A New Age of Magic

Chapter 103

Martin's surveillance is off. What he and the assassin girl are doing should be in full swing

Although Fowles didn't know the details, he could have guessed one or two, but he didn't care about them. He had a lot of his own business!

There are too many things to calculate, to release the vitality of brain cells, to burn the bath water as gasoline, two ideas and four residual thoughts at the same time, all of which are too busy

Angelina was given to Yuan Ye Lan and Fanny by him. The mentally retarded woman, even a three-year-old child, was not as good as a three-year-old child in terms of emotional intelligence quotient. She was close to the pet, especially she was a wizard. She was absolutely safe and harmless.

What's more, she doesn't know about her ugliness at the moment, so this state is destined to be just a transition and can't be the ultimate punishment.

Days in such a busy and unconscious past, a blink of an eye, the new magic defense day.

Early in the morning, Fowles got up, not by himself, but by Hannover.

Next, it was the director's time for the little fat man. I don't know where he got a lot of make-up artists. He began to make up flowers, straighten his hair, and choose robes, wigs, belts and boots

When he was nearly finished, he looked in the mirror at the white wig on his head, the thick make-up on his face, and the scarlet robe, which was said to be made of secret silver, and the exquisite embroidery on his belt. In a trance, Fowles felt that he had returned to the middle ages of another universe.

"As for it? Dressed like this Open your arms and Fowles smiles bitterly.

"Of course! You know, I'm the sponsor of this magic. When you appear on the stage to reply, you represent my face... " Hannover is rarely serious.

I thought you were out of face? Fowles said in his heart that Once he runs away, this guy will be more or less implicated. For the moment Let it be at your disposal!

For more than two hours, everything was in order. Under the guidance of the guards and several high-level magic puppets, Fowles walked slowly to the white twin towers in the center of Tallinn district.

It was a beautiful day.

After 7:30 in the morning, everything was as usual in the mage guild. The huge bell of knowing the sea rang, and people came to work in droves.

Only a few lucky people working in the inner ring found a different place. The white twin towers, which are usually cold and clear, seem to be busy today.

After working time, old mages with gray hair, or even though their hair is not white, and their grades are not small, wear a variety of exquisite robes, and continue to enter the northeast and southwest entrance of the tower.

Every time a new magic is born, confirmed and recorded, it is a major event of the mage guild. The defense place is naturally selected in the most important building of the mage guild.

Ordinary members of the congregation didn't know what happened, but in the mage guild for so many years, even if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they must have heard about it. As soon as the people who discovered the abnormality publicized it, the whole Tallinn District became a sensation!

Different staff members have different restricted areas of activities, but for this matter, everyone is full of curiosity. Everyone tries his best to stand at the innermost end of his own area, float within the highest limit allowed by the guild, and look at the inner ring from a distance, or use other peeping methods.

If you look down from the sky, you can clearly see that there are thousands of magic statues and puppets of the mage guild who have to be put under martial law, and the apprentices between them are separated layer by layer, which is a huge target.

When Fowles arrived, the scene was almost like this, a sea of people, stacked in groups, and everyone was looking forward to it.

At the beginning of the establishment of the system, the innovation of magic was stepped. A new school or new element was discovered. Suddenly, dozens or even 100 kinds of magic were born. At this time, almost every day, we had to reply. The hall at the lower level of the white tower was full of schedules.

However, with the passage of time, the progress of the times and the establishment of more and more perfect systems, there are fewer and fewer new fields for people to explore and study

Today, the white double tower auditorium has been opened less and less times. It has not been opened all year round. It has turned a public activity area into a forbidden area.

Among the crowd, puppets and guards had already opened a path.

With the envy, jealousy, admiration and curiosity of all the people, Fowles slowly crossed the passage under the guidance of the guide.

I didn't know him. I met him on the 13th floor of the second ring road and on the night of Prague. At that time, he became the favorite of the crowd. The listeners gathered in a hemisphere, and they introduced everything they knew in the center of the ball.

At one time, there were a lot of people in all directions, and there were many mountains and peaks in the hemisphere.

Occasionally, there were times when Fowles was in vain, and someone secretly released the identification spell in the crowd.

As a result, before Fowles could react, the magic guards who opened the crowd had already made great strides to rush into the crowd, and caught the culprit in custody.

Seeing this magnificent scene, Hannover, who was closely following him, gave a worried look at Fowles. However, he saw that he was fearless and did not shake his legs and face. As always, the little fat man was very relieved. He said in his heart that although he was an aristocrat, he looked like he had seen a big scene. He was really not an ordinary person.How could he know that, not to mention this person in front of him, even if there were ten times more people and a hundred times more people, the master had seen more at the beginning.

In the meantime, the party has arrived at the entrance of the element tower in the southwest direction.

The tower is divided into two parts, and there is a Fire Mage at the bottom of the file.

When Fowles arrived, the white haired old mages were still coming in one after another. Some of them stopped to observe the protagonist today.

Look at these old men. The senior leaders of the mage guild gather here. If there are any terrorist organizations in the world, just Looking at everything around him, Fowles thought that he would be absolutely shocked if he knew it, but

It is impossible for Fowles to turn it off immediately. This universe is different from the other universes. Although both universes are supremacy of power, the other universe maintains power by money, fame and influence, while this universe has only one power.

It's true that there are high-level people here, but these old guys are also representatives of the most powerful horizontal force in the world. Don't mention terrorist organizations to find trouble. If you go out here, I'm afraid any terrorist organization will be flattened

Shaking his head away from the unrealistic fantasy, Fowles slowly paced into the tower of elements.

The vast hall, with brown, red, blue and blue as the background colors, draws a huge scroll of creation legend, which shows the basic status of the four elements of earth fire, water and wind.

on top of this, the surrounding walls are a pair of gods' War Pictures, which are full of silver lightning, white frost, green light, and golden weapons collide and destroy The sound waves are clearly visible, and the ethereal force fields emerge everywhere Includes almost all forms of high-level elements.

At the top ceiling of the hall, there is no pattern. Only two black, two white and two colorless forms a huge hexa mang array. The six corners of the hexagram array represent the most mysterious ultimate elements - time, space, life, death, light and darkness!

This is only the first layer of the tower of elements, which is already incomparably broad and grand, full of epic feeling, which makes people step into it and produce a feeling of solemnity and awe. 4000 years of historical accumulation is really no joke.

Entering the center of the hall, Fowles saw that several old mages in front of him had turned in one direction and were about to follow them, but they were taken to another direction by the guide. At this time, Hannover, the little fat man, was also taken away by others.

Through a small door, is a small room, in the room for a little stay, someone handed a stack of files.

If you open the file and have a rough look, you can see that it is the description of the magic principle submitted a few days ago. However, some details have been slightly modified and embellished, which may be because it is very likely that it will be put into the guild files for visitors to visit.

This new magic certification is the same as the thesis defense of another Universe Forrest remained silent for a moment with a smile, until the guide indicated that he could go out. He pushed open the small door on the other side of the house, and the light was shining in front of him!

In front of it is a conference hall which is not inferior to the first floor hall. It is more than 100 meters long and 30 meters high. It is magnificent.

What is particularly amazing is that, in addition to the small door that comes out of the hall, there is a door on the left and right sides of the hall. The masters who come in from the right side are the bright elements of the robes that I have seen many times on the road, and those who come in from the left side are the masters of the school who show their identity by decoration.

To be sure, the two towers will never intersect on this floor. They will lean together until more than 200 meters above and jointly probe into the two planes.

However, the old men swarmed in, and it was obvious that all the way, the left and right sides were connected without any obstruction!

It's a vast magic space, magic rules of the universe! At the same time, Fowles couldn't help feeling. At the same time, a host had stepped onto the stage to read the opening remarks, and all the people applauded. Next, he introduced the members of the assessment team -

head of the elder group of MAGE Association, President of the prophet Association, chief tutor of the school of prophecy and time element, master Nostradamus;

the president of the mage Association, the first elder of the highest five old stars, banned Head of the mantra group, head of the water element department, Dawson? Master Heinrich;

Lin Nai, vice president of the mage Association, second elder of the highest five old stars, head of the super mage group, and chief tutor of the change school? Master Buffon;

the third elder of the highest five old stars, head of the Prague garrison mage group, President of the magic alchemy Association, and chief tutor of the lightning department, Nicholas? Master Tesla;

the fourth elder of the highest five old stars, head of the Apocalypse mage group, President of the higher scroll Association, and chief tutor of the Department of protection, Rachel? Master Carson;

the fifth elder of the highest five old stars, head of the magic fighting mage group, President of the magic secret Medicine Association, and chief tutor of the fire element department, Adam? Master Tungus;

vice president of the association of prophets, the second tutor of the Department of prophecy and time elements

Deputy head of the forbidden incantation mage group, second tutor of the fire element department, senior member of the magic alchemy Association

Deputy head of the super magician group, second tutor of the plastic energy school, advanced scroll AssociationDeputy head of the garrison mage group

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