A Mistaken Marriage Match: A Generation of Military Counselor

Chapter 264

Tuckahoe gently shook his head, and said, "my maid has studied in the women's Hospital for several years, and has roughly learned some pharmacology."

It turned out to be a doctor. Huang Jiao nodded and smiled contentedly, "OK, come here, I'll tell you something to pay attention to in the future."

"Yes." Poria cocos follows Huang to the outer chamber.

In early summer, the sun through the pink and purple curtains, fell down on the floor of the fluorescence, stretched out his waist, Qingfeng got up and walked to the window lattice, took a deep breath, the faint fragrance of flowers came with the breeze, refreshing, refreshing, refreshing, delicate light pink flowers competing, blooming between the flowers, although not as elegant as peony, but more delicate. Xin Yuening is right. This piece of peony is really the best, but she prefers the clear and lofty one of Begonia in autumn. Thinking about it, Qingfeng suddenly said, "Lan'er, find me a coat."

"Yes." Lan'er brought a yellow goose flower palace dress to wear for Qingfeng. Qingfeng lifted the curtain and walked out of the palace.

Lan'er didn't dare to neglect and hurriedly followed: "Niang, where are you going?" Xia Yin immediately brought a paper umbrella. The noon sun can make people faint. It's not a good time to go out and enjoy the flowers.

"Just walk around. You don't have to follow me." Tuckahoe sent Huang Jiao out to walk back. Qingfeng reached out and said, "tuckahoe, help me out for a walk."

"Yes." Tuckahoe takes the umbrella in Xia Yin's hand and holds the green maple out of the breeze hall.

Lan'er is slightly annoyed and complains in a low voice: "sister Xia Yin, that tuckahoe is good at medicine and flatters her mother. Where can we stay after the Qingfeng hall?"

Put the empty medicine bowl into Lan'er's hand. Xia Yin arranges the bed curtain and replies, "just do your own thing. Can I help you and me if you want to spoil someone?"

Skimming, Lan'er murmured back, "I see."

Lan'er comes out of the hall with a medicine bowl. Xia Yin looks around. After he is sure that there is no one around, he takes something out of the sleeve and quietly tucks it under the pillow of green maple.

At noon, the masters and children naturally rest in their own palaces, and there is no one on the palace road. In the distance, a light green paper umbrella and two thin figures came. In the hot sun, they came slowly with light steps, which seemed to bring a trace of cool for this impetuous summer afternoon.

"Tuckahoe, you should know Lou Xiyan, he? How are you? "

Tuckahoe thought for a while, and then whispered back, "I don't know who I am, because I haven't had any contact with the building. Only the people in the Palace said that he was modest and refined, and he was the most important subject of the emperor. "

For a long time, Qingfeng suddenly asked, "he, has he got a wife?" The elder sister is gentle and elegant. She is really aggrieved to be a concubine. But would a person like Lou Xiyan have no wife or family?

"Lou Xiang hasn't got a wife, but?"

Before tuckahoe had finished speaking, a group of white fluffy things suddenly sprang up among the flowers beside the road and jumped onto the green maple's legs.

"Ah!" The sudden change made Qingfeng cry out. He was recovering from a serious illness. He was hit hard on his leg again. Qingfeng fell back unsteadily.

"Be careful." The deep male voice sounded in the ear, a big hand firmly grasped her arm, with the support of this force, Qingfeng finally stood up straight, she just stood steady, the hand also immediately released, Qingfeng looked back, hit a pair of familiar cold eyes.

These eyes? Is he?! The man who helped her in her most difficult night, she recognized these eyes.

The man's indifferent eyes also crossed a trace of surprise, but soon disappeared. Don't open your eyes and no longer look at her. The man's indifferent attitude is like a ladle of cold water, which makes Qingfeng's original happy heart return to its place. He silently takes back his sight and looks at the things that scared her just now. The white shadow is like a cat and a dog. He bites her corner and refuses to let go. He is afraid that it will suddenly bite, but Qingfeng dare not kick it. Fortunately, another man picks it up and Qingfeng can get rid of it.

Two young palace maids were searching all the way. When they heard the cry of Qingfeng, they rushed to see the fluffy meat was well held in their arms. They were relieved. They knelt half to Qingfeng and saluted: "my maidservant is damned. They didn't take care of Xueer. They scared my mother and begged her for forgiveness."

"Cher?" Qingfeng looks at the fluffy meat in the man's hands. The white hair is very long. It looks like a dog.

Tuckahoe stepped forward and whispered in her ear, "it's the most beloved dog of Princess Chaoyun, the emperor's sister. Its name is Xueer."

So it's no wonder that although the two maids beg for forgiveness on their mouths, they don't have any fear on their faces. It's up to their master to beat the dog. Fuling's careful words are not to remind her that Princess Chaoyun is the one she can't afford to offend. The corner of the mouth is light, and the green maple replies coldly: "forget it. Don't let it run around in the future. "

"Thank you." The palace maid carefully took back the dog in the man's hand and trotted in the direction of coming.

In his thirties, the man was tall, handsome, with a long sword on his waist, which showed a kind of heroic style. But compared with the general who was fighting in the battlefield like suling, he was less heroic and powerful. He was dressed in dark red military uniform. He should be the general of the imperial forest army in the palace. His grade is not low. "Are you?" Qingfeng asked with a smile

The man replied in a deep voice: "Guo Yi, the leader of the Imperial Guard. I've seen the concubines. "

"Free." Looking sideways, he gave her a hand behind her. Now the man who has stepped back a few steps, Qingfeng asked casually, "how about you?"

"The end will be bright."

Qingfeng nodded and stopped looking at him. He said politely to Guoyi, "thank you for your help just now."

"I don't dare to. It's my duty to protect the master's safety." Guo Yi's response was respectful, but not warm. Qingfeng didn't say anything more. He took Poria along the palace road. Two people walk out far, green maple just slowed down the pace, the lip Cape raises a smile, smile directly to the bottom of the eye. Originally, his name was Mingze. His face, which was hard to see in the dim night, was so young, different from the dark skin and strong body of the general. He had a handsome face and a cool temperament. Even in the hot sun, his indifference still enveloped his whole person in the thin ice. If it were not for those indifferent and deep eyes, she would not recognize him.

The faint smile on the corner of green maple's mouth is as soft as the spring breeze blowing through willows. What makes the master's mood so pleasant? In my heart, I surmised that Poria cocos didn't ask me a question, but silently followed behind Qingfeng.

"Did you just say that Lou Xiyan has no wife or family?"

Tuckahoe collected the doubt in his eyes and truthfully replied, "Lou Xiang has not married yet, but the emperor and the Empress Dowager intend to give Princess Chaoyun to Lou Xiang." It is well known that Princess Chaoyun has been admiring Louxiang for many years. It is only a matter of time before marriage.

Is that Princess Chaoyun again? A dog is so precious. It can be seen that she has become the right wife of Lou Xiyan. What should I do for my sister?

"It's only a few days since I disappeared. I have the strength to get out of bed. It's really a fierce kitten. It seems that I'm worried for nothing." The deep voice came from a distance, and in the teasing, it was dignified. Tuckahoe knelt down quickly and cried, "long live the emperor."

Yan Hongtian! Qingfeng's hand unconsciously clenched into a fist, and her heart tightened. Even though she saw that he had a fear from her heart every time, she forced herself to turn around to face him. In the hot sun, he strode to wear the bright yellow dragon robe, and the evil spirit was replaced by the king's arrogance. As his figure got closer and closer, the pressing momentum was overwhelming. He took a deep breath. Qingfeng lowered his head and slightly bent his knees, saying, "long live the Emperor."

Yan Hongtian's black eyes flickered, raised her chin, and said with a smile, "kitten, where are your sharp claws?" Qingfeng put on the palace clothes and cleaned up. From a distance, she had a kind of demeanor, but she was not like her.

Paws? The green maple snorted coldly, and his bright eyes met Yan Hongtian's deep black eyes. He replied smilingly: "the emperor joked, the cat's claws are only suitable for catching mice and entertaining the owner. The really sharp claws will break the enemy's throat."

The voice is no longer hoarse, but the clear and moist female voice's response with a smile shows unruly and murderous spirit from time to time. Yan Hongtian is shocked and laughs: "well said!" This is the little wild cat in his mind. It's not interesting to find the toy so obedient?

Yan Tian laughs happily, tuckahoe and the little eunuch around him are scared to sweat, and Qingfeng frowns. What's so funny about this? She hates this feeling, as if she is a pet he keeps in captivity, her happiness, anger and sorrow are used to entertain him.

"The emperor, the prime minister and Shan have been waiting for a long time." The emperor flirted with his concubines, and only Gao Jin dared to talk.

Yan Hongtian nodded and walked towards the Royal study. After two steps, he stopped suddenly and said in a loud voice, "by the way, tell the respectful room that I'm here tonight?" Looking back at the green maple, Yan Hongtian said with a smile, "stay in the breeze hall."

Stay? Not luck? According to the ancestral system, only the empress can sleep with the emperor for one night. The four concubines are not right. Does the emperor want to stay in the Qingfeng hall at night? Although it's against the rules, the emperor insists on it. No one dares to say anything. Besides, Gao Jin is not happy to say many things about the bed. He replies, "yes."

Yan Hongtian leaves happily, but Qingfeng's face changes from red to green, from green to black?

"Long live the emperor?"

Yan Hongtian quickly steps into the Royal study, and the two people who have been waiting in the palace bow to salute. "Flat." With a casual wave of hands, Yan Hongtian interrupts their unfinished words. Yan Hongtian sits down on the gilded dragon chair and asks, "how are the preparations for the celebration?"

"The list of banquet guests from all over the world is being prepared by the etiquette department. All kinds of ritual utensils and objects required for the celebration are being counted and collected by the household department. The officers of the Ministry of military and the Ministry of civil affairs are being deployed. The deployment of troops is also being arranged. All departments are preparing for it and can report it to the higher authorities in the near future." Lou Xiyan replied in an orderly manner, with a safe look. He could not see that he had been waiting for half an hour in the imperial study.