A Mistaken Marriage Match: A Generation of Military Counselor

Chapter 341

Lan'er and Xia Yin are standing by the door, looking at the crazy cry of green maple. Xia Yin is afraid to get close to them, and Lan'er's feet can't shake. He only dare to go back and say: "maidservant I'm going to prepare... "

In a short time, the small inner room moved into five or six fire pots. Qingfeng still didn't shout enough. Tuckahoe and Ruyi were not there. Lan'er didn't dare to talk much. She could only continue to put the fire pot inside. Finally, Ruyi led Wang Yuyi and Hu Yuyi.

Enter the inner room and watch Qingfeng lie in front of the bed, rubbing the child's hand all the time. Wang Zhiyang immediately has a bad feeling in his heart. When Qingfeng hears the noise behind him, he sees Wang Zhiyang, and his eyes suddenly brighten, and he says: "Wang Yuyi, please show him, he He fell asleep He... " Green maple said more and more quietly, like afraid to wake up the bed of people in general.

"Yes." Wang Zhiyang hurriedly came to the bed. When he saw the child's dark purple face, he was so shocked that the diagnostic instrument in his hand fell to the ground with a crash. He could not care what was scattered on the ground. Wang Zhiyang shook his hands and checked the child's pulse and breath. At the moment, the inner room was very hot, but Wang Zhiyang was sweating.

Hu Yuyi looked at his expression. He went to check it. When he saw the child's face, his face turned white. He looked more frightened than Wang Zhiyang. He took several steps back and almost fell to the ground. He said repeatedly: "how could this happen? How can it be! "

Qingfeng didn't dare to ask. He just stared at him hopefully. Wang Zhiyang didn't dare to look at Qingfeng. He stepped back and fell to his knees. He shivered for a long time and said: "Prince Prince... It's dead! "

Wang Zhiyang's voice just fell. All the servants in the room took a breath of cool air and knelt down one after another. Qingfeng stood there alone, only the crackling sound of the charcoal fire in the inner room. For a while, Qingfeng moved, walked to the bedside like a ghost, gently stroked the child's dark purple face, and said softly, "don't be afraid, son, your mother is by your side, are you cold?"

"And the brazier? Bring the brazier. "

"Niang The prince has... "

Green maple suddenly turned back, his eyes were cold, and the cold eye knife came. Ruyi stopped at once. He dared not speak much, and hurriedly moved two pots to the bedside. Looking up a little, I saw Qingfeng gently rubbing the prince's hand in the palm of his hand, saying softly, "don't be afraid, it won't be cold for a while."

Ruyi shakes her hand and gets goose bumps all over her body! Other people are even more atmospheric dare not breathe.

Zhuo Qing hurried to the Qingfeng hall with Fuling, pushed the door open and went in. She saw a group of people kneeling in the inner room. She had just approached the screen, and a heat wave hit her face. Zhuo Qing found that there were seven or eight braziers in the room, and the heat was steaming. Qingfeng knelt in front of the bed, motionless.

Zhuo Qing's brow is wrinkled tightly, and her face is slightly cold. She goes to the window and pushes open the closed window lattice. The cold wind blows in front of her face, dispelling the dizzy heat.

Zhuo Qing goes behind Qingfeng and looks at the silent child in the bed. She is now clear and surprised. She just saw the child a few days ago, but she has a fever. How could she die like this? Zhuoqing said to the kneeling man, "let's go out and carry the fire pot away." The servants in the Qingfeng hall all looked up and tuckahoe nodded slightly. They dared to take the fire basin and retreat. The two royal doctors also trembled and walked out of the house.

Zhuo Qing squatted down and cried, "green maple?"

Qingfeng is still staring at the child in bed, ignoring other voices.

Zhuo Qing is helpless. She seems to sigh a little. She grabs Qingfeng's shoulder and turns her around to face herself. In a cold voice, she says, "Qingfeng, wake up!"

For a long time, Qingfeng gently said: "sister?" Her white skin looks gray now, and her black and white eyes are a little chaotic.

Zhuo Qing whispered back, "it's me."

"He He fell asleep... "

The low murmur heard Zhuo Qing's heart ache, and his voice softened: "I know, you go to the side, let me see if he is OK?"

Green maple Leng for a while, some dazed nod.

"Tuckahoe." Qingfeng makes a wink. Tuckahoe immediately comes up to him and holds Qingfeng, who is obviously weak. He wants to help her to rest in the chair outside. However, Qingfeng sits down beside the bed. Tuckahoe can only accompany her.

The child is lying on the bed quietly. His face, eyes and lips are purple gray. Zhuoqing opens the child's mouth gently. He can see that his throat is red and swollen. It looks like he died of respiratory failure. Zhuoqing picks up the child slightly. There is a slight body spot on his body. Zhuoqing frowns. Although the temperature in the room is too high, it will make the appearance of the body spot earlier, but It's too fast. Turn over the child, Zhuo Qing carefully observed, the brow could not help wrinkling more tightly.

The general body spot should be dark purple red, but the child's body spot is taupe, isn't it

Zhuoqing whispered, "Poria."

Tuckahoe saw the green maple sitting quietly, silent and quiet, and walked to Zhuoqing at ease.

"Who will take care of the children in the afternoon."

"Yes, maidservant."

Zhuo Qing continues to check whether there is any injury to the child's body, and asks calmly: "do you hear the child's voice of shortness of breath or crying?"

Poria thought for a moment and said, "no, the little prince drank milk at noon and medicine prepared by the royal doctor. He fell asleep soon and was quiet all the time."

Medicine? Zhuo Qing raised her head and asked, "where is the medicine?"

"I've finished." Today's dosage is very small. She watched the master feed the emperor.

"And the dregs?"

Dregs? Tuckahoe seems to understand Zhuoqing's meaning, and immediately said: "maidservant now to find." Tuckahoe walked two steps, looked back at the green maple who sat on the foot of the bed with slightly sluggish eyes, couldn't help worrying. Tell Ruyi to take good care of Qingfeng and tuckahoe runs to the Royal Medical garden.

Zhuo Qing holds the child's hand to check. Her fingers are relaxed without any damage. The child's hands are naturally relaxed on both sides of the body from the beginning, and there is no damage on the body and face. According to Poria, she doesn't hear the crying of the child, which is not right. Whether it's respiratory failure caused by poisoning or disease, death is very painful. The child should be able to Struggle, will try to cry, and should not be so calm.

Zhuo Qing has a headache at the moment. This matter is suspicious. To find out the cause of death of the child, we can only dissect the corpse and make a pathological test, so as to determine whether the child is caused by pathological respiratory failure or poisoning, and solve such a quiet mystery when he died.

Just autopsy Zhuo Qing looks at the green maple beside her, her expression is dull, but her eyes are not willing to leave the child in bed for a moment.

When Zhuo Qing was in trouble, a shrill announcement and disorderly footsteps came from the outside of the hospital --

"the emperor is coming!"

"The Empress Dowager is here!"

"Here comes the queen!"

When they come, they won't have another chance to contact their children. Zhuo Qing said to a maid nearby, "find me a clean silk right away."

Ruyi is stupefied for a moment, then she immediately pulls out a small silk handkerchief from the cupboard behind her and hands it to Zhuo Qing. Zhuo Qing quickly opens the child's mouth, stretches the silk into the child's mouth, dips the child's saliva and the inner wall tissue of the mouth, quickly takes out and folds the silk handkerchief, and puts it into his belt.

After all this, a large group of people rushed in. Zhuo Qing takes a step back and walks to Qingfeng. So many people rush in suddenly. Zhuo Qing is afraid that Qingfeng will be stimulated. Unexpectedly, she just leans on her body a little. She stares at the child in bed without blinking. She turns a deaf ear to a group of people who suddenly come in.

Green maple is like this Something's wrong. Zhuo Qing was worried about Qingfeng's mental condition. She wanted to check it. A pathetic voice came from behind: "where is the dear grandson of the mourner?"

Zhuo Qing looked up and saw that the queen mother, with the help of the queen, stumbled all the way to the bedside. Seeing the silent people on the bed, Lou Suxin, who was always proud, cried bitterly.

"How could this happen? Empress dowager, please be careful! This miserable child... " Xin Yuening tries to persuade him, but he chokes up.

Zhuoqing frowns slightly, and suddenly feels a fierce look on her. Zhuoqing does not hesitate to look back. The owner of this look is Yan Hongtian. Two people to see less than a second, Yan Hongtian unexpectedly moved his eyes, black eyes to her side of Qingfeng. Just at the moment, green maple has no one but her son in her eyes.

For a time, only the Empress Dowager and the empress were crying. The two doctors knelt outside the screen and almost crawled on the ground. "I can't cure the prince's fever. I should die for my sins."

Zhuoqing patted Qingfeng peacefully, but his eyes were watching Yan Hongtian secretly. It is said that this is not the first child who died. Zhuoqing can't hold Yan Hongtian's spleen, but only observe his change.

Yan Hongtian finally goes to bed. Zhuo Qing sits with Qingfeng half on the ground, unable to see his expression. Zhuo Qing only sees his hand hanging on his side under the cover of broad sleeves, which has become a fist tightly. Zhuo Qing thought Yan Hongtian would be furious, but she only heard his low voice and said calmly, "send zhier back to Xiugong."

"Yes." Two bodyguards just came to the bed, have been sitting on Zhuo Qing's quiet edge of the bed of green maple suddenly moved, turbid eyes suddenly stare big, "what do you do?"

"Don't touch my son!" Qingfeng suddenly stood up, rushed to the bed, pushed away two bodyguards, the whole person lying on the child, "don't move my son!"

The two bodyguards are frozen there. They can't go forward and pull the concubines. At the next moment, Qingfeng is grabbed by yanhongtian and dragged.

Lan'er and Xia Yin are standing by the door, looking at the crazy cry of green maple. Xia Yin is afraid to get close to them, and Lan'er's feet can't shake. He only dare to go back and say: "maidservant I'm going to prepare... "