A Misunderstood Mentor

146 Episode 115: Eternal Distance

Alice, who said I\'m home, goes straight to Nagisa in a straight line.

In her hand, she holds the holy sword Takumikalibur that I got from Nuruhachi when I was an adventurer.


Without saying a word, I raise that fist at Nagisa.

As usual, the sword was just a decoration.

Although she is called the Sword Sage, Alice has never used the sword properly.

With a fist clenched around the sword, she would just smash it as hard as she could.

Alice\'s only and biggest attack was unleashed towards Nagisa\'s face.


"Oh, no!

It was Sasha and Karuna who screamed in surprise.

I can\'t even make a sound.

I\'ve seen Alice\'s attacks with my own eyes many times before.

The result is always the same.

It\'s like being caught in a giant typhoon and having no choice but to blow up, helplessly.

But Nagisa didn\'t move even when she was hit by Alice\'s fist.

She stood there, not moving a millimeter, as if nothing had happened.

Even White, the only one who received Alice\'s attack, was using his index finger.

\'\'It\'s useless.\'\'

Nagisa speaks up normally, completely unconcerned with the fist in front of her.

\'Every attack in this world cannot reach me. That\'s the way it\'s set up.

Alice draws her fist and sees Nagisa\'s face, without a scratch.

\'Alice, this is ......\'

He was about to speak to Alice when he was about to speak to her.

Once again, Alice\'s fist, drawn, struck Nagisa in the face.

But Alice\'s fist stopped just short of Nagisa\'s face, just a few millimeters away.

It\'s as if an invisible membrane is covering Nagisa\'s surroundings.

\'Can\'t you hear me? I\'m surprised you broke the singularity, but this one is impossible. We can\'t overturn the setting.

Still, Alice keeps hitting him, again and again.

\'Apparently you don\'t understand. \'Fine, go ahead and do it until you feel better.\'

Nagisa held out her hands in dismay.

However, Alice does not give up.

She just keeps hitting him silently.

\'\'Is that what you\'re doing for Takumi-sama? Do you think that if you defeat me, he will return to normal? Then there\'s no point.

Alice doesn\'t respond to Nagisa\'s words at all.

She just keeps hitting him.

\'...... Alice, you already know that, don\'t you? This setting is gone, that just Takumi-sama is the real Takumi-sama.

Is this the real me now?

I\'m the only one who can\'t do anything, who lost the only cooking skill I was good at, and you\'re telling me the truth?

\'It\'s not just the food setting. It\'s already a misunderstood setting that\'s on the verge of breaking down. With someone as good as you, it\'s impossible not to understand. The man there is not the strongest in the world or anything else. He\'s just a f*cking little fish. ......

Shut up!

For the first time, Alice reacted to Nagisa\'s voice.

The voice froze not only Nagisa, but everyone in the room.

\'What do you know about Takumi?\'

I can\'t see Alice\'s face from here.

However, Alice must have such a look on her face that Nagisa, who is supposed to be looking at it, can\'t help but turn away from her.

\'\'Wow, I can see that! I know better than you two. I know everything! This man is our ......!

Nagisa\'s words stopped in mid-sentence.

Before she knew it, the holy sword Takumikalibur, which had been held all along, was held in the opposite hand.

For the first time, Alice is about to slam her fist only into Nagisa.

Gasping, Nagisa, who hadn\'t moved slightly, stepped back, just a little.

The attack can\'t reach, Nagisa said.

And yet, the power of her sword-less fist pushed her to the edge, and she was clearly upset.

\'\'Mu, it\'s no use! No matter what you do, the distance will never be zero! It doesn\'t work in my setting!

Alice still didn\'t speak.

She just slammed her fist into Nagisa\'s face with all her might, as if to deny Nagisa\'s words.

\'\'I can\'t reach you! I don\'t know if I\'ll ever get it!

Nagisa screamed in front of her fist.

A squeezing sound resounded out, as if space itself was being crushed, Michimichi Michimichi.


Nagisa\'s scream-like voice could be heard.

But still, Alice\'s fist stopped just past Nagisa\'s face.

\'\'Ha, hahaha, look, see, see, the setting is absolute, no matter what ......? What? That?

Alice\'s fist stopped.

Its middle finger was held down hard by her thumb.

The hand was not shaped like a fist, but rather a circle with the middle finger and thumb, with the other fingers slithering on pins and needles.

And all the power is concentrated in the middle finger.

\'Takkun, that, for all intents and purposes, is ......\'

Yeah, it\'s a thing, for all intents and purposes.

Guh, guh, guh, guh, and I waited for my middle finger to be freed from it.

\'...... Oh, no, that\'s not what it is,\'

Nagisa shouts out again.

\'Oh no! There\'s no way I\'m going to pass it by!

A pang, pang, pang sound ripped through the air.


The deco pin, with everything Alice had on it, was no longer a normal deco pin.

The middle finger, released so fast that it left the sound behind, became a flash of light that pierced a single point on Nagisa\'s forehead.

Before the pang, Nagisa had already been blown up to the rocks in front of the cave and crashed into them.

\'...... Oh, no way. Nah, what the hell is that?

With blood pouring from her forehead, Nagisa still hasn\'t fallen.

Leaning against a rock, she barely supports herself.

\'...... here, the attack didn\'t hit me. This is ...... and yet! Yup, the shockwave when you plucked your finger?

The power that had been dispersed during the fist was squeezed into a single finger, creating a shockwave that could blow the opponent away?

\'\'Hmph, after all, you are an irregular. We must definitely eliminate you.\'\'

Nagisa\'s eyes are already unfocused.

Still, she turns her head towards Alice and smiles wryly.

Alice silently moves closer to Nagisa.

\'\'Alice, don\'t let your guard down!

Alice, responding to the voice, turns around and looks at me.

\'Don\'t worry, it won\'t take long, Takumi.

As always, Alice\'s beautiful face.

But there was one thing that didn\'t feel right.

A small red light stretched out in a straight line on Alice\'s forehead.

\'...... You\'re here, Duncan.

Nagisa\'s voice coincided with a thumping sound.

At the same time, blood spurted out of Alice\'s forehead and she slowly fell down in slow motion.

For the first time.

For the first time, Alice, who had never succumbed to any attack, collapses to the ground.

\'\'S-, sniper! Where did it come from?

Sasha shouts and looks around.

I try to run over to the fallen Alice.

But then, with a bang, a second shot is fired at her feet, leaving her stranded.

I\'m not going to be able to get out of it. Yeah, from the next mountain!

Karuna spots the enemy, but he is too far away to see.

However, the images Karna saw flowed directly into her head.

\'\'Ah, that\'s it!

It was a man I knew.

Dagan, the legendary hunter.

He is considered to be one of the best in terms of the number of wild monsters he has killed, and despite his age of approaching his first year, his body exudes an aura of gravitas.

Dagan had been defeated in a deadly battle at the Great War Party when Miakis had caught a bullet in his teeth.

That Dagan was holding a huge gun from the next mountain.

However, his appearance is different from before.

Instead of being clothed in the fur of a beast, Dagan\'s entire body was covered in a black, rubbery garment made of a material that I had never seen before.

And the gun in his hand was not the hunting rifle that I had seen before, but a gun that was black and miserable and had various devices (parts) attached to it that I had never seen before in this world, in an odd shape.

The red light extended straight from the tip of the gun and was once again directed at Alice.

The corner of Dagan\'s mouth, which was looking through what looked like binoculars attached to the gun, snorted.

\'\'Ya, stop!

A merciless shot rang out, drowning out my screams.