A Mistaken Marriage Match: A Generation of Military Counselor

Chapter 73

Standing beside Qingling, Qingfeng looked at the man who was always gentle and elegant, but his face was cold and terrible. He saved his elder sister, and she didn't choose the wrong person. She will try to give it back to him. As for those who owe them, she will come back one day bit by bit!

Lou Suxin's face was stiff, but she didn't say anything. The mother behind brought another blanket smartly. This time, Lou Suxin didn't put it on Lou Xiyan in person, but made an eye toward her. She respectfully handed the blanket in her hand to Lou Xiyan.

Lou Xi took the blanket and dried the water on his face and body, then threw it back to Mammy. Lou Suxin's face was even worse.

At this time, Mobai forces the two eunuchs to the bank. Lou Xiyan walks to the bank and whispers something in Mobai's ear. Mobai nods clearly and dives into the water again. No one knows what he is going to do, except Yang Zhilan, whose face is slightly changed at the moment.

Everyone is waiting for the result of the treatment. Zhuo Qing's face is very frightening after all. Building sunset cold enough to frost voice suddenly said: "come. Put those two in jail. "

The royal guards are all stunned. Only the emperor can order them to arrest anyone in the palace. They can ignore others. But today, the order is Lou Xiang, which makes them embarrassed. Carefully looked at the emperor. The emperor's face was unchanged, but he lightly nodded his head. The Royal Army immediately realized that the four men rushed forward and captured the two eunuchs.

Yang Zhilan's heart next jump, is not the building sunset see what flaw?! Calm step forward, Yang Zhilan pretended to be confused and asked: "what are you doing, sunset? Even if they can't save people, they can't go to jail. "

"Can't save people?" Feng Mou tiny MI, undisguised in the eyes of the condensation, Lou Xiyan cold voice back: "I see, but the attempted murder!"

Never seen such a building sunset. For the first time, he knew that the cold light in his eyes was chilling. Yang Zhilan took a deep breath and said with a dry smile, "it's impossible!"

Turning to look at the two eunuchs, Yang Zhilan deliberately shouted, "what's going on, dog and slave?"

They knelt down quickly. One of them said he was wronged: "my servants are wronged. There are too many lotus leaves under the water. We haven't found young girl for a long time. It's hard to find it. Young girl has drowned and fainted. The servant is supporting her. Lou Xiang rushes here at this time. He mistakenly thinks that the servants are not good for young girl. The servants have no intention to harm the girl! "

Yang Zhilan breathed a sigh of relief secretly. These two men are worthy of her carefully cultivated servants, and they speak and do things appropriately. Turning back and looking at Zhuo Qing, who was still desperately being treated by the royal doctor, Yang Zhilan sighed: "I see, the sunset saves people's heart and soul. I understand that this accident is so sudden that no one wants to see it. Fortunately, the spirit is also saving it now."

Lou Xiyan did not follow the trend of silence, but looked directly at Yang Zhilan and said in a cold voice: "the Empress Dowager means that the minister was wrong? I am not stupid enough to distinguish between saving people and killing people! "

Yang Zhilan was stunned. He didn't expect that Lou Xiyan would speak back. For a while, Lou Xiyan didn't plan to give up. When Mo Bai lifted Qing'er out of the water, his heart almost stopped beating. Now he didn't even dare to see her lying on the ground without any voice, let alone admit that he was just waiting for the treatment of the royal doctor, which was enough to drive him crazy.

Fear and heartache stirred his anger which seldom broke out in many years. At this moment, he didn't want to endure. His eyes swept over the slanted wooden platform, and the anger of the building's sunset directly burned to the high empress dowager Dong and XI: "the banquet held in the Palace should ensure their safety. The wooden platform collapsed without any reason, and someone had fallen off the flower pool, and there were only four guards in the yard People in the water! Why don't you send more people to such a big lotus pond? Can I think of it as a murder on purpose? "

"Unbridled!" Lou Suxin's face was very bad. The well maintained face was all wrinkled together because of anger. He shouted: "Lou Xiyan, this is the matter of the inner palace. How dare you intervene as a foreign minister. This incident may be an accident at all. Even if there is a real secret, the mourner will thoroughly investigate it. How can you behave in such a way that you are rude and opinionated? "

He is just opposite, for a woman, such a lack of grace, so that she was disappointed!

Lou Xiyan glances over her directly and looks at Yan Hongtian, who has been standing silently and unfathomably, and asks in a loud voice: "I dare to ask the emperor if my wife has an accident in the palace. My life and death are uncertain. Do I have this right to investigate for responsibility?"

Yan Hongtian nodded solemnly and replied seriously, "yes." It's hard for sunset to get angry once. He needs more support.

Lou Su is so angry that she kisses her face for a while. OK! They united against her! Today, she would like to see how her good nephew, who has always been loving her, can arrange her not. She raised her head proudly, and Lou Su said coldly: "well, who are you going to investigate? It's the responsibility of the mourner? Or who pushed your wife into the pool? "

Yang Zhilan gave a low smile and quickly smiled: "sunset, it's just an accident. No one intentionally wants to kill ling'er, so don't make your aunt angry."

Building sunset cold eyes micro Yang, looking at a loving Yang Zhilan, cold voice forced to ask: "if it is not an accident how?"

Yang Zhilan's heart suddenly tightened. Today's Lou Xiyan seems to have changed. She always feels that Lou Xiyan seems to know something, but how can it be? He just came here. When she was nervous, Mobai, who had been in the water for a long time, finally came out of the water. She took a bundle of rope in her hand and threw it on the shore. Mobai then climbed up. Her pale skin and blue eyes immediately made him the focus of the public. From time to time, there was a low murmur.

There was no expression on Mo Bai's indifferent face. He went straight to the building sunset and said in a deep voice: "master, there are twelve piles under the water. Each pile has deliberately cut a half of the cut, and each pile has a hemp rope tied to the gap. Two pillars near the place where madam fell have been broken. The hemp rope should be taken away when pulling the stake. The other ropes are still there. No matter where the lady was standing, the wooden platform under her feet would collapse. "

The voice was not high, but as soon as the words were finished, there was silence on the bank, followed by a rustle of voices.

"Is it an accident now?" Lou Xiyan picks up a hemp rope on the ground. It looks like the sharp eyes of an eagle sweeping through the crowd. He can't see what he's thinking. No one dares to answer.

Yang Zhilan scolds secretly, damn! The whole wooden platform could have been pulled down and the hemp rope could have been taken back, but this was not like an accident in disrepair. She had intended to drown Qingling, and the eunuch who rescued people in the water would take the hemp rope tied to the pile away, so there was no evidence, and the God did not know the ghost. But it's not even counted that Lou Xiyan would come and jump into the water, not to mention that he was so smart. He immediately sent people to check the stake. It seems that this time she will find a ghost to replace the dead!

While everyone was still surprised, Yang Zhilan said angrily, "how could it be that such a thing happened in the palace? Elder sister, we must check it out this time!"

Lou Suxin frowns again. It's not an accident. Even so, she still feels that her authority has been challenged and her face is still unhappy.

Lou Xiyan doesn't let this matter become a case of internal palace self-examination. It can only be solved by any ghost. Looking at Yan Hongtian, Lou Xiyan said coldly: "I thought that although this happened in the inner palace, the ladies present were all the family's money, behind the famous family. Today's Palace Banquet is to select the candidates to represent dome Yue in the celebration. This case is related to the celebration. It is no longer just a matter of the inner palace. It should be submitted to the criminal department for trial instead of bothering the two empresses! "

"Yes." Yan Hongtian has also felt the mystery of this matter. If he doesn't leave this matter to the criminal department, I'm afraid that Xiyan will never give up! "Come, put the first four into prison. The imperial forest forces guard and block the imperial garden. This case will be heard by the criminal department."


"Retch" the person that lies on the ground had reaction finally, a saliva spat out, Zhuoqing mercilessly coughed. Seeing that she finally moved, the tears in Qingfeng's eyes couldn't help but flow out, but this time it's because of joy: "sister!"

Lou Xiyan hears the cough and rushes to her side, half kneeling beside her, holding her hand tightly. Lou Xiyan says in a hurry: "ling'er! You can hear me, can't you? " He was eager for her affirmation that she was still alive!

Zhuo Qing's consciousness is still vague. Her chest is burning and painful. She can't breathe. She wants to open her eyes, but she can't help it. Vaguely, she can hear the noise around her, but it's all buzzing. Listen carefully. She seems to hear the voice of the sunset, but it's not so much like him. He always speaks softly and slowly, and won't shout like this. Her brain is chaotic, but she still nods subconsciously.

See her light can't light nod, Lou Xiyan a always hanging heart finally put down, hold her in the arms, Lou Xiyan asked: "how is she now?"

Qingling wakes up, and the Royal doctors are the happiest. Their lives are finally saved. "Although the young girl has been drowning for a long time, it has been slowed down now, but it is still possible to fall into the root of phlegm heat, lung stagnation, external cold and internal dryness, etc., and needs more conditioning and maintenance."

Wrap the two blankets tightly around Zhuo Qing, and Lou Xiyan says to the doctor beside him, "you will prescribe some medicine later, and send the medicine list and herbs to the prime minister's office."


Yang Zhilan greeted Zhuo Qing, who was still in a coma in the arms of Lou Xiyan, and said with heartache: "Xiyan, ling'er is now in a coma, so it's not suitable for her to work hard. Let her go to Xixia palace to have a good rest. When she wakes up and gets better, wouldn't it be better for you to pick her up again? "

Qingling didn't die. If she woke up and said it was eunuch who let her drown, wouldn't it be trouble. If you can leave her behind, see how she wakes up and decides whether or not to cut off those things that don't work.

Holding her up, Lou Xiyan replied coldly: "no need. Let's go. "

He won't let Qing'er get involved again. This is the last and only time!

"Oh." Lou Xi dances stupefied to follow behind Lou Xiyan, the head also dare not return, scared to death! Just now, my aunt's face was black and horrible, but she still wanted to say that my wife is handsome today!

She can see it. Qingling decides