole night and were already numb.

In the rapid march, I don't know how many people fall asleep like thunder when their legs are soft and paralyzed on the ground. Some people are not in good spirits. If they fail, they will roll down the steps

The people who roll down are better. Some people follow. If the people at the top roll, the pirates have no good intention to stop them. They can always roll from the top to the bottom of the long line of pirates. At this time, the speed is up, and the people are half dead. Can we fence down and how to stop them It's just a matter of God.

In a word, when a group of people came to the guardian's hall, there were less than 500 people surrounded by about 1000 people. The loss was a heavy one.

However, it would be nice to go to the top of the mountain.

Two hours of road into an hour, which means that after reaching the top of the mountain, it will take at least an hour for the sun to rise

So for the next hour, people on both sides sat on the outskirts of the temple of guardians, looking at each other.

They fell into silence here, and the search on both sides of the guardian ladder continued. After a whole night's search, the mountain search army of more than 100000 people has expanded the search scope to an unimaginable degree!

The abandoned island is surrounded by mountains, which can be said to be a basin. If the eyesight is as sharp as that, from the wall of the guardian's palace, you can see three or three pairs of mountain search teams. Starting from the north of the ring mountain, they have already found the test hole in the East and the challenge place in the West.

In other words, almost half of the abandoned island has been searched

But, no news, no news, no news

After the morning, the four word search team was numb.

There's no way. The people being chased are so active that they can fly several kilometers above the abandoned island. There's no hope of catching them. It's completely possible that people will circle back from the high altitude where they have just searched, but you don't know.As a matter of fact, since knowing that Fowles may be a "great mage", the mountain search team has lost hope. What supports them to continue is not the high reward offered by Royal Regiment, but Curious about the duel between Dousheng and the great mage.

"What a fuckin 'bunch of crap In the Royall regiment, Royall, who was in the middle of scheduling for a night, was also tired. Even the anger and anger were not enough. He saw that the day would break down, and he poured some refreshing drinks into it. He was very unwilling to say "pass my orders, stop searching, and start the second battle plan."

An hour passed quickly

Within an hour, the mountain search teams all over the mountains stopped searching and began to gather in an orderly manner to the guardian's hall. Although people from far away couldn't catch up, an hour later, a dense crowd of people gathered on the mountain road in front of the gate of the guardian's hall. Roughly, it was estimated that there were more than 10000 people.

These 10000 people, bustling around the guardian's hall, blocked the mountain road leading to the guardian's temple, and stretched down for hundreds of meters.

From time to time, there are miraculous lights of lifting magic in the crowd, one after another, like soap bubbles after another, burst in the crowd, reflecting the reality of everyone.

At the same time, all the people were watching carefully from side to side. Occasionally, people with faces and images similar to Fowles or wild orchids would cause a riot of people

This is the most strict protection in the world, made up of heavy human flesh.

On some high points outside the hall, the king DouWang of Royal Regiment was standing there, and his eyes were shining down

"What a spectacle! When the door of the hall opens, you all enter the door and join the gang. Let them tens of thousands of people play with master Forster We're not in a hurry anyway There was a loud laugh in the prison break.

On hearing this, several people on the edge laughed. Abandoned islanders are not allowed to bully abandoned Islanders. This is a rule set by the guardian. Although Royal can violate it, it does not mean that other people can do the same.

So basically, it's safe to join the gang.

However, although it is easy to say, these people are actually anxious, otherwise, they would not have the same insomnia last night.

The scene in front of them was so big that it was beyond their expectation. Everyone had no idea how Fowles would deal with it.

Among them, Eros had the most confidence and Natasha was the most worried.

"Don't worry, the brothers will find a way out..."

"You've been away from the island for so long that you don't understand. Royal is a man who will report his revenge. If he has a lot of hatred, he will never stay overnight Fowles has already made him an exception, which is bound to lead to more intense suppression

Time, in all kinds of wait-and-see, all kinds of anxiety in the past

One minute, two minutes, three minutes Ten minutes, twenty minutes, thirty minutes

Finally, someone couldn't help but wonder and whispered: "what time is it now Should the door have been open? "

"Yes, it's 7:30..." If there are law breakers in the crowd, you can know about the time by linking the magic net.

"What's going on?"

"What's the matter? Can't you watch it yourself? It's cloudy! " The speaker rolled his eyes.

Is it cloudy? Natasha suddenly woke up and looked up to the sky, but she didn't know when to start. The sky was originally clear and dark, and layers of lead clouds were densely stacked in the east of the guardian's hall, shielding the rising direction of the sun from the wind and rain.

Because of the terrain here, it is easy to see the clouds, restlessly rolling in the sky, full of the impending pressure of mountain rain!

"This is Control the weather Natasha's forehead was dripping with cold sweat. "I'm stupid. Really, I didn't expect him to use it!"

To control the weather, change is a level seven magic. You can change the weather within two kilometers. If you need to go against the season and climate here, you need to strengthen it accordingly. However, the magic has been released. In the next 12 hours, the weather will be affected by this magic.

That is to say, dark clouds cover the whole day, until the sun sets

As long as one round of casting is carried out in the night, there will still be clouds here tomorrow, blocking the sun can not penetrate, and the gate of the guardian's hall will not be opened all day long.

It seems that because he has been unable to catch Fowles, Royal has been determined to transfer the target from Fowles to the group he leads Natasha fell into the abyss. After a night's sleep, she was fully aware of the situation of Eros. If the door of the guardian's hall was not opened, and royal convinced the red lotus swordsman

"Royal! How dare you do such a thing, you are desecrating the guardian To my surprise, Natasha had not said anything, and the second apostle had already denounced him angrily among the crowd.

"Oh, what kind of thing am I doing? I saw you gathered so closely outside the hall. I was worried that people would get too crowded, the temperature would be too high, and some people would suffer from heatstroke. So I got some clouds to protect you from the heat. Is there a problem? " Royal laipi's voice rings.Oh, my God. It's winter for the abandoned island.

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