A Misunderstood Mentor

15 Episode 13 With the Magic Sword

\'\'No, it\'s really impossible. I\'ve been working with magic swords for a long time, but I\'ve never seen someone with zero strength before.

The demon sword is talking a lot.

It\'s a good thing that Takumi-san is able to pick up the magic sword Soul Eater and stand calmly as if nothing happened. It\'s a good thing that Takumi-san\'s unlimited power is so powerful that even a magic sword can\'t be absorbed.

You\'re well aware. You\'re right.

No, you\'re right.

The demon sword plunges into me again.

\'\'Don\'t do that, I\'m going to get angry. All people who are born into this world have the capacity to do so. From the moment you are born, you will be filled with power. Why, why do you have no vessel?

No, I\'m sorry, I don\'t know.

Yes, what? Takumi.

Apparently, the voice of the demon sword is only audible to me.

I\'ve become a weird old man talking to himself.



Gobbledygook, gobbledygook.

The goblins that were about to attack us stopped, wary of the demon sword.

Indeed, a black smoky aura flooded from the demon sword in my right hand, enveloping me in a strange power.

\'\'Ah, um, Demon Sword. Goblins, can you defeat them?

I consult in a low voice so that Leia and the others can\'t hear.

You can\'t do that. It\'s not that you\'ve given us your power, but why should we cooperate with you when you have no power?

That\'s right!

It\'s still in a pinch.

But that little girl over there has some serious power. If you let me suck out that girl\'s power on a regular basis, I won\'t even think about it.

You promise to suck it up, right?

"Of course, it\'s a shame to destroy such a nice property.



The two of us smile like an evil representative and Echigoya.

The magic sword is just an image.

You see, let\'s just get rid of it!

Countless black balls erupted from the demon sword, blasting out.

\'\'That\'s disgusting!\'\'

"That\'s disgusting and hurtful.


Gobbledygook, Gobbledygook?

The goblins try to run away in a hurry.

However, the black ball, which looks like a deadly black sphere, is flying far faster than the fleeing goblins.

It\'s the "Evil Dragon\'s Darkness Flame Bomb".


"What\'s the name of your special move?

I don\'t want to be embarrassed because it feels like I\'m in the kitchen.


The moment the black ball hit the goblin, it was blown out of the cave with a bang and a popping sound.

"Gobbling, gobbling, gobbling, gobbling, gobbling, gobbling!

One after another, the goblins hit the black ball and flew away like a pinball.

"Kyah, kyah, chuckle...

Chiharu is smiling happily.

It\'s a good thing you\'re a Takumi. It\'s a good thing that you\'re able to do this. This is what is known as the state of selflessness.

Mm-hmm. You\'re right. You\'re right.

I\'m really just standing there in a daze, doing nothing.

\'It\'s done, so keep your promise.\'

I get it.

Every single one of the large number of goblins that entered the cave flew far off into the distance.

The voices disappeared as I sheathed my magic sword.


He extends his right hand holding the magic sword in front of Leia, who runs up to him.

\'\'Leia, you are too immature to have all of your power sucked out of you by a magic sword of this level.\'\'

I\'m sorry. Once again, I felt the difference in power between you and Takumi-san. My power is nothing more than a worm compared to Takumi-san\'s!

Leia bows her head in front of the magic sword.

Yeah, I\'m sorry. The truth is, I\'m the trash worm.

\'\'In addition to the training of potato peeling, I will add the training of the demon sword. Once every day, let the demon sword suck the power out of you.

Haha, thank you very much. This is my second apprenticeship. It\'s a great honor for me.

It\'s like he\'s cheating, and it hurts my heart a bit.

However, this practice of being sucked out of power by the demon sword would raise the bar for Leia\'s power, and Leia would later grow explosively.


Chihar comes pattering over to my side.

\'Were you scared? Chihar.

Oh, yeah, it was so sweet.

Well, that was fun.

Do it again, do it again.

Yeah, I\'ll see you next time, because I\'m not gonna be around anymore.

I\'m not done with you yet.


I thought it was completely over.

But it was only the beginning.

\'Gobbledy Gobbledy Gobbledy Gobbledy Gobbledy Gobbledy Gobbledy Gobbledy Gobbledy Gobbledy Gobbledy Gobbledy Gobbledy Gobbledy Gobbledy.\'

A bizarre scene spreads out of the cave.

A mountain of goblins looms toward the cave, covering the mountain.

\'...... Shit!\'

I hurriedly tried to pull out the demon sword-san.

However, the demon sword, which was easily pulled out earlier, did not move even a twitch.

\'\'Business is closed for today.

A voice in my head.

This time I\'m really wiped out.

And that\'s when I thought it.

A huge black object covered the sky.

With a thumping sound, it landed in front of me.

A black dragon.

A body covered in jet-black wings and scales, huge legs with claws and a long tail with spikes on it, and sharp red eyes staring at me.

It is so powerful that I almost faint for a moment.

But the black dragon doesn\'t try to attack me.

It stands in front of me as if to protect me from goblins.

No way, this dragon is ......


Yes, Chloe lets out a yell as she replies.

With that, the march of the goblins that were coming towards us stopped.

I see the dragon version of Chloe for the first time.

Yeah, it\'s super scary.

With a roar, a huge flame erupts from Chloe\'s mouth.

\'\'...... Chloe yanka.\'\'

At that moment, the demon sword that had been silent twitched.