A Mistaken Marriage Match: A Generation of Military Counselor

Chapter 335

"Who?" The black shadow was too fast. Mingze stared around cautiously. Except for the noise in the distance, the place where he could see was quiet. There was almost no breath of people. When Mingze wanted to doubt whether he was too nervous, the black shadow flew out again. It seemed that he wanted to run to the back of the palace. Mingze was surprised. He had been hiding in the Bush all the time, but he didn't feel his presence at all. His martial arts were unpredictable! Mingze didn't think about it too much, so he picked up the air and chased it.

Between the ups and downs, you can see the shadow of the man in black. When Mingze chased the Empress Dowager Dongsheng palace, there was no trace of the man in black again. Ming Zejing thought about it. Tonight is the full moon feast for the little prince. The palace is heavily guarded. This man can walk freely in the palace. His lightness skill must be higher than him. It's not difficult for the man in black to avoid him. Why should he pay attention to it and let him catch up all the way?

Don't you The man in black is to distract him?! Bad, will it be a plan to divert the tiger from the mountain? Mingze had a bad feeling under his heart. He didn't dare to stay. He turned around and went to Qingfeng hall.

Mingze came to the door of Qingfeng hall, and saw that the door was still closed. He lifted his breath and jumped over the wall and landed in the door. The palace was as quiet as when he left. Only a woman dressed as a palace maid stood in the courtyard stupefied, with a few small clothes in her hand and a frightened expression on her face.

At this time, it was Shen Yao who was standing in the courtyard. After a long time, Shen Yao asked timidly, "what's the matter with you, Ming bodyguard? What's the matter?"

After confirming that there is no man in black in the Qingfeng palace, Mingze stares at Shen Yao and asks in a deep voice, "how can you be like this?" As a nanny, shouldn't you follow the prince at any time?

Shen Yao, forced by the cold black eyes of Mingze, took a step back and quickly explained: "the maid was not well today. The Empress Dowager sent two more nannies to accompany her. The maid asked the maid to go back to the room and rest. The maid stayed in the room since the afternoon. The maid hong'er took the evening meal to the room for the maid. I'm afraid you're on duty in the evening, so I don't know. "

Seeing that she was in such a hurry that her breath was slightly disordered, unlike lying, Mingze didn't continue to ask her why she appeared in the yard at the moment, and asked in a low voice, "did you find anyone or hear anything just now?"

Shen Yao thought about it, shook her head and said, "No. The maid was sleeping in the room all the time. Later, she got better. Thinking that the clothes of the little prince hanging in the yard had not been collected, she went out to collect them. As soon as they were collected, you came back. The maidservant did not see anyone else, nor did he hear anything. "


Who is that man in black? What's the matter with him breaking into the harem at night? Is it really his carelessness or his intention to fight tonight?

Shen Yao saw that Mingze didn't speak for a long time, and the cold light in his eyes became colder and colder. He hurriedly left a word in a low voice: "the maidservant leaves" and returned to the house with his clothes in his hands.

Mingze pays special attention to Shen Yao's breath and pace. She doesn't look like a martial arts person. She appears in the yard at this time. Is it really just a coincidence? There are more and more doubts in my heart. Mingze's eyes unconsciously look at the room where Qingfeng lives.

Do you want to remind her?


When the eunuch's cry rang out, there were still three arrows on Gu Yun's short crossbow, but she stopped at once. Even so, a large area of lake on the left is obviously dark, which shows who is the winner.

"There are twenty-eight left."

"There are forty-one left on the right."

It turns out that Gu Yun won not only eight bodyguards, but also very beautiful.

Holding the short bow in his hand, Gu Yun looked back at Yan Hongtian, who was staring at her, and smiled: "emperor, have I won eight of them?"

In the huge garden, not only all the officials stared at the thin figure standing against the wind on the Bank of the lake in surprise and admiration, but also the Empress Dowager smiled with satisfaction: "sure enough, women are better than men!"

Xin Yuening almost breaks the silver teeth. Although everything she does tonight is arranged according to the water core, she is really angry to let this ugly woman show off! Seeing Yan Hongtian's growing interest in black eyes, Xin Yuening said: "the emperor, the weapons she uses are not the same as those used by the guards. Is it not opportunistic and unfair?" But for the strange crossbow, she could not have won so easily.

Fair? She wants to be fair with her? Glancing at the strong man whose arm is thicker than her thigh, Gu Yun said with a sarcastic smile: "if you want to be good at something, you must first use the weapon. Even in the battlefield, the queen can't ask the enemy to use the same weapon as you do, right? I just chose to be more beneficial to myself; besides, at the beginning, it was only said that whoever shot the river lamp more deeply than others would win. It was not stipulated that I and the bodyguard must use the same weapons, or in the eyes of the queen, eight strong men were fair to me and a woman. "

As soon as this speech came out, there was a sound of detailed discussion in the Baiguan banquet. Looking up, eight strong men stood beside Gu Yun and almost drowned her. In such a contrast, the word "fairness" immediately became a joke. Xin Yuening is extremely embarrassed, holding a breath in his heart, but it is not easy to attack any more.

The splendor in Gu Yun's eyes didn't escape Yan Hongtian's eyes either. Yan Hongtian suddenly laughed and said loudly: "the East China Sea encircles and exterminates the pirates. I have an imperial order for the end of Qing Dynasty to be a military division and travel with the army."

"Emperor!" All the officials here took a breath of cool air and let the end of Qing Dynasty go with the army. Did they even appoint her as a military division? This is ridiculous. There is no reason for women to be military teachers since ancient times!

"Hundred officials questioned and even opposed, Yan Hongtian seems to have been used to, majestic said:" you have no joke

A word that the king does not have a joke to shut up everyone's mouth, how can the emperor play when he says it?

Gu Yun generously replied, "thank the emperor." Therefore, Gu Yun not only went out with the army, but also got the title of a military division.

The next Palace Banquet was naturally eating, drinking and drinking, but Baiguan was secretly observing. The emperor's face is unpredictable, the empress's face is livid, but she can't bear it. General Su seems to be full of anger, but he can't vent it. The younger sister of the Qing family who has just made the most of her fame is very calm. However, the most puzzling thing for everyone is that the younger sister of the Qing imperial concubine -

she gave birth to the dragon for the emperor, and her sisters are also very competitive. She won the exclusive favor of Lou Xiang and Su general. She can sit still There are two families supporting her in the position of wife. I'm afraid even the Empress Dowager and Empress Dowager will be afraid of her three points. Why does she look so frightened?

In such a not harmonious atmosphere, the Palace Banquet ended successfully with the queen mother saying "the little prince is tired". Yan Hongtian took the lead in getting up, but saw that Qingfeng was still sitting on the stool, his eyes were fixed on the ground a little bit, his hands were tightly clasped, and he was still slightly shaking. Yan Hongtian frowned slightly. When he came to her, he held her chin in one hand, raised her head, and asked in a low voice, "what's the matter with you?"

Qingfeng bounced up like she was greatly frightened. Her big eyes stared at Yan Hongtian in horror and daze. Yan Hongtian was secretly surprised. What's wrong with her? Isn't the end of youth intact?

It takes courage to look straight at Yan Hongtian, but now she doesn't. Qingfeng finally returns to her mind under the examination of those black eyes, struggles to step back, avoids Yan Hongtian's hand, and whispers back: "I am too tired today I'm going back to rest. " Finish saying that the green maple grass made the ceremony, let Ruyi take the child from the old mother's hand, and walk towards the direction of Qingfeng hall with the help of tuckahoe.

Looking at that seemingly elegant, but actually panicked figure, Yan Hongtian was full of interest. He even had a rare smile on his lips recently. What was it that made his beloved concubine, who was always fearless, afraid of this?

Along the way, Qingfeng's hands are dead pulling tuckahoe's arm. Tuckahoe's strength is so great that only by biting her lower lip can she suppress the groans that come to her mouth because of the pain. A group of people hurried back to the Qingfeng hall. Qingfeng pulled tuckahoe and grabbed Ruyi. The three entered the room. Qingfeng slammed the door tightly and leaned back against the wooden door. In the dim light, she could not see her face, but could hear her gasping voice.

Tuckahoe went up to support her and said, "master, what's wrong with you? What's wrong? "

After a while, Qingfeng settled down and said in a low voice, "Ruyi, take your child into the inner room and take good care of him."

Ruyi naturally sees the difference of Qingfeng, but as long as there is tuckahoe, she can't accompany her. Rueno replied, "yes." Holding the child into the inner room, after a while, he quickly lit two lights.

Through the screen, the candlelight reflected into the flower hall, Poria could finally see what green maple looked like at the moment. She stood straight, but the strength of her body seemed to be supported by the door behind her. Her eyes were closed tightly, and her hands were hanging on both sides of her body. At this moment, she seemed to be calmer than when she just entered the door.


"Let me be quiet." The mute voice let Poria cocos swallow all the questions back, can only quietly accompany in one side.

Qingfeng thinks her brain is very confused. She is confused about what happened at night. What happened in the past year? She can't do anything other people say, but today, she has seen it with her own eyes. She is a young girl with a brave demeanor. She is one enemy and eight enemies. Where is she still a young girl who is cowardly and always delicate?! Looking back on the few meetings with the elder sister and the younger sister, the way they talked, their character, their expression, their

A kind of inexplicable fear attacked her heart. Were they still sisters who grew up with themselves and lived together for more than ten years? She did not dare to reveal her doubts to anyone, but she could not get rid of them. She could not settle down for a moment!

"Tuckahoe!" Qingfeng suddenly cried out, and poria, who had been standing beside her, hurriedly replied, "here is the maid."

"Help me!"

What? Poria hasn't reflected yet. Qingfeng suddenly grabs her hand, pulls her to her side, whispers in her ear, "help me Help me check... "

The green maple represses to shiver the voice tuckahoe not to hear clearly at all, can ask only: "check what?"

"Check Qingling and qingmo! I want to know everything they do when they get to the dome! The finer the better! "

Chaqing girl and Lady Lou?! Tuckahoe never thought that the master was so frightened and cautious that he wanted to check his own relatives and sisters. Why?

"Hurry up! As soon as possible! " She really can't wait. She wants to know the truth!

Poria has never seen Qingfeng look like this, even now she has a stomach