A Mistaken Marriage Match: A Generation of Military Counselor

Chapter 314

"Master." Seeing Zhen Zhen's figure, the dancer, who had been waiting for a long time in the bushes, hurriedly came forward.

"I can only get you here." I don't know when there will be a guard patrol. Qingfeng doesn't say much anymore. He hands the little bamboo basket with the children to Wuer and says, "let's go."

Zhen Zhen Zhen took two steps and stopped suddenly. "You, be careful."

Green maple a Leng, smile way: "I will."

His eyes stayed on Qingfeng's raised abdomen. Zhen Zhen frowned and thought for a while. Qingfeng was just about to ask her what else to do. Zhen Zhen said, "be careful of the water core!" Finish saying then didn't stop, in the dance child's support, hurried away.

Mind the water core? Both Qingfeng and Fuling are shocked. The warning is strange. It's not to be careful about the queen, the empress dowager, but Water core?

I don't know why, my mind suddenly flashed the smiling eyebrows when the water core left in the afternoon, and the body of Qingfeng shook for no reason. It was intended to send Zhen Zhen Zhen back to the banquet as if nothing had happened. Now she has no idea of going to the banquet.

"Go back to the palace." Leave two words, green maple has already sat in the soft car.

"Yes." Tuckahoe shouted to the sedan chair man in the distance, "your mother is not well. Go back to the palace."

The sedan bearer was inexplicable, but he dared not say anything more. He carried the soft sedan chair back. This time tuckahoe still asked them to carry the sedan chair to the door of the room. After holding Qingfeng down, he asked them to carry the soft sedan chair away.

The people in the Qingfeng hall were driven out for most of the day, and now they are basically back. After the afternoon, everyone stays in the room tacitly, afraid to walk around, leaving only a palace girl standing far away under the steps waiting for orders.

Qingfeng enters the room, the candles are on fire, the room is clean, there is no confusion and blood in the afternoon. The half open window lattice has a breeze from time to time, which brings the elegant Begonia flower fragrance. A hot tea is placed on the short table beside the reclining chair. Qingfeng goes to the reclining chair, sits down on the reclining chair, picks up the tea cup, sips it lightly, the tea fragrance overflows, and the water temperature is suitable. Qingfeng is very happy Is satisfied, looked at a always quiet standing at the door of Ruyi, green maple mouth raised a smile, but not eager to praise.

"Tuckahoe, it's almost winter. Prepare some life needs to be sent to the cold palace."

"Yes." Thinking of seeing cold palace this morning, tuckahoe is thinking about what to prepare. "Green maple suddenly said:" also, from now on, all external claims that I moved the foetus, bedridden Before she touched qingshuixin, she had to change constantly. She didn't go out, and no one else had a chance to peep.

Tuckahoe nodded. Qingfeng held tea in his hand, neither drank nor spoke. Tuckahoe took a look at the side of Ruyi, felt clear, and turned out of the house.

Tuckahoe went out, Ruyi's heart mentioned the voice and eyes, even if she lowered her head, she could feel a deep vision on her.

"Good luck."

Gently low call, gentle and pleasant to hear, Ruyi is a tight heart.

"Niangniang......" After opening her mouth, Ruyi realized that her voice was shaking badly. She swallowed a mouthful of saliva secretly and dared not speak.

"What are you afraid of?" The soft voice is full of smile. Ruyi is frightened when she hears it. These days, she keeps telling herself to be careful and careful. But she is still young. Before, she was only in contact with father Mammy and noble beauties. She asked for some rewards with sweet mouth. She was scolded at most when she was stupid. She could kill her if she didn't serve her fingers Master. She has also been involved in the disaster of Princess Hui giving birth to her son. After today, either she will become Qingfeng's confidant, or She has to die!

Looking like a little mouse in the corner of Ruyi, Qingfeng frowned slightly and was afraid of it, but it was not what she wanted. With a slight cough, Qingfeng whispered, "you did a good job today."

Qingfeng's praise made her tense heart slightly loose, but the next sentence let her hang in the air.

"You know why?"

Ruyi thought for a while, but she didn't dare to answer. She just shook her head lightly.

"Your brother's illness is not serious. He has a good health and a long life." After saying that, Qingfeng looked up at Ruyi, who was always afraid and lowered his head, with his bright eyes full of fear and doubt.

She knew that she had chosen the right chips. Didn't Yan Hongtian ever threaten her with her sister's life before? She knew the feeling of being pinched by others. She can't tolerate any mistakes around her, and she doesn't have so much trust to give others, so she can only restrain it.

And she also believed her vision. Sure enough, next moment Ruyi seemed to understand something. She knelt down on her knees and said firmly and eagerly, "Ruyi must be loyal to her mother and try her best!"

She wants the effect to have achieved, green maple gentle smile way: "OK, get up to talk."

Rueno's rise.

"Come here."

Green maple said, Ruyi move, slowly moved to green maple side.

Looking at her careful appearance, Qingfeng shook his head and said in a low voice, "there is no one around the palace. As long as you are loyal and devoted, you will not be treated badly."

"Thank you." She finally achieved her wish and became Qingfeng's confidant. She expected that her position and money would arrive as scheduled, but somehow, her heart was full of joy and deep fear.

After the Palace Banquet, it was a song and dance performance and fireworks. On the first day of the celebration, she was very tired. Xin Yuening sat in front of the bronze mirror, rubbed her slightly sour neck, and asked the water core to help her remove the gorgeous and heavy hair ornaments. He thought that the water core had disappeared for several hours during the day, and he was discontented and asked, "where are you today?"

Hand carefully take care of the entangled hair, water core also do not hide from her, told Xin Yuening what I saw today.

"What?" After listening to the water core, Feng Mou, who was so tired that he had to close, quickly opened his eyes and said, "is there such a thing? How can there be blood without reason? "

"I have checked the soft sedan chair used by the Qing imperial concubine today, but I haven't found any traces of blood in it. However, I have also checked the dregs of the medicine Lin Yuyi gave to the Qing imperial concubine, which is the prescription for nourishing blood and Qi after childbirth."

"Xin Yue coagulates willow eyebrow tiny Cu, low murmur way:" her child hasn't been born, drink what postpartum blood nourishing Qi medicine

Wait, postpartum?! And... Blood?! Xin Yuening's face changed. He didn't know whether he was too frightened or too excited. His voice changed a little: "don't you Has her child miscarried? " It's no wonder that Qingfeng doesn't let Wang Yuyi diagnose and treat him. He must find Lin Feng. He also drove all the people out of the Qingfeng hall. The more he thought about it, the more he thought about it, the more he thought about it. Xin Yuening tapped the table, a little resentful and a little complacent. "It must be so! What a green maple! Does she want to continue pretending to be pregnant, and then change her ways? It's a delusion! "

Xin Yuening was overjoyed, and the water core was still as calm as ever. The voice of Qingrun continued faintly: "but in the days of 1898, Qingfei was going to a banquet in a soft sedan chair. When she was halfway there, she suddenly said that she was not feeling well and turned back to Qingfeng Hall." She guessed that Qingfeng must be plotting something in secret. It's still uncertain whether it's a miscarriage. What Qingfeng does today is to be in a hurry and neglect to prepare for it, or to intentionally introduce people into it. She can't see through it for the moment.

"She must have done it to hide her eyes. In the end, she didn't dare to go to the banquet." Xin Yuening suddenly stood up, pushed away the water core to help her undress, and said eagerly, "no, I'll go back to the Empress Dowager and see how long she can hold it!"

The water core pressed Xin Yuening's shoulder, "master, please be calm. There is no real evidence for this, and during the celebration, it is not suitable to disturb the emperor and the Empress Dowager. If her child is still alive, it's not good for you to let her take the opportunity to make trouble and make the emperor angry. "

"Here..." Thinking of Yan Hongtian '

Validation? The corners of the water core mouth are light, the eyes are shining, and then the soft voice replies, "yes."

I really should try her

The early winter night came very early. The sun had been swallowed by the evening clouds before the bright moon came to the top. The gray sky covered a dark veil for the originally beautiful Jiuqu bridge. A black shadow half sat on the bridge fence, holding a white steamed bun in his hand, casually breaking the steamed bun and throwing it down the pond. At his feet, he gathered a lot of Koi, competing for food, In the night, the dancing red shadow is very good-looking. Unfortunately, the man seems not to be interested in enjoying the fish. His indifferent eyes stare at the calm water surface in the distance and ignore the beauty in front of him.

"Mingze." There was a slightly joyful male voice behind. Mingze pinched the hand of the steamed bread, and saw a slight helplessness in his eyes. He sprinkled all the steamed bread crumbs in his hand into the pond. The koi, which had been crowded together, was even more eager to eat, which aroused many water flowers and splashed the man's clothes.

"Not worth it today?"

Ming recommended just casually asked, Ming Ze cold way back: "just going."

After that, Mingze turns around and wants to walk away from the people behind him. Mingjian seems to have guessed that he would have this kind of action. He lifts it casually and stops the people who are eager to leave.

Mingjian is quite reluctant and aggrieved in his heart. He is really attentive to his brother, but he never has a good face. It's been a tacit understanding for many years. Mingjian knows the key point of talking with Mingze. Instead of talking nonsense, he said: "the imperial city is well guarded and orderly. The emperor is very satisfied with this celebration. After that, it must be rewarded. I plan to transfer you to Qianyang palace to protect the emperor. Although the official position has not changed, the future is much better than now. If you don't want to be restrained, then You can also transfer to the gate guard office to manage the palace gate. There are already candidates for the east gate. You can choose other gates by yourself... "

"No." The cold voice interrupts Mingjian's words. Before Mingze lifts his feet again and leaves, another female voice, obviously in a hurry and anxious voice, shouts: "Jianer, don't listen to his nonsense!"

Along with this low cry came a woman of 40 years old, with slight raised eyebrows and deep dimples on her well maintained cheeks, which made her look like she was always smiling. A peach red Confucian skirt that was not suitable for her age did not look abrupt on her. From the other end of the Jiuqu bridge, the woman came to the two and raised a big smile at Mingjian. Mingjian stepped back and whispered, "Shiyi."