A New Age of Magic

Chapter 177

It took a long time for the island's backers to come. These people were not as good as mermaids, and they had just got out of the devil's paw. It is said that the messenger took a lot of effort to persuade them.

However, during this period of time, Fowles and the first ten mermaids were dismembered and dismembered, but they were quite familiar. Moreover, he got a lot of information. For example, the three confidants sent out by himself had a very good result this evening, bringing back more than 500 people in total.

Among them, Fischer 400, Nanbo wing 70, Nanbo rabbit 30.

Most of the demons hate the sea. It is said that most of the demon world is a world of lava and volcano. The sky is full of smoke and dust, and you can smell the smell of sulfur all the time. You can imagine the feelings of the sea for the demons born in this environment. Although Fischer's achievements are good, it is reasonable.

Among the 400 aquariums, there is no Mermaid at all. After all, mermaids are ethnic minorities. Fischer's group is all that can be found in Yuanwang island chain. Among these 400 aquariums, there are more than 300 Loka fish people, with head and chest like fish and legs.

This kind of creature has always had a good relationship with Mermaid. In addition to the mutual understanding of temperament, the most important reason is that they believe in the common God, Ezra. It is said that Mermaid and Loka Mermaid are all her masterpieces.

In addition to the Roca, there were more than 30 fusillahs and a dozen aquatic elves, all of which were gentle and easy-going, which satisfied Fowles.

As for the difference between the Navy and the number of pirates, it is no wonder that the Nanbo rabbit is a blessing in disguise.

Earlier, they were attacked by pirates, and a group of people were displaced and fought their own way. Unexpectedly, many people avoided the magic search. On the contrary, the pirates gathered a lot of people in the nest because of the high morale of the victory.

These people have mastered the skill of shielding, and they still have three or two free hands to deal with goblins. When they encounter more fierce demons, they are directly attacked

Imagine, under the siege of King Baru and a group of demons, even Fowles could not escape, regardless of these people.

After hearing this, Fowles thought, and thought of the guys who were captured in the pirate headquarters after the death of King Baru. At this time, they should be left unattended. If we can get them out

When the idea just moved, Fowles shook his head. In his space, up to now, there is still the result of another thought. If we get this group of people out, in case they don't obey the discipline, they will have no other place to put their etheric mansion.

Just these people, it's almost enough. If you can't drive two boats, you can start one first. As for others, it depends on the goblins' means and let the gods decide.

Having settled his mind, Fowles began to turn his mind, thinking about how to draw people in.

Of course, several relevant personnel have been punished for the theft in the morning, but Fowles asks himself that he may not be responsible for the whole incident

Although I'm a legendary walker, I don't have the spirit of Wang BA in the legend. As soon as the tiger's body is startled, it's all taken care of Ruling.

I've been busy calculating pirates, pirates, goblins and demons, but I forget to count the subordinates who have been gathered together.

Fortunately, it's still a short time now, and it's too late to mend. When he's in the army, Fowles plans silently and sends out several spiritual connections one after another.

With hundreds of backup helpers, the treatment of the demons was soon completed

The six giant monsters were completely divided up, and none of them was left.

After seeing the corpse of the demon and understanding the strength of the patrons, the people who were attracted by Fischer, Nanbo rabbit and Nanbo Yi were much calmed down. Many of the people who did not receive anything even left the brigade and began to search around. They did not want to return empty handed.

In this atmosphere of relief, the three leaders who received the "spiritual connection" of Fowles lost no time to lead the people and began to march in the direction of the Beagle.

During this time, Fowles observed that most of the people gathered by the three were of average strength.

It is estimated that the Pirates of the navy are all small characters who can't get on the stage, so they can escape the disaster. As for the Loka fish people, the fusillan people and the water elves, it is the so-called "birds of a feather flock together, and people flock together."? It's all like Fischer's simple, not ambitious existence.

It's unnecessary for such a group of guys to worry that they will rebel and usurp power like the sea army. They can increase their arrogance by taking them on the ship now.

A group of five hundred people then walked along the beach with two legs, and the one with fins swam in the water, taking care of each other and fighting against each other.

Fowles was caught in the army, gagging with the people around him, and soon got into the communication circle of the Navy pirates.

The road is quite far away. It took more than ten minutes for Fowles and the elements of wind to fly here. I'm afraid it will take them more than half a day to walk and swim. It's because these people are strong and they always have exercise. Otherwise, it may not be enough for a whole day.

At the beginning, the group was still in high spirits. After walking for two or three hours, there were still waves, beaches and the same scenery. Inevitably, some people began to wonder and asked the leader, "are you not entertaining us?"Some people from afar who are not familiar with the terrain here look around with doubts: "we walk around the island and return to the old road again?"

"There's nothing wrong. It's right in front of you. Just leave with ease. Should someone know? It's in the original base camp of the goblin... " Fischer's consolation was slow and steady.

"You've seen the new boss's tactics just now. I can't say. To tell you the truth, even lieutenant commander winder is very obedient to his old man's clothes. What do you have to worry about? " Nan Bo Yi's consolation is well founded.

"Do you realize that we are on the road to freedom? The goblin warship is right in front. I tell you, that one is the boss. Even if there is only one ship, it would be a piece of cake to load all of us, not to mention more than one. When the time comes, we will get on the boat, drive the boat in person, cross the current of swallowing the sky, and we will be able to go home! "

Compared with Fischer and Nanbo Yi, Nanbo rabbit, who seems to have little leadership ability, speaks more impressive words. All the people around him who have doubts are said by him.

"Really? Are there really goblin warships? " "Of course, if there is a leader, there is nothing that can't be done in the world!"

"We We can go home? " "Don't worry, really. The whole goblin's nest has been attacked by the leader, and he can't send us home yet? "

In fact, Nanbo rabbit is also blowing the air. He did not participate in the incident last night. How can he know what is going on ahead?

But it doesn't mean that he can't make it up or blow it. I don't know whether this guy is really lucky or has such a calculation that he can't tell a lie.

The original low morale was so upset by him that his old appearance changed quickly

"Hey, have you heard of it? The master is going to take us home

"Go home? Really? How to send it? "

"Do you know where we are going? Goblin base camp! Do you know why there is no goblin in the heavy rain? Because their nests have been attacked! We've robbed all their warships

"With the goblin warship, we can cross the ocean current and go home!"


One pass ten, ten pass a hundred, a hundred pass less than a thousand, then all people know.

"Go home!" "Go home!" The chant of hope has injected new vitality into the team, and the soft sand can not stop these people who are on a long journey to gallop.

"Go home!" "Go home!" All the way home is like an arrow.

"Go home!" "Go home!" The roar startles the sky. Looking at the human beings on the island from afar, it has never been so heroic.

From a walking speed of one or two meters per second, to three meters, four meters, to the end, it's almost like a gallop. Five hundred people support the old and carry the young, raising the dust all the way.

Fortunately, this place is really cleaned up by goblins. If not, how many demons will be coveted by the earth shaking footsteps.

The first half of the road took three hours, but in the second half of the road, a group of 500 people crossed the last hill leading to the goblin base camp.

On the hill, there are huge caves with a diameter of tens of meters. It seems that the smoke of last night's fierce battle has not dissipated

However, a group of people have no time to sigh about the miraculous scars on the ground, because from the hillock, we can see two tall and powerful goblin warships in the middle of the harbor, quietly berthing, waiting

"Oh! Go home! Go home Some waved their sweaty clothes and cried, some knelt down on the ground with tears on their faces, and many more took out their last strength and began to run to the warship like a tiger coming out, like a soldier's assault.

Many people who cried and wept were left behind and finally woke up. They got up and followed the army closely.

People who are so ecstatic that they don't pay attention to it. A guy named frome aeus has disappeared unconsciously. At the back of the team, a magician named Forrest Medici is quietly rising into the sky

Fowles's life magic can manipulate body surface features to make certain changes, but these changes need to consume magic continuously.

Fowles's appearance has really changed, so he will appear in the image of frome aeus on most occasions in the future. Only when he has to, can he become a Forrest Medici, for example Now?

“…… When the breeze around me is blowing gently,

there is a voice calling to me,

come back, come back yo, wanderers wandering around the world!

Come back. Come back. Don't wander around again

The ethereal song sounded in the Bay, and the chorus of dozens of mermaids, like the wave of a mother, sent out a call to the exiles on the hill.

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