A Misunderstood Mentor

50 Forty-two episodes Dr. Deus's miscalculation

Ex was pointing the muzzle of the machine gun he was holding in his right hand at me.

A gun, a tool developed in the Southern South City, is a tool that allows anyone to kill or injure someone with ease.

Here, it is strictly forbidden to bring them into the Kingdom of Lucia, and those who break them will be given a heavy punishment.

Only those with a guild permit, such as the super-hunter Dagan and the semi-machine machina, or a few who are allowed to possess them by the state are allowed to do so as a special case.

Ex would probably be the latter.

If that\'s the case, it\'s possible that someone with a very high status in the Lucia Kingdom has betrayed them.

That\'s likely to get us closer to the mastermind if we can find out who it is: ......

That\'s Takumi, isn\'t it?

It\'s not Ex, who is holding a gun to his head, but Dr. Deus, who is beside him, who speaks to him.

\'With your power, you could probably destroy Ex to pieces in an instant. But you don\'t do that because you\'re aware of it, right?

Yeah, there\'s no way I can do it.

And I haven\'t noticed anything in particular.

\'That there\'s a bomb in Ex\'s body that could blow up this mountain without a trace.


I wasn\'t the one who screamed in surprise.

Apparently, Ex had been bombed without his knowledge.

Upset, his gaze slipped away from me.

I took advantage of the opportunity and dove into the shadow of the rock as I rolled over.

\'Shoot, Ex.\'

"What have you done to me? You big, fat, perverted head!

The machine gun that Ex was holding at the ready is released.

The sound of the tremendous gunfire and the sound of rocks being scraped away makes me cover my ears.

In any case, I\'d like you to shoot at Dr. Deus, who planted the bomb on his own accord, but if you don\'t do that, do you have any weaknesses in your hands?

When I looked at Dr. Deus from the shadow of the rock, he was mumbling to himself and taking some notes.

\'Takumi Action Memo, Part 31. Normally, he doesn\'t have the aura of a strong man. The movement of condemnation to the rock shadow was also on par with an E-class adventurer. I suspect he\'s deliberately making them look weak and letting their guard down.

I\'m not trying to be funny, I\'m really weak!

What\'s that 31, anyway?

You\'ve taken so much of my data since you\'ve been here?

\'Takumi Action Memo, No. 32; since it does not fight back against Ex, I conclude that there is no method of attack suitable for restraint. Any attack is so powerful and untouchable that it seems impossible to get at Ex without destroying it.

\'No, no, no, any attack is too poor to be touched,\' he said.

\'Oh, yes. If you\'re waiting for your friends to help you, you\'d better give up. We\'re tinkering with the space and activating a complete area blocking system so that no one can come in here.

Is that why Leia and Sasha haven\'t come over after all this noise?

\'Takumi Action Memo, No. 33, considering the massive damage caused by the bombs and the fact that they haven\'t attacked us at all, I assume that they are afraid of hurting their friends. Either Leia the God-fearing Leia or Princess Sasha, or both of them, seem to be worthy of hostage status.

No, it\'s rather easier to hold me hostage.

\'Ex, blow up that rock with your rocket launcher. I want to measure your defenses.

I will. You\'ll have to take out the bomb later.

This isn\'t good.

They can\'t handle this by themselves anymore.

That\'s when I thought it.

The bell around my waist makes a chirping sound.

The bell of the Nuruhachi transition.

Light overflows from that bell and spreads out like an explosion.

\'\'It\'s the Great Sage\'s transference magic? That\'s interesting. Can you beat the system I\'ve built?

Warning. Intruder alert. This is the only way to prevent anyone from entering the building.

A mechanical voice can be heard from nothing.

At the same time, countless mathematical formulas appeared in the space around me.

They were all incomprehensible strings of numbers, whether they were doing some kind of calculation or not.

"Calculation. I\'m going to be able to calculate it. Reverse transporter is in effect.

A spiral of equations spiraled around the light that was coming from the bell of transition.

It contracted rapidly and disappeared with the light.

\'\'Alarm (alert) released. Exclude the intruders.

The chirping bell no longer glowed.

\'I won. Great Sage Nuruhachi.

Dr. Deus is smiling with a smile of delight.

Even Nuruhachi\'s transporter magic doesn\'t work?

This is even worse than I thought it would be.

It\'s a very good idea. It\'s not a good idea.

Xu bends forward and points the launcher of the rocket launcher on his back at the rock.

He\'s in absolute dire straits.

\'\'Ex-launcher, I\'m firing!

With a roar, a large rock explodes in front of me.

With the impact of the explosion, I am blown up helplessly into the air ......

...... Huh?

It was completely unharmed.

The large rock in front of me was destroyed to pieces and there was not a trace of it.

But instead, something else was protecting me.

Standing there was a dark colored woman.

Her sharp eyes were glowing red.

Her long hair was pure white and she was as tall as I was.

There were black horns on her head, like a mow, sprouting on both sides of her head, and she had huge black wings on her back.

In addition, there were sharp, pointed claws extending into his oddly large hands.

The chest was quite small and slippery, although it was wearing a cloth like a swimsuit.

For a moment I mistakenly thought it was Chloe.

But in places, the details are different.

And I immediately recognize her the first time I\'ve seen her.

\'No way! Do you mean to say that you summoned me without being detected by my system?

Dr. Deus, who had been wearing a relaxed expression the whole time, was astonished.

\'Impossible, impossible! Takumi\'s memo, #34. No chanting, summoning without magic tools is confirmed. It\'s completely undetectable, even with the area blocking system. That\'s absurd! Even a god of creation can\'t get through my system!

Yeah, because I didn\'t summon her.

She was here from the beginning.

Ever since the Great War Party, she hadn\'t responded to me as if I had spoken to her.

It was as if she had reverted to a normal sword, quietly just sleeping on my hip.

\'Takumi! I don\'t know who you are! Science! Are you saying that you are the one who has overturned everything in the world?

Dr. Deus cries out, distraught and broken down.


It\'s exciting to hear a voice I haven\'t heard in a long time.

\'Just say the usual,\'

She says those words as she looks me in the eye for the first time.

It was the exact same voice that had been echoing in my head.

\'You know exactly what I mean. You\'re right.\'

Karna and I look at each other and laugh aloud.

It\'s nice to meet you, Karuna.

I muttered in my mind.