A Mistaken Marriage Match: A Generation of Military Counselor

Chapter 96

The sedan chair swayed for at least two hours and finally stopped. Fortunately, the sedan chair was broad, and Zhuo Qing was not bored. He was almost tinnited by the sound of firecrackers and bells and drums along the way. He only heard a cry outside the sedan chair: "the bride has entered the door!"

The curtain of the sedan chair is also lifted gently at this time. Zhuo Qing looks up. The face of the building's sunset still holds out his hand to her with a fresh smile. There is no sign of fatigue. Zhuo Qing suddenly admires him.

Zhuo Qing stretched out his hand and led him out of the sedan chair. The front door of the mansion was full of people. The magnificent lintel was covered with red lanterns. The red silk and the residual red left by the firecrackers made the mansion look happy.

The most brilliant goal is to count a large rectangular fire basin in front of the main gate, and the red charcoal is still popping. Zhuo Qing sighs. Isn't it for her to drag her long skirt across?

"The bridegroom and the bride cross the fire pot. They are happy to be together for a hundred years!"

Sure enough, the call of the matchmaker announced their fate. Well, cross it. Fortunately, her wedding dress is not complicated, so she should be able to jump over.

Zhuo Qing grabbed the corner of her skirt generously and was ready to rush to it. With a clear laugh, she shouted: "shouldn't the bridegroom hold the bride in his arms? Don't burn the bride with such a strong fire! "

Zhuo Qing looks sideways, and Gu Ling's strange Bai Yi blinks at her.

"Yes, yes!"

"Let's go into the building with Madame!"

Some people make a noise, and some people naturally cater to it. For a while, the bustling gate, no matter the common people or the dignitaries, is full of uproar.

Put down the skirt, Zhuo Qing looks at the building sunset with a smile, which is the voice of the masses!

Lou Xiyan laughs and bows his hand. When Zhuo Qing hasn't responded, he only feels that his feet are light, and he has been held up by Lou Xiyan. The servants hurry up and lift up his clothes. Lou Xiyan holds her and crosses the fire pot.

There's a lot of good cheer outside the door. Zhuo Qing leaned on his chest and could feel the chest shaking when he smiled. Today, he seems to be really happy. He almost takes all the teasing from the crowd. The ordinary light smile turns into a hearty laugh today. This kind of him, she is really not used to, that kind of full of excitement makes her heart warm.

Lou Xiyan holds her and walks to Yajian beside the main hall. The crowd roars and wants to follow her. Xue Xian stops her and says with a smile: "OK, we have to wait until night to make a new house! Fortunately, everyone, go to the front hall, where you have prepared food and wine. "

This elegant room is the lounge in front of the hall that Lou Xiyan prepared for her. There are all kinds of cakes and drinks in it. Lou Xiyan just put her down. Zhuo Qing immediately can't wait to lift the cover and fan the wind. It's not so hard to build this thing for several hours!

Her heroic action caused the servant girl behind her to smile. Lou Xiyan didn't say anything. She took the cover in her hand and put it aside. She led her to a few days ago and said gently, "you will have a rest, eat something, and when you worship, the girls will come to invite you. If you are too tired, you will have a squint."

"Well, good." Nodding her head, she now more want to sleep, early in the morning tossed to now.

Xue Xian hurried over in a hurry and saw that they were still chatting. She said in a hurry: "sunset, you should go out quickly. There are many guests waiting for you outside!" I didn't expect these officials to come so early. It's true that she would like to have more hands and feet if she was busy!

Slowly up, Lou Xiyan patted her cheek and said with a smile, "I'm going out first."

Seeing how excited he is today, Zhuoqing holds his hand and says, "you should also be careful not to drink too much wine!" Those people outside are so noisy. If he doesn't control a bit, he doesn't have to wait for the chapel. He will fall first!

Lou Xiyan replied earnestly: "yes, madam. Remember for me! "

Zhuo Qingbai glanced at him, and Lou Xiyan laughed out of Yajian.

Not interested in the cakes on the table, Zhuo Qing lies on the soft couch beside her, keeping her eyes closed, wondering where Gu Yun has gone?

When the sedan chair came to the prime minister's house, Gu Yun decided to leave after seeing the surging crowd. It would be nice to come over for a drink in the evening. She was too lazy to join in the excitement.

Gu Yun goes back to the general's mansion and just passes Su Yu at the door. Gu Yun doesn't plan to talk to him, but Su Yu is surprised when he sees her: "you - how are you back?"

Gu Yun stopped and snorted, "can't I come back?" Qing's marriage is not her marriage. She can't make a small difference.

Seeing that her face was not very good, Su Yu frowned and asked in a low voice, "is there something wrong with the prime minister's office?"

Gu Yun's eyes narrowed slightly. Is Su Yu very strange today? Looking at him quietly, Gu Yun asked, "what will happen to the prime minister's office?"

Gu Yun continued to ask Su Yu two questions, so that she did not know whether she knew or not. She could only smile and say, "no, no! I'll ask by the way! " If she doesn't know, isn't he talkative.

Gu Yun stares at him coldly. Su Yu is not comfortable. He raises his feet and wants to go out. A slender hand stops him. Gu Yun forces him to ask, "what are you panicking about?" What is going on in the prime minister's mansion? Su Yu obviously knows that it is related to the general's mansion.

"Panic? I'm not in a hurry. I'm kidding! " Remembering that she saw through her lie last time, Suyu was a little nervous.

Sure enough, he pretended to be calm or let Gu Yun see the abnormality. He was worried about what would happen to Zhuo Qing. Gu Yun said in a hurry, "what happened?"

"I don't know!" Persistently shaking his head, Su Yu turned his back and walked towards the general's mansion. He's such a bitch. He's nothing to do to provoke this difficult woman.

He grabs Su Yu by the shoulder and Gu Yun is willing to let him go. He screams, "tell the truth!"

Suling turned around frustrated and sighed: "I really don't know. Today morning, the eldest brother was declared to the palace. Just now, the second brother was also rushed to the palace. I heard that after entering the capital, the two bandit leaders captured by the second brother insisted "

that here, Su Yu paused and clapped his head in front of Gu Yun's pressing eyes. Su Yu still whispered," it was the father and son of the building who colluded with them and planned the gold case! "

"What?" Gu Yun is shocked to grasp Su Yu's hand. It's impossible! It's not that she believed in Lou Xiyan's father and son, but that she was also there when they were encircling and suppressing the rioters. At that time, there were indeed signs that the rioters were colluding with the ministers of the imperial court, but it should not be Lou Xiyan's father and son! Lou Muhai has done a lot of good in encircling and suppressing the rioters!

After thinking for a while, Gu asked, "what evidence did they come up with?"

Su Yu shakes his head helplessly: "the eldest brother and the second brother have been recruited into the palace. I don't know what evidence the second brother brought back!" He would know about it. He overheard the officials of the Ministry of punishment and the second brother saying that the prisoners he escorted back insisted that Lou Xiangfu and his son were colluding with them to let the second brother enter the palace immediately.

In fact, the confession of the rioters is not the most important thing. As the face of a country, Lou Xiyan can't be defeated because of the confession of several thieves. The most important thing is what evidence they have presented. Besides, if this is the intentional frame up of their colleagues in the court, they should cooperate inside and outside, and Lou Xiyan will face more pressure!

Gu Yun releases Su Yu and turns out of the general's mansion. Su Yu hurries to follow him: "where are you going? You can't go snitching! " They don't know what the situation is. He overheard all the clues. If it's all a misunderstanding, she would be laughed at for talking nonsense. If it really has something to do with her husband's residence, she's so informed that she can be found out and charged.

Gu Yunli's eyes narrowed slightly, and the cold voice replied, "I have my own discretion!"

In his heart, he was still at ease. Su Yu followed Gu Yun to Xiangfu.

The people gathered outside the Xiangfu have almost dispersed. All the relatives and relatives of the emperor come to watch the ceremony in the Xiangfu. Although there are not many people in the morning, officials at all levels are also crowding the Xiangfu.

Gu Yun is eager to find Zhuoqing's resting room. From a distance, he sees the main hall full of onlookers. Squinting, he sees Lou Xiyan leading Zhuoqing all the way to the main hall.

Gu Yun pushed away the crowd and finally walked into the main hall. Then he heard the salute officer shouting, "new people worship!"

Lou Xiyan's eyes are clear, but her face is a little red. I think she has drunk a lot of wine. Standing in the main hall, Gu Yun is going to wait for them to worship the hall, and then talk to Qing about it!

"Worship heaven and earth!"

The high pitched voice of the courtiers rang out.

The new man made a deep bow to the sky.

"Two high places!"

Turn around, in the position of the high hall, while sitting in loumuhai, while sitting in the big uncle of Qingling. Loumuhai still couldn't see much happiness on his face, but he was also the only day for his son to get married. Even if his daughter-in-law didn't like it, he didn't make trouble for them.

The two made a deep bow to their parents.

"Husband and wife"

voice just started, a more dignified male voice interrupted this last worship.

"The decree is here!"

When they looked back, they saw suling and Shan Yulan coming together, holding a bright imperial edict in their hands. Everyone thought it was the emperor who failed to come in person, and made an edict to congratulate Lou Xiangda on his marriage. Everyone opened a way to let them enter the front hall smoothly.

Gu Yun and Su Yu look at each other. Su Yu shakes his head and whispers in her ear, "have a look first, don't be impatient!"

The Phoenix eyes of Lou Xiyan squint slightly. It seems that they have already felt it, but their faces are still calm. They bow to suling and Shan Yulan.

Lou Muhai laughed loudly and said, "general Su, single adult, I thought you couldn't catch up with this wedding wine!" He has always admired Su's army. This time, he was able to fight side by side with Su's army in the encirclement and suppression of rioters. He always felt very happy. His impression of Su Ling was even better!

Su Ling and Shan Yulan both look stiff. With a low smile, they say, "you are welcome, general!" I'm afraid they won't be able to drink the wedding wine.

A light cough, a single Royal LAN Lang said: "the building meets the purpose."

All the people in the main hall knelt down, and the sound of bells and drums stopped.

Shan Yulan took the imperial edict and read it aloud for a long time: "it was carried by heaven. The emperor made it clear that all the bandits in the Northwest were encircled and exterminated. The traitors confessed to colluding with Lou's father and son, stealing the Treasury and intending to rebel. Now he ordered Shan Yulan, the punishment department, and Su Ling, the general of the town, to jointly hear the case. Lou's father and son were put in prison without any mistakes. They were granted by the empero