A Mistaken Marriage Match: A Generation of Military Counselor

Chapter 63

Gu Yun explained: "according to Qu Xin, this is something Yang Lu has carefully collected over the years. I guess it's related to the gold case, but I don't understand what these words mean. I want to hear your opinions."

Again carefully study the paper in hand, hoping to find out some rules, the result is still at a loss, Zhuo Qing shakes her head: "I'm not sure, I'll do a good research in the evening, when will you go to see the location of the cave."

"In a moment." She and Dan Yulan made an appointment to meet at the gate of yingtianfu at noon.

"I'll go, too." As Zhuo Qing said, she braided her long hair quickly, and Gu Yun chuckled, "are you sure you want to run around at this very moment?" They were forced to come home.

Zhuo Qing turned her white eyes and snorted coldly, "shall I stay and stare at her? I don't have the time. "

Holding Gu Yun, they hurried out of the Xiangfu.

Zhuo Qing and Gu Yun and Dan Yulan met, and led by AO Tian, they arrived at the cave outside Beijing. After checking all the exits outside the cave, Quze is the most convenient place to get in and out of the cave.

There was nothing found outside the cave. Several people walked into the cave again. There were all kinds of narrow paths in the cave. There was a cave half the size of a football field in the deepest part. It was very wet inside, and there was still water seeping from the wall from time to time. You can hear the sound of gurgling water clearly. Looking carefully, there is an underground river seven or eight meters wide on one side of the cave.

Gu Yun squats on the edge of the dark river, taps on the hard stone beside the dark river, squints slightly and looks at the small sand at the bottom of the river. In the cave, you can also find such small stones. Grab some of them and gently pinch them in your hands. After the stones make a rustling sound, they slowly break up in your hands. Gu Yun looks at the powder in his hands and whispers, "come and see."

Hearing her cry, a group of people came around and saw her squatting in front of a small pile of sand, staring at the stones in her hands seriously. The dry Jing did not understand and asked, "some sand and stones, what's the problem?"

He has been hearing about how powerful the woman named qingmo is in prison. Even Ao Tian, who has always despised anyone, seems to admire her. He came here today to see how the case was handled like a God. But what's wrong with this pile of sand?

Patting off the fine stone in his hand, Gu Yun pointed to the thick layer of sand in the dark river and said: "the problem is that this is a cave formed by the dissolution of soluble rock by water. This kind of small sand and stone should not exist, and it seems to be quite a lot."

"You mean the sand was brought in on purpose." Shan Yulan squints and sees that although the light is not very good, it can also be seen that this section of water is much higher than the river bed at the front entrance.

It seems that, as Gu Yun said, there are many small sand stones in the dark river beside the big cave, which is obviously different from the upstream. Qian Jing squatted on the edge of the dark river and said to himself, "what are you doing in such a remote cave

Gu Yun thought that he had already guessed the cause of the incident, and said with a smile: "don't you think it's strange that so many people and horses were searching at that time, but they didn't find the carriage carrying gold. There's nothing missing in this world. It's just a cover up. "

The murmuring water nearby brightened Zhuoqing's eyes and said: "there are rich underground rivers and well-developed water systems. It's a good place to hide gold."

Gu Yun nodded: "yes. As long as the gold is poured into the underground river, buried with sand and stone, and after the wind, the gold is dug out and transported away. Naturally, the God does not know the ghost. The ruts we saw at that time were not traces of transporting gold out, but evidence of transporting sand and stones into the cave. "

Shan Yulan squats down, grabs the soft stones on the ground, but feels the soft touch. She may have some truth in her analysis, so that she can explain how gold disappeared under the pursuit of others, but the evidence?

Qian Jing obviously had the same idea with him. Looking back, Qian Jing said, "you're just guessing. Even if it's true, it's been three years. It's time for gold to be shipped. Some fine sand can't prove your idea at all. "

Gu Yun has not opened his mouth yet. He has already drilled a small hole beside the cave. Zhuo Qing, who has inspected the lower reaches of the cave for a while, says with a smile, "that may not be true. So much gold is poured into the underground river that it can't be dug clean. And this underground river, with rich water flow, some small gold pieces will flow downstream with the water, and now it should be able to find some. "

As soon as Qian Jing clapped his thigh, he called out, "now go down to check if there is any gold!"

Zhuo Qing nodded at once, smiled at Qianjing, and said, "that's what I mean."

Her eyes made people get goose bumps. Qian Jing cried out, "don't you want me to check it?"

Zhuo Qing's lips were flying and hummed, "shall I go?"


the cold underground river, not to mention the women, even the strong men may not survive for long. Qian Jing knew that he knew what he had to ask again. He turned his mouth and slowly took off his coat and socks

Qian Jing was still dawdling, only heard a sound of water and flowers, and AO Tian's dark figure had plunged into the dark river.

The clothes, shoes and socks of Qianjing have been taken off. It's awkward to stand on the bank. Zhuo Qingbai glanced at him, and all the people's eyes were focused on the figure with black clothes and silver hair in the dark river.

Now it's too humiliating to put on clothes. Qian Jing coughs softly and says with a smile, "my water quality is better. I'll go there to look for the water depth downstream."

No one paid any attention to him. Qianjing walked through the hole and plunged into the downstream river.

Ao Tian swam in the water for a long time before he came to the surface. Gu Yun hurriedly said, "how is it?"

Aotian's face was dark and he didn't say anything, but he just shook his head in silence.

Zhuo Qing and Gu Yun take a look at each other. Are they wrong?

Shan Yulan is very confident, said: "look again, it's easier to leave gold in the cave cracks."

Ao Tian dived into the river again. He could hardly see where he was in the water wave. Fortunately, the silver hair reflected a little light and could identify his position.

This time, when Zhuoqing was worried about what happened to him, Aotian finally broke the water again.

"Have you found it?"

Ao Tian gasped for breath and didn't answer. He just threw what he had just found under the sand and stone.

After an orange streamer, it was the sound of metal rolling. Several people gathered around to have a look. It was indeed a piece of broken gold the size of a stone. The gold should have been crushed when it was dumped into the river.

Shan Yulan carefully looked at the surface of the nugget and saw half of the official characters in one corner, which should be the stamp of the official silver. With the gold, Shan Yulan looked at Gu Yun and said, "sure enough, there is gold, and it's official silver. Your guess should be right."

It was in this way that gold was hidden in the underground river!

"Hey, come here and see what I've found!" Several people are still studying the Nuggets. The excited voice of Qianjing comes from the downstream.

When they arrived at the downstream, they saw the bright gold ingot in Qianjing's hands, smiling happily, and shouted, "Fifty Liang gold." Unexpectedly, there was gold in the underground river. He put the gold ingot on the bank. Qianjing smiled excitedly: "the water here is clearer than the one in front. There should be gold. I'll find it again."

The water of the underground river is cold. He stayed in the water for a while, and his lips have become a little purple. Seeing that he is going to dive into the river again, Zhuo Qing hurriedly said, "no, it's enough to prove that. Come on up."

Qian Jing opened his eyes and said, "it's a pity not to pick up some gold." Fifty two gold!

Saying that, he wants to dive again, Zhuo Qing is half dead and roars: "Qian Jing! You want money, not life! These gold are all official silver, and it's not yours to get them. Come on up to me. " Talk all began to shake, he actually still refused to go ashore, is to have much love money!

A listen to gold to turn over, dry Jing disappointed to turn over his mouth, and finally climbed to the shore.

Shan Yulan picked up the gold ingot found by Qian Jing. This piece is relatively complete. You can see clearly the stamp of "Treasury official silver" under the gold ingot. This gold is definitely the gold lost in that year.

Holding the gold in his hand, Shan Yulan said slowly in a soft voice, "since I have the clue of the gold case, I will report it to the imperial court immediately and investigate it again."

This means that the DPRK and China need to experience some wind and rain.

Shan Yulan goes back to write the book. Su Yu seems to have been hurt when he was training. Gu Yun rushes back to the general's mansion. Zhuo Qing goes back to Xiangfu bored. It's still early. Zhuo Qing is going back to the moon building to mend her sleep.

Walking on the path of Xiangfu, the melodious music comes from the ear, which is lower than that of guzheng. It is gentle and pleasant, like a soft hand, caressing your heart. There is a kind of power to pacify people in the music. Zhuo Qing didn't know how to play the piano, and she was not good at the melody, but she was also fascinated by the whispering sound, and her feet unconsciously went to the place where the sound sounded.

The music came from the courtyard of louxi dance. It was unexpected that louxi dance had such a musical skill. It was indeed a famous family. She really admired her.

Zhuo Qing is also the first time to walk into the courtyard of louxi dance. The bright azaleas are planted all over the courtyard. It's just in the flowering season. The light pink flowers make the courtyard beautiful.

In the courtyard, there is a very large pavilion, surrounded by thin plain white light gauze, which can vaguely see the beautiful figure of Lou Xi dance. Zhuo Qing chuckles. This little girl can create an atmosphere. In this way, she is not as noisy and arrogant as usual. She has a lot of temperament.

A closer look showed that there was a plain white figure in front of the courtyard. He had his back to her, white clothes like snow, black hair like ink. He sat on the ground freely and casually, with a dark red Guqin on his knee. He walked up the string with long and delicate fingers. The beautiful music flowed gracefully. It was him who played the piano!

Ink hair white clothes, just a back, but has shown a clean and indifferent temperament. She can't see his appearance, but Zhuo Qing has determined in her heart that this person must be indifferent and peaceful, elegant and refined. She can't tell why. She has this feeling.

Is he from Xiangfu?

There is such a person in Xiangfu. Who is he?