A Mistaken Marriage Match: A Generation of Military Counselor

Chapter 66

Lou Xi turns back, his face is still dark, but his tone is very soft. He helps her to lie down, covers her up, and says, "go to sleep first, I'll be back soon."

Zhuo Qing nods helplessly.

"Wait." Floor sunset just stood up, Zhuo Qing suddenly sat straight body, a pull his hand to pull him down, floor sunset do not understand, but still sit down.

Zhuo Qing encircles his neck, bows forward, pours into his arms and kisses his neck.

Lou Xiyan snorts and holds the sweet and soft body in her arms. After a while, Zhuo Qing sits up straight. She is satisfied to see that Lou Xiyan kisses some conspicuous strawberries on her neck. She releases her hand in a good mood, waves her hand to Lou Xiyan and says, "OK, you can go."

At first, she didn't react, but looking at her cunning face, Lou Xiyan had guessed what she had done. She pet and shook her head, and Lou Xiyan walked out of the moon tower.

This girl, he will go to court tomorrow!

Zhuo Qing slumped on the bed powerless, staring at the curtain of the swaying light yarn depressed. Her first seduction failed! Although the main reason is not her, but also blame her "business is not familiar.".

Next time, next time when she is ready, make sure that he sprays nosebleed, and the sky doesn't matter! Otherwise, I'm sorry for Qingling's 34d figure!

Lou Xiyan did not go to the star picking Pavilion by herself, but went with the royal doctor. Come to the door, please say: "I see the princess."

On hearing the voice of Lou Xiyan, Yan ruxuan, who was still crying in bed, immediately sat up and said, "brother Yan, come in quickly." He really came, which means that she still cares about her!

There are several candlesticks in the room. The light is dim. Lou Xiyan and the royal doctor walk into the room. Lou Xiyan only stands outside the screen and says to the royal doctor, "give the princess a pulse."

The royal doctor bowed to the building and made a salute before entering the inner room.

Behind the veil was a disappointed face. Brother Yan didn't come in.

"Princess, I'm offended."

Yan ruxuan put out her hand without expression, and the royal doctor checked it for a long time before she got up slowly.

"How is it?" asked Lou Xiyan outside the screen

The royal doctor retreated all the way out of the screen and said: "the princess is short of blood, worried and worried, so she will have a lot of dreams. Lou Xiang doesn't have to worry. When the old minister prescribes some medicine for the princess and takes care of herself, the body will recover slowly. "

"You go to the decoction." Lou Xiyan was relieved at last. Seeing her thin appearance in the morning, he was worried about her.

"Yes." The imperial doctor retreated. In addition to the palace maid Xiaolian, he and Yan ruxuan, Lou Xiyan bowed slightly outside the screen and said, "it's not early. The princess has an early rest, and I'm leaving."

His voice just fell, only heard a low cry: "brother Yan, don't go!"

Plain white figure flustered to open the curtain, shoes also do not wear, all the way to run towards him.

Her body was weak, and she was worried. When she was about to run to Lou Xiyan, Yan ruxuan was so weak that she almost fell down. Lou Xiyan had no choice but to hold her arm and stabilize her body: "Princess be careful!"

When she stands firm, Lou Xiyan is about to take back her hand, but Yan ruxuan holds on tightly.

Originally a small face, now it's not as thin as the palm of the hand, and her eyes are full of red blood. Yan ruxuan looks at him affectionately, but accidentally finds several obvious red marks on his neck.

Yan ruxuan's heart was aching again. She knew that she had seen this red mark on Huang's sister-in-law and other concubines. At that time, she pestered Huang's sister-in-law to tell her that she felt very shy after Huang's completion. But Huang said, this kind of red mark is left by men to women. Why does brother Yan have it on his neck? Think of that woman and Yan brother live together, Yan ruxuan unconsciously gently bite lips.

Taking a deep breath, Yan ruxuan summoned up her courage and said, "Xuaner is really afraid. Can brother Yan stay with me?"

Yan ruxuan held his hand tightly, and two lines of clear tears fell from his misty eyes to his wrist, thin body, just afraid that she would fall to the ground when he tried, Lou Xiyan sighed: "OK."

Once he agreed, Yan ruxuan was ecstatic, but soon her heart was frozen again because of his next words.

"I'll keep watch at the door until you fall asleep." His voice is still soft, but his meaning is so cruel. Yan ruxuan's mood was out of control. She grabbed his hand tightly and pinched her fingernails deeply into the meat. Yan ruxuan cried, "why don't you stay for me? Is it really that hard to keep you? You just want to come back to her?! "

Lou Xiyan was in pain, but she frowned gently, but she didn't push her away. She advised: "Princess"

who thought it was just a title, and once again angered Yan ruxuan: "don't call me princess, you called me Xuaner when you were a child, why do you want to be so clear with me now?" He didn't know. Every time he called her a princess, she felt that he was farther away from her!

Gently but firmly remove her hand, Lou Xiyan step back, deep voice back: "you are the king, the minister is the minister, this is the etiquette that the minister should abide by." He just didn't want her to have too many misunderstandings to deliberately alienate. Unfortunately, she didn't understand his intention.

"Lies! I've heard your name, brother Huang. Why do you and I have to follow the etiquette? " The estrangement and indifference of Lou Xiyan finally brought Yan ruxuan, who was already in a bad mental state, to a complete collapse: "I like you, don't you really feel it? Or do you have feelings, but still want to hurt my heart? "

Yan ruxuan's eyes were full of madness. Lou Xiyan knew what to say to her at this time. She would not listen to her. She was just venting her pent up emotions.

"Speak!" Lou Xiyan's silence didn't want to irritate her any more, and let her calm down slowly. However, Yan ruxuan, who has always been dignified and elegant, has already fallen into her own world. In her eyes, Lou Xiyan's silence is intolerant of her. At this time, the red mark on his neck was like a thin needle, which stabbed into her heart.

"Am I really inferior to her? What's the best about her?! She can give it to you, so can I! " Yan ruxuan clenched her red lips. When Lou Xiyan and Xiaolian didn't respond, her blouse had been pulled open and slid to the ground. There were few scenes that could be covered by pink belly pockets. The bright shoulders and backs were shivering because they were exposed to the air.

Lou Xiyan is shocked. She turns around quickly, stands behind the screen, and looks at the stunned maid. Lou Xiyan says: "what are you doing! Help the princess to the bed. "

Xiao Lian finally came back to her senses, picked up her clothes on the ground and put them on Yan ruxuan, who was already crying. How could the princess be so confused! She is a princess. If this is publicized and Lou Xiang refuses to marry, her famous festival will be ruined!

Lou Xiyan never thought that things would develop to this extent. In his impression, Yan ruxuan is dignified, quiet, polite and shy. How could she do such a bold and extraordinary thing!

"I leave first." Lou Xiyan steps away, at this time he is not suitable to bring the house again!

"Stop! You'll regret coming out of this door today! " Yan ruxuan drinks a lot. Lou Xiyan's reaction just now stabbed her deeply. The sense of shame made her incoherent. She only knew that she would not let him go!

At the foot of Lou Xiyan's feet, he finally stopped, but his tall back revealed a chill that can't be ignored. He was angry! Yan ruxuan was scared and flustered. She sucked her nose and wiped off the tears on her face. She said pleasantly, "brother Yan, don't be angry with me, OK? As long as you are willing to stay, I will listen to you. "

"What about staying? I will not marry you. " Indifferent voice light answer, Yan ruxuan's heart again tight.

Taking a deep breath, Yan ruxuan asked, "why?" She doesn't understand. Is she so bad? Her years of chasing and adoring couldn't move him at all?!

Without waiting for the reply from Lou Xiyan, Yan ruxuan murmured to herself: "it's my dream to marry you since I was a child. When I saw you at the first sight, you helped me get back the handkerchief that my second brother robbed. You are careful, considerate and gentle. From that moment on, I like you. In order to make myself worthy of you, I dare not neglect one day, in order to be your wife one day. Why don't you look at me! Why "

is that so? Lou Xiyan sighs. If he had known the reason of her love earlier, maybe he would not have developed to this point. Lou Xiyan whispered back: "in fact, I didn't want to take the handkerchief for you in those days, because I had some disputes with the second prince the first day, and I couldn't stand his complacency. Over the years, in my heart, you are my sister just like Xiwu. I have no love between men and women for you. "

Although the truth will make her miserable, if it can make her wake up, it's not too hard to try.

"Sister" has accompanied her for ten years. Every time in her dream, memories can make her smile happily and wake up for the first time. Is it just a play he did for his second brother Qi?!

Sister? It's just my sister!

Ha ha ha, Yan ruxuan suddenly fell on the ground. If there is a smile like nothing on her face, tears are flowing in her eyes.

"Princess!" Xiao Lian hurriedly supported her shoulder, but could not hold her weak body at all. They sat down together.

The despair and sadness in Yan ruxuan's eyes made Lou Xiyan's heart ache. He really loved her as his sister. Today, it will be such a result. Maybe more, he should blame him for not being cruel earlier!

Dare not at this time to help her, Lou Xiyan can only whisper advice: "early rest, maybe wake up tomorrow, you will find, in fact, you do not need me so."

He said to Xiaolian on the ground, "take good care of the princess." Lou Xiyan steps away.

The princess in her arms is no longer crying, her cold body is shivering and her eyes are empty and terrible.

How much did the princess do for him, she knows best. You can be happy for a few days because you have a word with him or a smile. You can practice until your fingers are full of blisters and your hands can't hold anything for your hobby. Today, she hurt the princess like this!

Xiao Lian stares at the direction of Lou Xiyan's departure. There's a bit of shadow in her eyes. This man is cold-blooded and ruthless. He doesn't deserve a princess at all. He should die!