A Mistaken Marriage Match: A Generation of Military Counselor

Chapter 77

When they entered the hospital, they just saw jingsa chasing the back of a tall and thin man in grey jumping out of the hospital. Several bodyguards also chased him out. Lou Xiyan is most worried about the safety of Lou Xiwu at this time. Her door is open. It can be seen that the murderer must have gone in. I don't know that Xi Wu

both of them mentioned their voices, entered the room and rushed across the screen into the inner room. On the show bed, I saw Lou Xiwu lying flat and motionless, his coat was all off, leaving only a pink belly pocket. The knot of the belly pocket had also been untied. He was leaning on his chest, and his lower body was still wearing plain white trousers. There was no blood on the body, and there was no smell of blood in the room, just a faint smell of sandalwood.

There is no wound on Lou Xi's body, and their hearts are slightly back in place.

Xi dance clothes are messy, even his brother, he is inconvenient to come forward. Lou Xiyan stands beside the bed and turns to her side. Zhuo Qing quickly pulls the silk quilt on the bed and covers Lou Xiwu's exposed body, but she never moves. Zhuo Qingxin mentions it again.

"Xiwu!" Patting her cheek lightly, Zhuoqing thought she was in a coma, but after a careful look, Xiwu's eyes were slightly open, staring in one direction, with a dull and numb look.

"Xiwu! Wake up! " How could this happen?! Zhuo Qing leaned over her body, looked over her eyelids, shook her hands in front of her eyes, and her pupils responded normally. Was it the self sealing caused by excessive fright? Pat her cheek again with a little force, Zhuo Qing says loudly in her ear: "Xiwu, it's OK, you wake up."

Hearing Zhuo Qing's voice suddenly amplified, Lou Xiyan said: "how is she?"

Zhuo Qing shook her head and said in a deep voice, "there is no scar on her body, but it's not very good."

Zhuo Qing's tone is dignified. The building's sunset doesn't care about etiquette. She turns around and looks at the building's dance. Though she opened her eyes, they were empty.

"Xiwu." Low cry several times, floor Xi dance did not respond.

The situation of Xiwu seems to be very bad! Zhuo Qing frowned slightly and whispered in the ear of the building's sunset: "she may have been too frightened and self closed. You try to talk to her, make her feel safe and maybe wake up. "

Lou Xiyan nods, holds Lou Xiwu's shoulder, holds her up and sits up. His eyes can see him. He gently rubs his cheek with his belly. Lou Xiyan coaxes to her again and again: "Xiwu, be good, don't be afraid. Brother is by your side, can you have a word with brother?"

Several times later, Lou Xiwu still didn't respond. Lou Xiyan's voice was obviously louder and more impatient. Zhuo Qing patted Lou Xiyan's shoulder from behind and said softly: "it's OK. Keep talking with her, she will surely wake up."

He is such a sister, facing his close relatives, I believe that few people can be calm.

Lou Xiyan backs to him. Zhuo Qing can't see his expression clearly. He just nods slightly. When he speaks again, his voice has calmed down a lot.

Hold Lou Xiwu gently in her arms, long hands, pat her back, Lou Xiyan calls out in a reassuring low voice: "Xi dance, no one can hurt you, cry out in fear, brother will protect you."

"Xi dance, Xi dance" is called over and over again. For a while, Lou Xi dance finally moves. After blinking a few times, it gradually recovers some luster. Seeing that she finally had a reaction, Lou Xiyan and Zhuo Qing both took a long breath of relief, but the expression on Lou Xiwu's face was very confused: "what are you doing in my room, brother?"

Lou Xiyan and Zhuo Qing take a look at each other, but they are still. Zhuo Qing asks tentatively, "don't you know what happened?"

Lou Xi dances a face inexplicably to return a way: "what happened?"

Their expressions are very strange, Lou Xi dance subconsciously hugs his arms, but unexpectedly finds himself undressed!

"Ah!" With a scream, Lou Xi Yanks the quilt tightly, shrinks to the bed in panic, and buries his head in the quilt.

Lou Xiyan got up awkwardly. Zhuo Qing smiled at him and said, "you go out first. Here I am."

"Good." At a glance, it seems to return to normal Lou Xi dance, and Lou Xiyan quietly retreats out.

Gently tugging at the quilt, Zhuoqing said softly, "OK, Xiwu, your brother is out, it's just me."

For a long time, Lou Xiwu raised his head with a reddish face: "I, how can I" not dressed! She can't really ask why she woke up like this?! Lou Xi dance asked impatiently: "what is the matter?"

Zhuo Qing didn't intend to hide it from her and said straightly: "I think the person who sneaked into your room tonight is the person we talked about in the afternoon. His next goal is you. But fortunately, he didn't succeed when he found it early. Can't you really remember what happened tonight? " She is the only one who has survived the attack so far, hoping she can provide some useful clues.

"I" heard Zhuo Qing's words, Lou Xi dance's face suddenly turned white, and her hands couldn't help shaking. I don't know if I'm afraid or I really can't remember. Lou Xiwu covers her head and replies in a flustered voice: "I can't remember. I just remember that I went to bed and had a rest. Then I heard the noise and saw you in front of me. I really don't know anything else." There was a lot of confusion in her mind, and the memory seemed to be missing from the moment she lay in bed.

Why did the killer choose her? Is that the one who killed Princess Anning? How many innocent women does he want to kill! The fist is unconsciously clenched into a fist. Lou Xi raises his head. There is a layer of water mist in her eyes. Because of fear, her voice is still shaking. However, she has tried her best to keep calm, staring at Zhuo Qing and asking, "what about the murderer? Did you get it? "

"Not yet. At present, it seems that the target of the murderer is you. I don't know if he will appear again, so you are very dangerous now. He has committed many crimes in a row, and has no intention of ending them. I think the Yamen must also hope to solve the case as soon as possible. You are the only survivor so far, and the Yamen people should be involved soon. " Zhuo Qing was disappointed. She thought she could get some clues about the murderer from Xiwu, but apparently, Xiwu didn't know. In this way, her stupidity just now can't be the self-protection after being frightened. So did the killer use something similar to Miaoxiang to control the spirit of Xiwu? Or take a deep breath and let your mood gradually calm down. Lou Xiwu asks, "what can I do?" She also hopes that yamen can solve the case as soon as possible and catch the murderer, so that no more innocent women will die in vain.

Looking at the present just experienced a disaster passing by with the God of death, the little girl who was still shivering with fear pretended to be calm and hoped that she could do her best. Zhuo Qing felt sorry for her, reached out her hand gently and held her shoulder. She said softly: "I know you don't remember anything now. Relax first, don't force yourself too much, and try to think about it slowly, hoping to provide some clues to yamen people. Don't be afraid. We won't let you have an accident. "

Lou Xiwu slowly leans her head on Zhuo Qing's shoulder. A gentle tap makes her feel warm. Her mother died early, without sisters. Although her brother loved her very much, he could not hold her and comfort her like this. She always hoped that a family could accompany her like this. This sister-in-law, she likes it.

Nodding softly, Lou Xiwu said sincerely, "thank you for saving me."

Zhuoqing is stunned. The little girl opens her eyes and sees her and Lou Xiyan. It's probably a misunderstanding. Zhuoqing laughs and says, "it's not that we saved you. I heard the voice of the commotion coming. I saw jingsa and the murderer fighting in the yard just now. He should have saved you. "

"What?" Lou Xiyan suddenly sat up and cried out in panic, "I'm not seen all by that murderer and him, then!" How can she see people in the future? How can she see the scenery!

The more I think about it, the more I feel sad. I curled myself up in a circle with my hands around my knees. The shame made her cry.

Zhuo Qing sighed and smiled: "don't cry, it's better."

"Good?!" Lou Xiwu raises her head and looks at Zhuo Qing with tears. She is actually seen by other men and by Jing SA. What's the good about her?!

"Do you really like jingsa very much? If you don't marry me, I will not marry you." This point needs to be made clear first. If it's just a little girl's infatuation, she doesn't need to mix it up.

"Yes!" After nodding firmly, Lou Xiwu murmured: "but I'm like this now, where can I marry him?"

"Fool, you are not so good now. The murderer just uncovers your clothes. You are still innocent!" Zhuoqing is in a state of bewilderment. She is not only seen in the upper part of her body, but also has a bellybag! How can we not marry like this!

"But" although the words say so, after all, the daughter's home let people see the body, what to do! Lou Xi's head bowed in frustration.

Looking at her dead heart, Zhuo Qing approached her side and whispered in her ear, "this is actually a great opportunity to test whether jingsa is a good man to rely on and take responsibility for. If he is, you will get what you want!"

"Really? "Zhuo Qing's words made her very moved, but some couldn't believe it. Lou Xi asked nervously," what should I do? "

Zhuo Qing's sly smile: "come here."

Lou Xiwu nibbles at her lips. She is nervous and expectant. Zhuo Qing whispers a few words in her ear. She sees Lou Xiwu's face turn red and white, frown and stare. Finally, Zhuo Qing finished, and Lou Xi asked, "is this OK?"

Zhuo Qing said with a confident smile, "it depends on you."

Once clenched his teeth, Lou Xiwu shouted back, "OK!"

She spelled, for jingsa's love, she would like anything!