A Mistaken Marriage Match: A Generation of Military Counselor

Chapter 309

How to take the risk? Qingfeng's face was cold, and poria's heart was filled with intense unease. The master and son had a strong temper, but they were still in a hurry. She didn't say that she would take risks in such a dangerous thing as stealing the Empress Dowager's private seal last time. This time What does she want to do?

Tuckahoe is still worried. Qingfeng has turned her head and whispered in her ear.

Qingfeng's voice is very light and the speed of speech is not fast. Poria is listening to the cold sweat. The soft words are like a heavy hammer. The more she listens to them, the more fragile her heart is. At this time, Poria is glad that she lowers her head. She thinks her face must be blue and white at the moment.

It's not easy for Qingfeng to finish. Tuckahoe only feels that her voice is shaking like her heart. "Master, you can't take any risks..."

"Go." Qingfeng didn't let Fuling finish talking. Naturally, she knew what Fuling was worried about. If she put Zhen Zhen in her shoes now, even if she and her child died in the end, it would not involve her. But if she intervened, she would be a little bit lost. Her crime would be more serious than witchcraft. It's enough to kill her several times just by murdering the royal blood. But... That's two lives? It should be for an unborn child, for the sake of Zhen Zhen, for myself, and for Yan Hongtian, this risk is worth taking!

Poria cocos did not move for a long time. Qingfeng sighed and said firmly, "go."

Facing those calm and determined eyes, tuckahoe has to compromise. Qingfeng's determination and decisiveness were her appreciation and admiration. Now she only feels powerless and helpless. Tuckahoe got up and went to Qianyang palace.

"Where is tuckahoe going?" Tuckahoe just walked a few steps, a hand stopped her way.

Tuckahoe raised his head, smiled at Gao Jin's apologetic smile, and replied, "the master is not well, I'm afraid that he can't go back, and the maid is going to prepare the soft sedan chair."

Tuckahoe knew that Gao Jin looked at her. She didn't dare to look at him. She was afraid that his slightest emotion fluctuation would be seen by him. For a long time, tuckahoe has been moistened behind a piece, Gao Jin finally put down his hand, tuckahoe secretly relieved, slightly leaned over and walked away quickly.

At this time, Lin Feng was also found by the eunuch. He was just a five product royal doctor, and his forehead was full of sweat from the crowd. Being brought to Qingfeng, Linfeng quickly knelt down to salute: "Qingfei Niang." I don't know if it's an illusion. Lin Feng always feels that there is a line of sight staring at him on the throne, which makes Lin Feng's back cold.

Qingfeng was very indifferent and didn't let him get up. He just put his hand gently on the table in front of him. Lin Feng hurriedly felt her pulse. The pulse was still peaceful, just a little fast. There was nothing wrong with it. But he was asked to feel the pulse on the ceremony. There could be no reason. What would he say later? Lin Feng's heart was tangled, his brows were tightly wrinkled, his hands were afraid to leave from his wrists, and he was worried and flustered.

With a slight cough, Qingfeng took out his handkerchief, covered his mouth and nose, and whispered, "listen, Lin Feng, Princess Hui is going to have a baby. Now she has a hard time giving birth. You can go back to the imperial medical center and take the best herbs and medical instruments to the Qingfeng Hall later."

Princess Hui Dystocia...

Because he is still kneeling on the ground, Blue Maple's deep words are pouring into his ears, and Lin Feng is numb and speechless.

Lin Feng's face was gray, and Qingfeng was impatient. He took back his hand and said in a cold voice, "whether you can live or not depends on today. We don't need to tell you what to do."

If Princess Hui dies in the cold palace because of childbirth, Qingfeng can leave her completely. He was the imperial doctor of Princess Hui, and he can't escape! Dare not have a hesitation again, Lin Feng is urgent way: "yes, corporal this goes to prepare!"

Lin Feng just got up, Gao Jin didn't know when he was standing not far behind him. "Lin Yuyi, how is the body of concubine Qing?"

Strong self-determination, Lin Feng back with a worried face: "Niangniang Qi is weak, should be quiet, today's celebration of many voices miscellaneous, afraid of being scared, moved some fetal gas, or should send Niangniang back to rest earlier, Xiaguan back to the imperial court to get some diagnostic equipment, and then to the Qingfeng hall to Niangniang diagnostic treatment."

It seems that he doesn't look as simple as just moving a little bit of vital energy. Gao Jin doesn't embarrass him anymore and lets him go.

It's also smashing tea cups, and it's xuanyuyi. The performance of the celebration is not over yet. Qingfeng has attracted too much attention. Looking up slightly at the person on the high position, Yan Hongtian's face is cold and his black eyes are cold, as if he has never cared about what happened to her. Qingfeng is a little blocked in his heart, but refuses to admit that he is disappointed.

Qingfeng didn't see Yan Hongtian. Instead, he collided with Xin Yuening's arrogant and jealous eyes. At the moment, Qingfeng didn't want to talk to her. He raised his voice and said, "Ruyi, help this Palace back."

When tuckahoe is around, Ruyi can't stand beside Qingfeng. She has been following Qingfeng for several steps. She carefully sees some strange places, but she doesn't know what it is. At the moment heard green maple call her, dare not neglect to welcome up.

Ruyi helps Qingfeng to get up with some difficulty. In order to look like leaving the table in the middle of an uncomfortable way, Qingfeng covers his stomach with one hand and walks slowly to the back of Qianyang palace.

Zhuo Qing sits with her family not far away from Qingfeng. As soon as she stands up, Zhuo Qing finds that her feet are soft and weak. It seems that she is very sad. Zhuo Qing subconsciously looks at Yan Hongtian at once, and sees that the eunuch, the chief eunuch named Gao Jin, is in his ear and doesn't know what to say. Yan Hongtian's face is getting darker and darker, but he doesn't have the next move. He just explains two things Sentence, continue to stare at the expressionless jade Han on the high platform, Gao Jin is chasing after Qingfeng.

Zhuo Qing smiled, thinking that Yan Hongtian was still in love with Qingfeng. Qingfeng thought that he was also in love and hate with him. Unfortunately, it was a cold and strong nature, destined to be less happy.

Qingfeng left the table in the middle of the way, but the emperor also let her, even the Empress Dowager acquiesced. Xinyue got stuck in his throat with a breath and said: "it's really delicate, so we should rest in the Qingfeng hall. Why bother to come out and beg for bad luck?"

Lou Suxin is also very unhappy about Qingfeng's sudden departure, but now she is with royal blood, even if she is pretty, she can connive. After all, Yan Hongtian's children have been unhappy. The Queen's discontent, she should only have not heard.

Water core quietly stands behind xinyuening, looking at the direction of Qingfeng's departure.

It's not easy to escape from the noisy celebration scene. Before Qingfeng can relax, Gao Jin catches up with him. "Empress Qingfei, there is a chariot in Qianyang palace. Wait a moment..."

Qingfeng shook his head, pretending to be worried and said: "no, the chariot in Qianyang palace is for the emperor's use. Today's celebration, there are many people going in and out of the palace, which makes people see that it's not good. Tuckahoe has gone to prepare. The senior manager doesn't have to bother to arrange it."

"That's what the emperor means. You don't need to worry."

Yes What does he mean? Qingfeng's face is a little Ji. The boredom caused by Yan Hongtian's indifference seems to have subsided. But Gao Jin's words were so blocked that Qingfeng didn't know how to take it on. Fortunately, Poria was just coming, followed by a soft sedan chair which was carried by eight people. The sedan chair was very big, like a pony car, enough for Qingfeng to lie down and enter. While Qingfeng was relieved, his heart also mentioned his voice. Before Poria came to GAOJIN, Qingfeng said to Gao Jin, "Poria is coming, so it's no trouble to go high Steward, there should be other orders from the emperor. Please help me. "

Gao Jin didn't say anything more. Go back and get back to life. Ruyi's strange discovery is that after Gao's departure, tuckahoe, who was not fast in the distance, suddenly quickened his pace and almost ran to her mother's side. What's more, the sedan chair just stopped. Qingfeng immediately opened the curtain and sat in. Tuckahoe also said to the sedan chair man in a very impatient way: "go quickly."

Eight people's sedan chair, the sedan chair man's foot strength is very good, Ruyi trots to catch up. Fortunately, after passing this palace road and turning a corner, Ruyi comes to the Qingfeng hall. Ruyi breathes heavily, but there is no stagnation at his feet. He moves forward in a sullen way, only to find that Poria in front of him suddenly stops. Ruyi looks up and sees that a team of 20 people's guards and their generals face to face Block in front of the soft car.

"Who is in the soft car?"

The general looks calm. He has a long sword on his waist. He has the spirit of martial arts. He speaks loudly. His rank should not be low.

Tuckahoe saw Mingze standing behind the general at a glance. He was a little pleased. Although he was cold, he always seemed to help them, which was obviously much more difficult. Heart health worry filter, tuckahoe or calm step forward, back: "is the concubine."

"Concubine Qing?" The general still refused, and his words were somewhat disrespectful. "In today's celebration, no chariot is allowed in the palace. Don't you know that lady?"

Tuckahoe frowned a little, she did not know, but now it is not a word that can be said. Tuckahoe was speechless for a long time, and Ruyi behind said in a low voice: "the empress moved some vital energy in the celebration, which was ordered by the emperor to send her back in a soft sedan chair." She had just heard that Senior Manager Gao had also asked his wife to go back to the palace on the emperor's chariot, which was not a false message.

"May I have an order?" Guo Yi is obviously easy to dismiss. Tuckahoe is thinking about how to deal with it. Ruyi, after all, is old, and blurts out: "no, it's an oral order from Gao adults. If you have any questions, go to ask Mr. Gao, and you will know that if you delay the diagnosis and treatment, you will not be able to afford it. " This was a bit aggressive, but Ruyi didn't embarrass the general when she said it.

The general's face turned black and he was not easy to get angry. After all, he was the concubine with the Dragon heir. He was still thinking about whether to let him go. The two sides were locked in a deadlock on the palace road.


A murmur came from the soft car. It was not heavy. It was more like a murmur that could not be controlled after trying to suppress it. The performance was over. The sound of bells and drums weakened. All the people present were people with high martial arts. The murmur was clear and fell into the public's ears.

"Who's out there?" Some weak voice of Qingfeng came from the soft car.

"The guards joined Guo Yi."

"I'm not comfortable in this palace. If you want to go back to the palace to have a rest, you can all get out of the way. If there's anything wrong, I'll take care of it."

Qingfeng has already opened his mouth, and Guo Yi takes a step back. A group of guards behind him immediately retreat to the left and right, leaving the Palace Road in the middle.

As soon as they got out of the way, the soft car passed quickly and walked towards the direction of the breeze hall.

Just now when he heard the muffled hum, Mingze noticed that there was something wrong. The soft sedan chair passed by him, and he smelled the faint smell of blood. Mingze looks up without trace. He saw a drop of dark red water falling quietly at the place where the soft car stopped.

Ming Zexin's next move is Bloodstains? Why did she hide it? Is it really just the vital energy? Or...