A Mistaken Marriage Match: A Generation of Military Counselor

Chapter 355

Qingfeng realizes that it's not a contraceptive at all, but a drug to make her pregnant faster. Damn!

"Tuckahoe, don't tell me about it." She didn't want to have another child. The child came so suddenly that her heart was in turmoil.

The master grabbed her palm and was sweating. Poria just wanted to ask her what happened. When she looked at the warm jade that the green maple was hanging on her waist, she understood what the master was flustered about. She gently helped her to the bedside. Poria whispered back, "yes, the maid won't say it."

Yan Han, lying alone in bed, was left out for too long, babbling, tuckahoe walked over and held him in his arms. Yan Han was almost one year old, shrinking in tuckahoe's arms and looking around. He was very familiar with the person Qingfeng, who would see every few days. Seeing Qingfeng still dazed, Yan Han stretched out his small hand and wiped away Qingfeng's face.

At the moment, Qingfeng is in a state of uneasiness. Suddenly, her face is warm. Her white soft hands touch her face all the time, and she pinches her face mischievously. If Qingfeng is shocked, her heart seems to be grasped by this small hand. It's a blank without any panic.

Poria didn't notice for a while, and the little guy in her arms made a bad impression. Seeing that Qingfeng's face was very far away, Poria hurriedly carried the little ancestor away. The master doesn't like to get close to this child. He doesn't even hold him at ordinary times. Now Will she be angry?

Poria looked at Qingfeng nervously, only to see her stay for a while, but she didn't get angry after returning to her mind. She just waved to her and said, "take him back first."

"Yes." Tuckahoe breathed a sigh of relief, holding Yan Han out of the house. Standing outside the room, tuckahoe was worried about the master. The arrival of this child should be a good thing, but not a good thing.

"Sister Fuling, I'm afraid it's going to rain. I'll take an umbrella for you."

Tuckahoe once came back to her senses. A little maid stood by. She had never seen her before. She may be the one who was chosen by Ruyi. Ruyi made a compromise when she did things. The Qingfeng hall was well organized, and the people who were chosen were also very discerning, careful and pleasant.

Tuckahoe looked up and saw the sky. It was really dark. It seemed that there would be a heavy rain. Tuckahoe nodded gently and said, "OK."

After a while, the little maid took a big black umbrella and handed it to tuckahoe. She said with a soft smile, "this umbrella is bigger."

Tuckahoe took over, handed the umbrella to the old mammy who was following her, and turned out of the breeze hall.

In the summer, the rain came down. Fortunately, there was an umbrella. Some of them came back to Yongle Palace in embarrassment. Tuckahoe changed a dress for the child and gave it to Mammy to hold. They were going to go back to the room to change a dress. When they passed the porch, they found that the umbrella which was placed obliquely by the door was familiar to them, much like the umbrella which had been placed in the main room for a long time.

Tuckahoe opened the umbrella and found two small characters on the handle. Tuckahoe smiled a little. It must be the little maid who saw the big umbrella and brought it. Tuckahoe picked up the dry cloth and carefully wiped the umbrella surface. He planned to dry the umbrella and put it away. Next time he went to the Qingfeng hall, he would take it with him. After all, the lady was very precious at that time.

When wiping the handle of the umbrella, tuckahoe accidentally looked at the two words on his eyes.

"Why?" How so familiar?

Qi Yu

Qi Yu! It's not Is Mingze's word? Why is Mingze's character engraved on the umbrella that Niang cares about? Outside thunder bursts, tuckahoe stay in place, brain a blank, umbrella in hand fell to the ground also don't know.

It was a night of torrential rain. The rain seemed to fall from the sky. Mingze could only stand on the porch to watch the night. He leaned against the pillar of the corridor and stared at the yard. The rain fell on the bluestone board and splashed water mist.

At this time, the door which had been closed suddenly opened. It's past midnight. It's time to rest. Mingze stood up alert and stared at the door. Tuckahoe's thin figure came out. Mingze's tense nerves slowed down. Sometimes he was on duty at night. Tuckahoe often made some food for him, but it was not as late as today.

Mingze just wanted to keep her eyes open, but found that Poria cocos today is different from the past. The water splashed on the stone steps beside the corridor by the heavy rain splashed her skirt. She stood at the door of the room, her eyes slightly red, and her eyes stared at him strangely.

Mingze frowned slightly, and did not walk past, looking back at her indifferently.

"You and the master have known each other for a long time, haven't you?"

It rained heavily, and the voice of tuckahoe was almost drowned by the rain. Mingze was a martial artist. Naturally, she heard her words, and there was a flash of surprise in her cold eyes. Mingze walked towards her slowly, but did not answer her words.

Tuckahoe stared at the still silent eyes, and his voice trembled. I don't know whether it was because of panic or anger. "That rainy night, you gave the umbrella to the master, so you knew it a long time ago. That day, in the inner room, you rushed in, you held her..."

"What are you talking about?" Mingze drinks in a low voice, his face is gray, and interrupts what Poria wants to say.

Tuckahoe also knew that if someone else listened to this, what would happen? He took a deep breath and didn't go on. Mingze saw that she seemed to be calm for a while. He didn't want to explain anything to her. He turned around to go. Unexpectedly, Poria suddenly came forward and grabbed his sleeve.

"In fact, what you did before is not helping me at all, but helping her, isn't it?" Other, she can not ask, but this matter, she wants to know, want an answer.

Mingze's eyebrows were twisted again. He didn't want to help tuckahoe at first, but she was a close female official of Qingfeng. He paid more attention to her. Later Later, I found that she was very good, conscientious, sincere to others and paid more attention to her.

But What's the answer to this question?! Mingze is inexplicably upset.

Mingze's silence, in tuckahoe's view, is the default. It's no wonder that he always helps her out, but he is very indifferent to her. She used to comfort herself. His temperament was so cold, and because of his coldness, he helped her again and again to remind her how he could do it without other feelings.

It turned out that everything was her own wishful thinking.

Tuckahoe thinks he's stupid. He's been flirting for so long. Tuckahoe laughs at himself. He must think she's funny.

Loosen the hand that pulls his sleeve, Fu Ling turns to run into the house.

Mingze was just thinking about how to answer the question of Poria cocos. At the next moment, his sleeves were loose and the door snapped shut in front of him.

This night, Mingze stared at the closed door and listened to the thunder outside. For a while, he couldn't calm down.

"Ah --"

in the rainy night, under the thunders, a scream suddenly sounded. In the dark, Qingfeng sat on the bed, his face was white, his forehead was full of sweat, and his long hair was wet and sticky on his neck. He gasped for fear, and his throat was so dry that it would burst into flames.

"Mother?! Are you okay? Have you had a nightmare? " Ruyi, buttoning her blouse, walked into the inner room and saw that Qingfeng was still frightened. She poured out a glass of water and took it to the bed. "Niang, drink some water."

Qingfeng's hand was still shaking. She took the tea cup and poured down the water in a hurry. After drinking two cups of water, she felt her dry throat, comfortable and her heart settled down. Pass the empty cup to Ruyi. Qingfeng whispers, "it's OK, you You step back. "

Since the death of the prince Zhi, the lady would not allow people to stay in the study next to her at night. Ruyi could not help but quit the house.

Qingfeng lies on the bed and can't sleep any more. She just dreamed that she seems to be back in the dark prison. It's cold and dark around her. A cold hand grabbed her hand and foot and tore her. When she couldn't struggle, a foot suddenly kicked her belly hard -

Qingfeng took a breath of cold air and held it tightly to her stomach. No I wish I could remember everything in my dream again. Why does she dream of prison again? Is because today tuckahoe told her that she was pregnant, afraid to do this nightmare? Will this nightmare not come true?

Suddenly a vague shadow passed in my mind. It was the woman in the prison. She Who is it? Why has she been locked up for so many years? Qingfeng suddenly became interested in her. Maybe she should go to see her.

Yan Hongtian hasn't come to the Qingfeng hall for more than half a month since he was drunk last time. It's past the time of Hai that night. Ruyi comes and says that Qingfeng asked him to go there. He's worried about what happened to her. Yan Hongtian rushes to the hall and pushes open the door. Unexpectedly, he sees Qingfeng sitting alone on the swing under the tree. The skirt corners turn and the ink hair lingers.

Yan Hongtian was in a trance for a moment. She seemed to see her a year ago. At that time, she was sitting quietly on the swing with a light smile on her lips.

Green maple saw him, slightly raised his hand to call him over, smiled: "tonight's stars are very beautiful, sit with me for a while."

He hasn't seen Qingfeng smile like this for a long time. Yan Hongtian seems to be bewitched. He goes to Qingfeng and sits down. Qingfeng raised his head and looked at the sky with some obsession. For a long time, he asked in a low voice, "I heard that when people die, they will become stars in the sky. Do you think there are so many stars in the sky, is there a sincere child?"

Yan Hongtian's heart ached suddenly. At the same time, he knew deeply that now, after all, it wasn't a year ago.

"Yes?" Green maple asked persistently.

"Yes." Yan Hongtian answers coldly.

"Which one?"

Yanhongtian's hand was slightly tightened. This time, Qingfeng didn't wait for him to answer. He said softly, "that one is the brightest. It should be that one. I'm dead and I don't know if I can become a star, if only I could be near zhi'er. "

"You talked too much tonight." In the past, she never mentioned zhi'er in front of him, nor would he mention zhi'er in front of her. Zhi'er is like a forbidden area for two people. Only when they don't touch it, can they maintain the superficial peace. Qingfeng is very strange tonight.

As expected, Qingfeng didn't speak any more. He swung slightly on the swing until his neck ached and Qingfeng slowly lowered his head. After a while, he said, "I want to tell you something."

As expected, something happened. Yan Hongtian is silent, waiting for her to say.