A New Age of Magic

Chapter 166

Little mermaids are beautiful one by one. Their long hair is as green as algae. The loose shells and algae cover the chest and buttocks. The skin is white as if it can drip out of the water. As for the slender waist like willow, the swaying is even more carefree, which makes people can't bear to leave a little.

As if hearing the voice of conversation, mermaids wake up one by one lazily and emerge from the water with drowsiness, or with their long hair or tail swinging. The morning sun sprinkles on them, making the water drops falling down along their long hair and skin like strings of pearls.

It's a pool of gorgeous Lori. I'm afraid that another sex wolf with the most imagination in the universe may not be able to imagine such a beautiful and spectacular scene

But No matter how beautiful the Mermaids are and how tender they are, they can't change it. It's a basin of bathing water.

Fowles looked at Nan bowan with a bad complexion. His hands trembled slightly and sighed that he flattered himself on the horse's leg. After a long silence, he raised his hand and held the basin to gulp down a basin of water. "Boss, it's really clean. It's good to drink!"

“……” All his subordinates admired nanbowan's shamelessness.

In the swimming pool, several mermaids swung their tails, and the water in the pool was thrown into the air by them in a clever way. Then they raised their heads and put a drop of water arrows into their mouths. They wiped their mouths as much as they could: "this man is right. The water is magical and can be purified by itself."

"Self purification?" Fowles was suddenly interested in, "what kind of purification?"

"Like this!" A mermaid pinched his hand and said something. After a while, a black aura fell into the water. In a moment, the water in the pool was dark, just like the ink vomited by the squid.

However, after the ink dispersed in the water, it did not spread as usual until a pool of water was dyed black

The ink seems to be driven by an inexplicable force. It doesn't spread at all when it enters the water. Instead, it condenses quickly and forms a ball. It becomes more and more dark and rich. Finally, it turns into several black snake like ink marks, which are drilled into several holes at the bottom of the pool and disappears.

It's really amazing! There are water purification systems in the other world, but the purification efficiency is a fraction of the efficiency if there is such a scene.

What's the principle? With no time to wash, Fowles estimated the position of the pool and paced down to the bottom.

On the first floor, the front and rear of the pool are all corridors, and the middle is sealed, so you can't see anything.

On the second floor, the area where goblins rest and live is also difficult to distinguish.

He bowed his waist and bowed his head until he entered the control room on the third floor. In vain, Fowles understood the purification principle of the swimming pool above. It was very simple to say the water repellent stone.

Goblins have water repellent stones, which naturally drive away water molecules. Install water repellents at the bottom of the swimming pool. Due to the dispersion effect, pure water molecules are repelled to go up, and other impurity molecules will naturally precipitate.

This kind of effect may not only purify the sewage, but also be able to get it into the swimming pool. In a short time, it will become pure and delicious. With the water repellent stone and the development of such a clever way of utilization, it is no wonder that goblin warships can freely cross the ocean.

Moreover, with this water drive stone, not only the problem of carrying fresh water can be completely solved, but also in other places

Thinking of a possibility, Fowles flew to the bottom of the bottom deck, where the entire warship's propulsion equipment was installed.

The whole bottom cabin is semi hermetic, and some pipelines, which do not know what function, pass through the sealed shell wall and connect with the drive engine at the bottom.

From the inside of the warship, nothing could be seen. However, the fact that nothing could be seen itself had partially proved Fowles's conjecture.

He got out of the bottom cabin, got on the deck, jumped into the sea, followed the hull to the bottom belly of the warship, and finally saw the rows of panels in the middle of the bottom belly

The name of the goblin steamboat is wrong. It is neither steamed nor gassed. If it is more precise, it should be called the goblin forever moving ship.

There were rows of panels in the middle of the bottom belly, which could not be seen through. But Fowles believed that if the warship's start button was pressed, or some other startup program was activated, those panels would be exposed, inlaid with rows of water repellent stones.

The action of force is mutual. The water driving stone can push away the water molecules. If it is shielded in one direction and put into the water, the thrust in the opposite direction can be obtained naturally. If many water driving stones are linked together to work together, a warship level power can be formed to cut through the wind and waves.

The use of this energy, placed in another universe, is the pursuit of people there from ancient times to the present - perpetual motion machine.

However, it was only in theory that this kind of mechanism was verified in reality until the technology of making magnetic monopole was mature before Fowles passed through

Who would have thought that in this world, this kind of technology would become a thing of rotten streets - goblin muskets, Goblin warships, lighting, defense, communications, reconnaissanceIf old man Sheldon saw these things, his eyes would explode with excitement?

Fowles not without malice imagined that he was happy to float from the water and began to check his booty. It was rare that the haze had gone, and he had such leisure.

There were plenty of ammunition on the Beagle, and the storage capacity in the cabin was similar to that in the ammunition depot carried by the naval regiment all night. There were 4000 or 5000 guns, more than 100000 bullets and more than 3000 shells of various colors. However, on the Kitty Hawk, there were very few spare ammunition, only more than 10000 bullets and more than a dozen shells.

After a brief thought, Fowles understood that only the flagship size could prevent the destruction of goblin warships one after another. He was afraid that it was not safe to put weapons on ordinary warships, so the goblin temporarily changed its layout.

According to danzel, at least the last time they stole the armory, the inventory in it was only about one-third now

If it wasn't for Fowles' sake, there was no reason at all that goblins would continue to replenish in a warehouse where things were somehow lost.

Now it's a good time. They've all made flowers a wedding dress.

Originally, the military port warehouse and more than a dozen warships stored materials at the same time. After the accident, all the materials were concentrated in the ammunition depot and three flagship cabins. As a result, Fowles emptied the ammunition depot and got another flagship. Roughly estimated, Fowles has almost half of the materials in the goblin military port!

It's definitely a big harvest! If there were trained shooters and the two warehouses were put together, Fowles would have been able to organize a 10000 man team in an instant.

However, there is no such thing as success in the world. If the trained shooters don't find goblins, the people on the whole Pavel continent will be very few. As for the integration of the two warehouses, there will be more problems to be solved.

The first thing he did when he woke up early in the morning, Fowles connected to the etheric mansion. As a result, he knew that the members of the Navy regiment were still not soft. Even though danzel threatened to never open the door, they never gave up.

Now the ethereux mansion has been completely occupied by the Navy regiment. Danzel and several Navy pirates are under house arrest. The Navy regiment openly tells them that they are not afraid to contact with Fowles, so they'd better contact them as soon as possible, because they will take action immediately - consume the goblin bullets and destroy the ethereux mansion!

When they said this, it was eleven or twelve o'clock in the night. According to Fowles' insider, since then, there has been a continuous explosion in the etheric mansion. The Navy regiment aimed at a wall and began to bombard with goblin muskets.

By the time Fowles contacted the inside line, they had consumed more than 3000 bullets, and listened to their conversation outside. When the cave on the wall was long and deep enough, they were ready to hit a goblin shell directly

All in all, if Forster did not open the door, the Navy regiment inside would have used up all the ammunition stolen last night and would not leave it to Fowles at all.

Even if it doesn't work out in the end, they have simpler and faster ways, such as pouring bullets directly into the toilet and flushing into the astral realm.

These men are hardened against Fowles!

Unfortunately, these people did not know that in addition to the weapons they possessed, Fowles had already obtained another batch of them, and even the whole goblin army was under the control of Fowles and was working hard on the distant island chain.

They thought that the ammunition and ammunition in the ethereux mansion were very important to Fowles.

Fowles is also too lazy to waste his words to explain. From the best angle, he reads the opening mantra of the etheric mansion. When the blue light is turned on, the aura of the dimensional anchor scroll pours on, so that the people in the room can only see the external conditions, but they can't pass.

Therefore, the people in the mansion can only look at the mountains of ammunition around Fowles, the majestic warship under him, and a group of goblins packed and placed

"How can it be?" Seeing this scene, the Navy tiger was shocked and exclaimed.

In the corridor of the mansion, only two people can go in parallel. At most, two heads can be seen from the gap. People in front of them scream, but they can't see them in the rear. After a burst of pushing and shoving, the rear team has changed into the front team, and the Navy's expression and voice are the same.

Fowles was satisfied with the reaction of the Navy. After all the 15 or 6 lost navies had gone through, he still did not say a word, but closed the portal directly, leaving a group of navies in isolation again.

These navies are good at it, so Fowles patiently gave them more than one chance, but they didn't pay any attention to themselves!

In this case, don't blame yourself for being cruel! As soon as he closed the portal, Fowles was full of evil thoughts. He didn't intend to take these people any more, but how to deal with them still needs to wait

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